Inspired by the Edgar Cayce Institute for Intuitive Studies |
Commentaries on
Soul Surfing: Intuition on the Internet
Editor's Comments by Henry Reed
We are privileged to have someone of such internet experience as Karyn Greenstreet address this question of how intuition may be trained on the internet. We can expect that as the internet sparks specific and unique effects upon those who become involved, the same will hold true with regard to intuition.
Karyn's initial article, with her report about how people can "feel" the connection over the internet, has an important implication for the study of "artificial intelligence." How smart can computers become? Can they become so smart that a human couldn't tell whether it was a person or a computer who was producing the interactive messages seen on the monitor? The famous "Turing Test," named after the researcher, Alan Turing, who invented it, was that artificial intelligence could be measured by whether or not a human could discern the computer as the author of the responses. Karyn's story shows that people can experience an intuitively felt connection with other people over the internet. The implication is that humans have an intuitive ability for sensing the presence of a human being, even over the internet. Thus no matter how intelligent the computer became in forming its responses, the human would be able to intuit that it was a computer, and not a human, who was on the other end of the interaction.
What issues do you see about the use of the internet for training intuition?
If you are aware of any intuition training sites on the internet please let us know.
To comment on Karyn's article, email to: comm-soul-surf@intuitive-connections.net