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POWERHUNCH! - Living an Intuitive Life

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by Marcia Emery, Ph. D.

Published by Beyond Words Publishing

Chapters Digest by Debbi Leighton


THE THIRD SECRET – Make the PowerShift

Dr.  Emery begins this chapter with a quote from Dr.  Jonas Salk, “The intuitive mind will tell the thinking mind where to look next. ”There are times when the problems we are trying to solve become just too over-whelming.. We just don’t seem to have the creativity or the decision-making ability to come up with the solutions to these dilemmas. This is the time when Dr.  Emery suggest the need for what she terms a PowerShift, a change from our usual thought patterns and a way to create a channel for new thoughts and ideas. There are eight steps involved in achieving this PowerShift. They are: Issue, Centering, Receptivity, Imagery, Deciphering the Image, Incubate, Go Deeper and Implementation. 

A PowerHunch Tool to helps guide the reader through the first three steps in which she describes many techniques on how to relax, center yourself and therefore to open ourselves to whatever comes to mind. We may enjoy a moment of morning and evening reflection, taking time for letting go of intrusive thoughts, contemplation, finding a water retreat, or just breathing.  By following some of these techniques our intuitive mind will start sending the imagery we will need to help solve our issue. A good point to remember here is that this does not have to be a visual imagery. The “image” can come in a variety of ways. Once we’ve achieved an image the next step is to decipher it. This is achieved by letting our minds free associate with as many things possible that have to do with the image. When the correct association pops up we’ll get the AHA! experience and we’ll know that we’ve gotten the correct intuitive information. 

The images that our intuitive mind sends to us won’t always seem to make sense regarding the issue at hand. If association doesn’t immediately help then incubation, may be the answer. Incubation is letting your intuitive mind “sleep on it. ”Dr.  Emery says to just take a break and go on with our daily life and eventually the answer will show up. Usually when we least expect it to. There may also be times when the complexities of the issue will lead us to want to get more from the image than the initial association. This is when Dr.  Emery suggests to go deeper. She suggests that in order to accomplish this task we must let one word in the association process trigger another.  

Now that all the primary steps have been followed, it’s time to create a solution. This is accomplished in the final step, implementation. One might also invite others are invited to help with implementation. As with all the exercises and techniques Dr.  Emery stresses that journalizing experiences is very important in the learning process. 


THE FOURTH SECRET – Fire Up Your Creative Juices

In this chapter Dr.  Emery wishes to show the link between intuition and creativity. She states that “intuition is the impulse for the creative act. ”Both channels work hand in hand in opening a channel where one helps the other to flow more freely. She details the many ways in which creativity manifests itself other than through the artistic channels. There are times when we block our creativity and in so doing we block our intuitive sense. Some ways that we can help become unblocked include break through the fear barrier, make a judgment adjustment, endure creative confusion, shift your perspective, have fun and think outside the box. 

In overcoming the fear barrier she gives us examples of two different approaches. One client uses imagery and another one uses the technique of turning all her negative statements into positive ones. Each client was able to build on their technique to reach a successful un-blocking to their creativity. For those times in our life when we have been told we can “never be this” or “never do that,” Dr.  Emery suggests using what she calls the judgment adjustment. We’ve grown up thinking certain things about ourselves and in order to regain our creative selves we must first correct our conditioning.

During the times when all creativity seems to have stopped or when there’s absolutely no input, Dr.  Emery cautions us not to panic. She says that we should remain in this confusing space and try to hang on to the confidence that creativity will return. She feels that sometimes the struggle is a very vital part of the process and we shouldn’t make ourselves crazy when we find ourselves in this state of confusion. Another way to open a creative channel is called shifting perspective, where we take our self out of the current arena and do something completely opposite: If you’re standing, sit; if you’re sitting, stand. If this doesn’t get the creative juices flowing then the next step, having fun, may be called for. Go somewhere different or special, enjoy yourself doing something you haven’t done in a long time, and be silly. Take the seriousness out of life for a while and try to see the world as a kid again.  

The last tool in unblocking creativity is thinking outside the box. This technique deals with coming up with solutions that are completely different from the way we normally think. One technique, turning it around, involves shaking up your regular routine and habits. Another, turning it inside out, suggests that we change the way we respond to certain situations. If we always respond to the same problem in the same way, then coming up with a different response may actually help solve the problem. The third technique, brainstorming in a group, is when several people come together and free-associate anything that comes to mind in order to solve the problem. This may lead to a whole new way of seeing the issue.

