By Doug Richards
Here is a report of a project that yielded many insights on how
best to prepare for a psychic reading and the types of questions
that seem to result in the best answers.
By David Myers
Has anyone ever told you that "you are amazing"? Well, you are.
By Angela Thompson
Described as a "Masterclass to Tap Your Extraordinary Potential",
the Living The Field conference was organized by Lynne McTaggart,
author of The Field, and held in London, England, April, 2003.
By Henry Reed
Out on my meditative walk the idea came to me to try to write
an essay based on what two books, on very different subjects,
had in common. Perhaps a new insight would emerge that would merit
sharing it with you.
"What more does the scientific establishment require to accord
parapsychology full recognition?"
By Renee Takacs
A study of professional intuitives and their experiences helping
out in the workplace with their special skills. (An Atlantic University
Masters Thesis)
By David Myers
Book Summary by Clayton Montez
What you know, but dont know you know, affects you more than
you know. Thats the bottom line of hundreds of experiments on
the powers of intuition.
For Subscribers Only!
By Dean Brown and Wendy Wiegand
Laws of the Universe express patterns of reality that are perceived
to be invariant. When viewing from different perspectives,they
come out to be the same. Laws do not govern. They describe.
(An Adobe Acrobat file you can download, containing the entire
Sometimes scientists have spiritual or psychic experiences that
affect their work. Professor Tart has collects such stories for
a special web archive. You can read all about it here, plus read
one of the more recent stories, about a scientist who, as a teenager,
dreamed of a dead friend.
By Henry Reed
Spirituality is a mixed blessing, for while it may open the child
to the secrets of the universe, such knowledge can also be a burden
on the child. Adults face similar challenges and the parents may
find their own spiritual issues mirrored in the struggles of the
child. (A Commentary on the book by Tobin Hart, The secret spiritual
world of children.)
By Henry Reed
What will be the impact upon society and its institutionalized
religions when the reality of paranormal phenomena is generally
By Bruce & David McArthur
Book summary by Linda Brown
This book is a comprehensive examination of the Universal Laws
and combines the wisdom of Edgar Cayce with the science of HeartMath.
By Harmon Hartzell Bro, Ph.D.
The thesis of this paper is that using the term "psychic"
as the central typological designation for Edgar Cayce misdirects
serious inquiry on who he was and what he did, as well as impedes
replication of his activity, by emphasizing his acquisition of
data at the expense of the rich system of values which he both
expounded and enacted, and in which he grounded his own self-understanding
and practice.
By Captain L. Edward Van Hoose
Book Summary and Comments by Frank K. Munkel
"Verses from the New Testament verify Jesus teaching that
John the Baptist was Elijah in his past life."
By Jeffrey Mishlove
"It is the story of Ted Owens (1920-1987), who had such incredible
psychokinetic (PK) ability that he could cause lightening to strike
at a moments notice at any target he designated."
By Leonard Shlain
Book summary by Susie Pedigo
Alphabetic writing promotes left-brained, linear, logical thinking,
societies where the majority were literate developed a left-brained
way of looking at the world at the expense of the right-brained
way of pattern perception.
By F. Holmes "Skip" Atwater
Book Summary by Jed Bendix
Atwater's first encounter with "remote viewing" was
as a teenager. Skip loved to work on car engines. Atwater soon
discovered he had the ability to close his eyes concentrate and
see inside the engine. He could see broken engine components or
the oil flowing within the motor.
By Jim Schnabel
Book Summary by Dan Bales
The attempted legitimatization of Remote Viewing during the Cold
War has unfolded like a well conceived drama. But as is popularly
known about truth, it is sometimes stranger than fiction. And
like all the journeys that are perfect for our lives, we emerge
from our sagas changed.
Book Summary by Dan Bales
Born and reared amidst bureaucracy and hierarchy, Remote Viewing
as a term and concept was created to discriminate it as a subject
that is perceptual, rather than phenomenon that is purely psychic.
