Making the Case for
Soul Groups
Joanne Aaronson © Life Transformations 2008

Mandala February 2, 2008 by Henry Reed)
Over the years,
I’ve heard that souls can come together in one or more lifetimes to help each
other. When souls incarnate at similar times in order to work on life issues
together, they are known as soul groups. I began to feel that this phenomenon
was occurring in my life recently as the following story typifies.
At work, one of
the project managers I’ve known for several years, and after I was on overhead
for a couple of months, I received an offer in the very same organization where
he works. I was pleased that my new position included a familiar face. Very
shortly after arriving in this office, knowing him became very important. When I
found out that someone had criticized me putting me in an awkward situation with
my managers, I felt that I could use some emotional support. I was surprised to
learn that he had been criticized by some of the managers in this same
What was
particularly interesting about this situation was we were both in the “older”
category, where this tended to be a younger organization leading us to believe
that we both had a “lesson” to work through regarding dealing with age
differences. Perhaps there was professional jealousy or maybe they saw us like
their parents rather than “wise” experienced workers? After talking about it, we
made a pack to help each other and after about two months found that we both
surmounted this problem. We both went from receiving “criticism to praise” and
congratulated each other on the major change in our work situations. We had
figured out how to help each other deal with the problem and weather the storm
in this case.
The next problem
was even more surprising. I was called back from what had always been a routine
mammogram screening, for a positive one. I went back for a repeat reading and a
sonogram. The test results indicated the need for a biopsy, which I underwent
after consulting a specialist the next day. My results came back as benign
although I’ve been asked to continue with a follow-up in another month.
My project
manager friend told me that he went to the doctor the same day that I had my
repeat mammogram. During his visit, his doctor saw some skin spots that looked
unusual and necessitated him to have a full skin cancer workup. Skin cancer runs
in his family as his daughter had been diagnosed with the disease, had surgery
and recovered about three years earlier. He later had several pre-cancerous
lesions removed successfully. There was synchronicity between us with
indications of tests for cancer on the same day as my mammogram.
In addition, the
night of my visit to the specialist, I emailed one of my girlfriends of my
forthcoming biopsy. She wrote back immediately that she had gone in for her
first mammogram (I found out later that it was the same day that I had mine this
year) and had gone through the same process that I had. She’d been called back
the following week (on the same day I was at the hospital having the tests) and
had gone to see a specialist (not the same one but one that I called and
couldn’t get into see due to lack of available appointments). In addition, she
had gone back for a biopsy the day before I was due to have one done. We were
both amazed. Wow! We shared notes and experiences on this one. As of right now
we have both received “benign” reports.
The following
week I went out to take a dance lesson for the first time in months. I sat down
next to a woman who was alone and then changed into my dance shoes. Feeling a
bit friendlier than usual, I began to chat with her. By the end of the evening,
we found that we shared a variety of commonalities in our lives. She is from a
city in North Carolina where I’m scheduled to give a presentation in the fall,
she is two days and two years older than I am and she works in the same field
and for the same organization as I do! Wow! I was blown away by all the
similarities. We chatted away as we found more and more in common, finally
exchanging contact information in order to meet up again.
I invited this
same woman over for dinner on Friday night not knowing it would be the day of a
medical procedure. When Friday came, I had thoughts of what to do. I had planned
a simple meal of baked fish and micro-waved vegetables with a prepared sauce. If
I didn’t feel well after the procedure, I reasoned, I’d merely ask her to help
out with the minimal food preparation. When she arrived, she was thrilled to
have been invited and inquired about the possibility of my not feeling well
after having had the biopsy. At that point, I told her about my backup plan and
she laughed. I was a project manager by profession, so having a Plan B was to be
expected! She was very familiar with this field as she’d worked in it herself
for a number of years and was now in a related field. She certainly understood.
She indicated that she would have gladly complied with my plan if the situation
necessitated it. I told my new friend I didn’t want to come home to an empty
house after having such a procedure. It wasn’t that I expected to be in pain, or
that I was worried about the outcome; it was more about having moral support for
the whole thing. I didn’t know when I invited her, but it had certainly worked
out just fine in the end. Although I was holding an image of nothing serious
being wrong with me, it was still a very uncomfortable experience. After dinner,
we talked and talked until I almost had to throw her out at 1AM! We had a very
good time together, finding many commonalities to talk about including life
experiences, job scenarios and dating relationships.
About a month
prior to writing this article, I attended a professional dinner and sat near a
woman that I’ve known casually for about two years. She had a friendly but quiet
personality and I just liked her energy. This was the first time that we were
seated at the same table for this organization’s monthly dinner speaker program.
All during dinner, we chatted about professional topics and only briefly touched
on how my workshop for my business had gone in April. When the program was over,
I said good-bye and stopped at the ladies room prior to heading home. As I
approached the door to the hotel garage, my associate was there also. At that
moment it struck me to ask her, “So how are you?” It would have been very easy
to smile and go out to the car, but I didn’t do that and neither did she.
Instead, we both stood to one side just beyond the door and began to discuss the
scenario that had played out with her manager about a year earlier. It seemed
that there was some professional jealousy over her project management
certification. Her manager was firing people with this certification and was
after her job; or so it seemed. This situation had caused her great stress and
consternation for months until she changed to a different position away from
that manager. The whole thing played out and now she was very happy. I was so
amazed because at that time, I was dealing with the same situation. She gave me
her card and offered her support.
After a few
weeks, I called her and with her advice, I got through my version of a similar
situation. One Friday night I decided to invite her over for dinner and she
delightfully accepted. We found that we had a lot in common with one older
brother doing quite well and one younger brother having issues with finances.
And so it goes on.
There are people
coming into my life right now at just the right time that are spiritual, helpful
and have lots of integrity. They are people that I value and have instant
attraction for and comfort with; like I’ve known them for a long time – perhaps
from a prior life.
As I move
towards my intuitive life coaching business, Life Transformations as a full time
occupation, I feel that I’m preparing myself by not only being more spiritual
myself, but attracting those that can help me in my world. I feel truly blessed
even though I’m still working through issues of my own; I feel the universe is
giving me the tools and the understanding to solve the problems.
I wonder who I
will meet tomorrow.
Joanne Aaronson,
PMP, Ct Reiki, Ct, EIIS
Joanne is an
intuitive life coach with her company Life Transformations, LLC. She is a
graduate of the
Edgar Cayce
Institute for Intuitive Studies, receiving several certifications in the early
millennium. Her mission is to empower change and to bring spirituality into
corporate America through Enlightened Leadership. She can be reached at
Comments or the
sharing of experiences are welcome.