The Intuitive-Connections Network

Current Update as of October 12, 2002

Inspired by The Edgar Cayce Institute for Intuitive Studies

Edited by HENRY REED, Ph.D.

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Finding Your Mission in Life

This course is no longer offered in current format. For alternatives, email henry.reed@atlanticuniv.edu

Finding Your Mission in Life was designed for someone who is a seeker of truth - a person who feels that something is missing in his/her life and is seeking for that central purpose of why we are here in the earth at this time. In this course you will explore your own nature: what Cayce called the "personality" and the "individuality." You will engage in a self-study process that includes identifying your key talents and strengths, followed by the formulation of a personal mission statement. You will also devise ways to test your statement to see if it needs to be revised. Frequently you'll find ways that your intuitive mind has a role to play in how you both discover and live your mission.

"Let each individual know that it came into life with a purpose from God. Let each individual know that it is as a harp upon which the breath of God would play. While all may not be as prophets or as preachers, neither may all stand in the halls of learning as directors of men, now that you each have your part to do." Edgar Cayce, #281-60

Many people came to Edgar Cayce asking for guidance in find their life mission. Their reasons for seeking came from the pain of feeling that their life was meaningless and unfulfilled. They felt discontent, even when many things in their life appeared to be going well. They thought that there must be "something more" to life than what they were experiencing.

Many of us today have those same thoughts and feelings. Life seems speeded up and we are inundated by many apparently trivial and mundane details of everyday life. It is difficult for us to find the central purpose of why we are here in the earth at this time.

This home-study course was designed by Dr. Mark Thurston for the same kind of person who came to Edgar Cayce asking for a life reading: a seeker of truth, a person who feels like something is missing in his/her life.

In this course you will have a personal mentor, Raye Mathis, who will work with you, giving you feedback at certain stages. You will receive a syllabus/study guide that will provide the steps you will take through each module of the course. When your are finished with the course you will receive a certificate of completion. Another exciting element of this course is a personal psychic reading that will focus on your talents and skills (cost of psychic reading is included in tuition).


 Module One: "Discovering the Meaning of Life"
The message of this module is that all life is purposeful.You will study the story of creation and the meaning of life as presented by the Cayce readings.

 Module Two: "Finding the Real You"
In this module you will explore your own nature:what Cayce called the "personality" and the "individuality".

 Module Three: "Identifying Your Inner Resources"
Here you will examine the ingredients you need to be successful with your true calling in life: setting your ideal and assessing your talents, strengths, and abilities.

 Module Four: "What is your Mission in Life?"
This module examines the ways Cayce counseled people about how to live their life missions. You will do specific exercises based on the Cayce strategy which will help you begin to put down on paper astatement to express your "calling in life"-- your most central purpose.

 Module Five: "A Personal Research Project"
Now you will test the mission statement which you have identified.Testing your statement helps you to see if you need to make adjustments.

 Module Six: "Should You change Jobs?"
How can you follow through on what you now see as your calling in life? This module asks the question, "Should you change Jobs? "If so, how do you go about finding a job that will foster your highest purpose in life? What do the Cayce readings say about job hunting with spiritual guidance?

This course is personally mentored by Raye Mathis. Here is what she has written about her work with students on this course:

I enjoy mentoring the Mission in Life course because I love seeing the students discover talents they often never knew they had. It's fun for me to witness their realization of why they've been born and what direction their life needs to take. We have two mentoring sessions by phone and I also like the verbal, one-on-one contact with the students.

The Mission in Life course enables the student to clarify their values,
discover their strong points and their talents, and by following a structured step-by-step process, explore why they believe they're here on the earth at this time. The students seem to enjoy going through the exercises in the workbook but they especially enjoy having the psychic reading. There is always something helpful in the reading and often there will be some surprising bit of information that the student has never thought of as being applicable to their life direction. It is gratifying to me as their mentor to see them begin to test their mission statement, refining it each time they put it into practice. Many times they discover that they don't have to make major changes in their lives like quitting their "day job" in order to begin following their own personal path.

This is also a course that that the student can return to again and again. It may be very helpful to work through the course at different stages of life. The life purpose can be refined as life changes take place.

To ask questions about the course, email the mentor, Raye Mathis.


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