By Russell Targ & Harold E. Puthoff
Book summary by Jenna Cowles-Ludwig
Remote viewing (RV) is the ability to see things with the mind's
eye that are blocked from normal sight by physical constraints.
Because of impeccable, scientific experiments conducted in the
late 1970s - performed occasionally by the very skeptics that
sought to disprove them - remote viewing has been established
as a viable human skill.
By Dean I. Radin
Book Summary by Denise L. Dahl
Over three hundred years ago, the world was divided into a physical
world and a world of personal experience. But things changed
when quantum mechanics was discovered in the 1920s. Physicists
began to study things that were invisible and this forced them
to adopt the idea that they were not separate from the object
they were studying.
By Arjuna Ardagh
"Trailing clouds of glory do we come, from God who is our
home," wrote William Wordsworth. As preverbal babies, we
experience ourselves as limitlessness. At one with what we see
and feel, we have no need to define ourselves. We are both nothing
and everything. Then Iago imposes a sense of limitation, of something
missing, which we can never quite put a finger on. We can spend
an entire lifetime trying to find a satisfactory ending to the
statement "I am..."
By Robin M. Hogarth
Book Summary by Susie Pedigo
Doctors, waiters, housewives, teachers, plumbers and stockbrokers
all use intuitive judgment. Everyone does. Minor decisions or
major decisions are often made based on feeling, even when the
reason for the feeling is unclear. Intuition is knowing without
knowing why we know. It is knowledge we aren't born with, nor
do we reach it with analytic argument.
By Paul von Ward
Did you know that frontier science and ancient traditions suggest
that the real you is more than a one life-time, physical being?
What would you think if someone offered you evidence that you
have lived one or more lifetimes prior to this one? And that you'll
live again in a new body after the death of your current one?
By Joseph McMoneagle
Summary by Michael Lynch
McMoneagle gives a very clear and very specific definition of
what constitutes the protocol of remote viewing (RV). He is equally
explicit about what does not qualify as remote viewing. For him,
the key ingredient is the scientific research method known as double-blind.
By Henry Reed
Edgar Cayce consistently spoke of the highest form of consciousness,
as well as its destined goal, as the knowledge that we are simultaneous
both individuals and one with God. In one statement he gave a
clue about how to achieve this realization: "...the purpose
of the heart is to know yourself to be yourself and yet one with
By Henry Reed
I have encountered three responses to the movie. The first is
excitement that a movie addresses topics to a general audience
that are of such vital interest to members of the A.R.E. community.
The second is disappointment that the movie didnt show anything
"new," meaning what the person knew already. The third
is an expression of curiosity about how these topics, long a part
of the Edgar Cayce material, are being presented to a general
By Gregg Braden
Book Summary by Linda Brown
The book is based on the fact that the basic elements of DNA -
hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and carbon translate directly to key
letters of both the Hebrew and Arabic alphabets and that in both
alphabets they spell the name of God. What this means is that
the letters of Gods ancient name "are encoded as the genetic
formation in every cell, of every life."
By Allan L. Botkin, Psy.D. & R. Craig Hogan, Ph.D.
A Book Excerpted
Becky excitedly described to me what she experienced.
I saw my mother, she said, a broad smile across her tear-stained
face. I told her, "I love you," and she said, "I love you too."
Then she hugged me. I could actually feel her arms around me.
But at the time of this experience, Becky's mother had been dead
for five years.
By Ervin Lazlo
A Book Excerpted
Before embarking on the search for an integral theory of everything,
we should review the puzzles that are emerging in the pertinent
fields of the sciences. We should be familiar with the unexpected
and often strange findings that stress the current theories of
the physical world, the living world, and the world of human consciousness,
for only then can we understand the concepts that not only shed
light on one or the other of these persistent domains of mystery,
but also address the elements they have in common-and thus give
us a new, more integral understanding of nature, mind, and universe.
An excerpt from:
By Ervin Laszlo
After our explorations of the big questions of universe, life,
and consciousness, and the existential questions of morality,
reincarnation, and immortality, it is time to get down to the
most fundamental question of all. What is the real nature of the
world we live in?
Nearing Death Awareness (NDA) refers to the special, unusual communications
of the dying. As death approaches, the person seems to have a
unique awareness in people, places, and things around them. This
awakening gradually progresses and increases as their consciousness
shifts from here on earth to another more spiritual plane of existence.
Hence the name, Nearing Death Awareness. This Atlantic University
Master's Degree Service Project addressed the phenomenon of Nearing
Death Awareness and how it can have positive implications of spiritual
growth for both the dying and their witnesses.
By Ervin Laszlo
Book Summary By Clayton Montez, M.A.
"We are not immortal. But our experience is." So says the distinguished
philosopher and scientist Ervin Laszlo who spent 40 years researching
the significance of the Akashic record.
Book Summary by Jed Bendix
Upton Sinclair became first aware of the supernatural as a young
man when he met a Unitarian minister who claimed to be able to
talk to ghost. Several years later, Uptons wife, Mary Craig Kimbrough,
persuaded Upton to research the paranormal. As a result, from
1928 to 1930, Upton and Mary did over 300 hundred telepathic experiments.
By Rene Warcollier
Book Summary by Jed Bendix
Rene Warcollier, who Joe McMoneagle refers to as the "father
of remote viewing," conducted very interesting experiments
in ESP. During his research, Rene developed three concepts crucial
to understanding and performing ESP. The concepts involve: models
of the mind, information transfer, and signal-to-noise ratio.
By Michael J. Cox
Radionics is a science, sometimes called a spiritual science,
which utilizes an instrument to scan a person, animal, crop or
nearly anything to determine the well being of the subject.
By Ervin Laszlo
Book Summary by Clayton Montez
Findings at the cutting edge of modern science imply that the
cosmos is pregnant with meaning for our life. We are not isolated
from everything else in the universe, but an integral part of
it. The insights of technological science are coming together
in the belief that Intelligence is involved in the formation of
the universe and that there is mind and purpose that guides us
to realize our human potential.
By Dean Radin
Book Summary by Denise L. Dahl
The word "entanglement" was coined by one of the founders of quantum
theory Erwin Schrodinger. It refers to the connections between
separated particles that remain connected regardless of distance.
These connections are instantaneous and operate outside the usual
flow of time. This implies that seeing things as separate objects
is in a sense an illusion created by our limited perception. Bioentanglement
has to do with quantum connections with and among living systems.
In fact, entanglement may extend to everything in the universe.
A Memo from A.R.E. Staff to those who inquire about a recommendation concerning a reputable psychic
From the perspective of the Edgar Cayce readings, each of us is
our own best psychic. Whether the information comes from a hunch,
an intuition, our dreams, or synchronicity, each of us possesses
a wealth of internal guidance that can be drawn upon whenever
we need it. In fact, the Cayce material suggests that our true
natural state is psychic and that as we progress spiritually in
our lives we will have more personal experiences with this psychic
dimension of our beings.
Still, there are times in life when we
may feel the need to receive external guidance. Just as it is
appropriate for individuals to seek out help from a doctor, a
counselor, a minister, or a trusted friend, there may be occasions
when we feel the need for intuitive information from a professional.
By Andrea Flew
I offered a friend who was going through a period of transition,
an opportunity to practice developing intuition for guidance by
engaging with memories and dreams to reflect and analyze guidance
contained in their stories. I found the whole experience to be
affirming of my potential to contribute to opportunities for the
transformational process to progress. I felt I grew in confidence
within myself to apply my skills in service with another. I became
aware of skills and insights within that I am capable of practically
applying to daily life and living that can serve my own and others'
conscious awareness, growth in spirit and confidence to serve
A Pilot Study
By David W. Miller
Many people are unaware of their inherent intuitive skills for
dealing with the stressful situations of modern life. But others
are aware of this intuitive transcendent phenomenon in the form
of hunches and have learned how to sporadically use it. A few
have learned how to trigger this intuitive skill and use it to
cope with modern life. This culminating project for Atlantic University
addresses the question of what kind of training experiences might
be used to help people adopt an optimal coping style for modern
life. The assumption was that the deepening of one's own experience
with meditation and intuition would have a positive impact.
By Jan Kruyff
Thinking is a great human pastime. We all think. Whether it is
about our next meal, how to manage our present problem, or where
to vacation, we always seem to be thinking. Maybe we even pass
all of our time thinking. But how often do we think about thinking,
a thing that comes so naturally to us. How often do we consider
where particular thoughts come from? Where are the limits of our
individual minds? Do we ever consider that some of the contents
of our minds originate outside of us?
By Joseph McMoneagle
Book Summary by Jed Bendix
One of the top military remote viewers, with several other books
on the subject to hs credit, Joe McMoneagle applies his skills
to remote viewing the future. Besides learning some more secrets
about successful remote viewing, readers also learn how to see
into the future and learn what Joe sees waiting for us.
By Jenna Ludwig
A man explained to psychic Carol Ann Liaros (who is Senior Trainer
at the Edgar Cayce Institute for Intuitive Studies) that although
he had been totally blind for over 41 years since the age of four,
he could see the auras of those around him. This led Carol Ann
to consider the prospect of teaching the blind to "see"
through the use of their psychic abilities. The result was "Project
Blind Awareness."
By The Rt. Rev. Dr. Bruce D. LeBlanc
While researchers have investigated religious and spiritual experiences,
often within the classification of parapsychological phenomena,
little research has been undertaken specifically about numinous
experiences. This present study provides some reflective insights
on how various individuals handle this one particular form of
psychic experience.
By J. Sue Gagliardi
Twenty different astrologers were asked to create and interpret
the astrological birth chart of one individual. Variations and
similarities were observed. The majority of the interpretations
did identify the subjects career and accurately forecast future
conditions in the subject's life.
By Colin Wilson
A Commentary by Noble Augusta
I would never have connected Neanderthal cave men with stories
about the technologically advanced civilization of Atlantis. By
the time I had begun the third chapter, I was out of my seat,
reaching for my handy desk-top globe and world atlas. To anyone
else who reads this book, I might suggest they get their own globe
out, too.
By Jed J Bendix
One advantage "The Journey" has over other biofeedback
devices is in teaching the effect emotional states have upon our
body's rhythms. Some sessions ask you to raise your energy level
while others ask you to bring it down.
By Henry Reed
Water and shamanism have much in common. In this slide show, presented
at the annual Schwartz Report Conference at A.R.E. on the theme
of the Secret Life of Water, Henry explores the various shamanic
activities water invites.
Presidential Address of the 16th Annual Conference of National Academy of Psychology,
Bombay, India, December 14-16, 2006
By M.B. Sharan
Academic Dean, Rourkela Institute of Management Studies, Rourkela, India.
Is psychology really understanding all the social problems and solving them?
Is it really helping others and do people have respect for this subject? These
are some of the questions we need to answer honestly.
By Lori Alavani
Its all in your mind. How often have we heard someone dismiss
anothers thoughts and feelings with those words? Those who identify reality
with what can be physically perceived and measured are quick to belittle our
idle and not-so-idle thoughts. That which we mentally and emotionally dwell
upon is supposedly less consequential than that which we eat and drink. To those
who believe that reality extends beyond the physical world, thoughts and feelings
are not taken so lightly. Serious occultists, meaning students of hidden wisdom
and the inner nature of things, consider thoughts and feelings as real as anything
you can hold in your hand.
An Excerpt from her book
Sixth Sense: Unlocking Your Ultimate Mind Power
The term "new science" was first introduced in 1964 by the late Nobel
neuroscientist Dr. Roger Sperry (1913-1994). It is based on the premise that
your consciousness -- your point of focus which can be compared to a cursor
on your computer screen -- can create physical effects in your brain as well
as the other way around.
By Meryl Ann Butler
Interviews with Gregg Braden and Dr. Bruce Lipton
"Your thoughts are not contained in your
head - they are a part of the Quantum Field," Lipton continues. "When
playing through your nervous system, the thoughts generate a vibratory
field similar to that of a tuning fork. Thought vibrations interact and
entangle with harmonically-resonant structures in the Field. Simply, we
activate and bring into our lives the things that we think about the most."
By Henry Reed
For five hot and steamy days in August a group of seventeen hearty souls explored the possibility
of engaging themselves in the future of consciousness. While residing in cabins located within a wooded sanctuary,
the participants worked together under the assumption that the purpose of prophecy is to engage people in
the co-creation of the future. The group gatherings involved discussions of ideas, possibilities, and experiences.
We also took advantage of special technologies developed at
Atlantic University that allow the participants to channel
their own contribution to the information pool surrounding our investigations.
By P.M.H. Atwater
Because of four major clinical, prospective studies done in three countries, and a host of papers published in peer-reviewed journals, the near-death experience today is the number one choice of scientists worldwide to study consciousness itself
Carl Johan Calleman
Book Summary by Mimi Hoke
The Mayan calendar is based on a philosophy of natural rhythms that are in synch with the cosmic plan and, therefore, prophetic. The structure and cycles of the calendar reveal the time plan for the evolution of human consciousness, and correlate with the wave patterns of significant historical events.
By Graham Phillips
Commentary by Noble Augusta
Imagine what it would be like for a small town of fifty to a hundred people to host Woodstock, every day for two thousand years with no reason for anyone, at any time, to feel the need for town safety. Let your mind get around a kind of Eden where everyone got along and folks lived in harmony with each other. Imagine this utopia is in every place of human habitation around the globe. OK, imagine something like Haley's comet streaking across the sky. Everyone would turn out to watch a magnificent star together.
By Kenneth Ring, Ph.D.
Book Summary by Quentin T. Benson
Visionary experiences are forcing us to think in new ways, which may be the purpose of these events, leading humanity to "modify our basic ideas of how reality works." They are not designed to control us, but to confound us. Extraordinary experiences loosen the chains of fixed ideas and make room for new ones. Before a new system can be put in place, the old system must be deconstructed and abandoned.
By Tom Shroder
Book Summary by Venerina Conti
Reincarnation and past lives are concepts as old as time. Philosophers, religious and spiritual entities, psychics, scientists, popular media, believers and sceptics alike have debated them for centuries.
By Daniel Pinchbeck
Book Summary by Leah J. Henry
According to Toltec and Mayan prophesies, the world will undergo a momentous change in 2012. Specifically, a 5,000 year cycle will end and a new world will be born. The nature of that new world may well depend on our willingness and ability to begin thinking in a completely different way about our planet and ourselves.
A Commentary by Henry Reed On the Book
Apocalypse 2012: An Investigation into Civilization's End
By E. Joseph
What is the meaning of the Mayan's calendar ending on December 21, 2012? Prophecies surrounding that date have been causing much speculation. Separating the objective information from the mythical is not always easy.
Psychology of the Future
Stanislav Grof
Summary by Pat Clendenen
Most of us in our ordinary
state of consciousness identify with only a small part of who we really are. In
nonordinary states of consciousness we have the ability to access a deep inner
intelligence that guides us through the healing and transformation process.
Looking at Reincarnation
Ralph Davis
We could
examine the subject of reincarnation from many different angles. Many books
have been written about it; many more will be. Just as popular interest in—and
acceptance of—reincarnation has mushroomed in the last 40 years, our knowledge
of the subject has grown exponentially. Along with this new knowledge have
come new ways of applying it to healing.
Making the
Case for Soul Groups, by Joanne Aaronson
Over the years, I’ve heard that souls can
come together in one or more lifetimes to help each other. When souls
incarnate at similar times in order to work on life issues together, they are
known as soul groups. I began to feel that this phenomenon was occurring in my
life recently as the following story typifies