The Fifth Secret – Learn From Your Dreams

            Dr. Emery begins this chapter with examples of two people who had similar types of dreams, but where the interpretation for each person is very different.  She believes that we are the dream experts in our lives and that we really don’t need any interpretation books to help us to understand how to use our dreams for solving the problems we face each day.  We need to be able to remember our dreams because they are a direct link to our intuition and then we need to learn how to figure out the meaning that will be specific for us.  Dr. Emery believes that all the information of the universe is in some huge data bank and one of the ways we are allowed access to this information is through dreaming.

            In this chapter, there are six steps that she uses to help us become familiar with the intuitive dreaming process.  The first step involves learning how to access the wisdom that comes to us in our dreams.  Dr. Emery provides several examples of how we can be helped by this wisdom.  Dreams can be used to solve problems, guide us to a better career, help us through relationship struggles, foretell the future and give us a heads up to potential trouble.  She then describes the process that she teaches in the second step which is how to interpret our dreams.  She suggests that there are two ways of solving the dream mystery.  The first is by taking the dream at it’s literal face-value meaning.  An example is given of someone who asked for the answer to his problem to come to him in a dream and then he describes how that dream answer came to him as clear as a bell and very specific.  In a PowerHunch tool she shows us how we can program ourselves to have a literal dream.  Dr. Emery says that giving yourself a suggestion before sleep and making sure you also suggest that you will remember the dream will help with this process.

            The second way of interpreting involves using the symbolic meaning.  This type of dream is a little trickier to interpret but the important thing is to remember the interpretation will have significance to each person uniquely.  Through writing down the dreams you have or relating them to someone else, the meaning sometimes can appear to you in a “flash.”  The third step is called the DreamShift process.  This is similar to the PowerShift process in Chapter 3.  First give the dream a title, become centered and receptive, identify the major symbols, interpret these symbols, engage the symbols artistically, and implement your dream discovery.

            Dr. Emery follows these steps with an example of the DreamShift process by using a dream that was sent to her by a client and taking it through each step.  She also suggests the need to practice interpreting what your symbols mean to you personally and provides an example of how to go about it.  The 4th step involves turning negative dreams into positive ones.  Dr. Emery says it’s easy for us to take a symbolic dream that’s filled with a lot of negative symbols at face value.  She lists several ways of turning these symbols around to their less frightening and more productive meanings.  She calls these steps the Silver Lining:  Peace, The Silver Lining:  Hope, The Silver Lining:  Compassion, The Silver Lining:  Forbearance.  She then describes how one client, who was frightened of a dream that seemed to warn of her death, was able, through the steps listed, to find a true interpretation of the symbols in her dream.

            In the 5th step, Dr. Emery deals with pre-cognitive dreams.  She describes some of her own pre-cognitive dreams that proved to be warnings that she later ignored and regretted.  Dr. Emery also gives examples of the positive ways in which one can be helped by a pre-cognitive dream.  One way is by being allowed to say a good-bye to a loved one who has passed on.  She quotes Edgar Cayce who said, “Nothing important ever happened to an individual which was not first processed in a dream.”

            In the final step, Dr. Emery discusses the way to invite a dream to visit.  She says you must first set your intention, create your dream environment, record the dream in your journal and follow the DreamShift process.  At the end of the chapter Dr. Emery gives exercises that help in remembering, interpreting and using dreams to access our intuitive wisdom.

PART TWO – Living an Intuitive Life

Chapter 6 – Vision – Seeing the Big Picture

  One of the ways we can use our intuitive wisdom is by letting it help us “see” the possibilities that surround our lives and affect our decision-making.  The trick is to be able to free ourselves enough so we can hear our intuition when it speaks to us encouraging us to see the bigger picture, inspire us to action and motivate us to persist through all obstacles.  Dr. Emery lists examples as to how to use our intuition in a visionary way.  She developed a PowerHunch Tool to help us create a vision to inspire our hidden talent.  She also suggests using the technique of daydreaming to help us gain visionary skills.  This is especially useful if you have trouble remembering your dreams.  Another technique called Visioning: Step by Step is described as the process of using both sides of your brain in order to supply the vision.  The steps in this process are:  clearly describe your vision, list the things that motivate you to achieve your vision, describe what your vision will provide for others – who needs it, why-, state what will happen if you abandon your vision and finally, what is at stake?

            The Power Hunch Workshop exercise takes you through all the steps listed in the chapter as a practice for using intuition to help us become visionaries.

Chapter 7 – Danger or Opportunity – Knowing When to Risk

            As we become more confident and skilled in learning to live by our intuition, taking the risks involved in everyday living becomes a less fearful task.  Dr. Emery has a definition of a risk-taker:  “One who is like a sky-diver who confidently leaps into the unknown, but has the skills it takes to stay alive and enjoy the ride.”  The skill in this case is our intuition and by using the PowerHunch principles we can become very adept at taking the danger out of any risky situation.

            The first step towards risk-taking is making the “leap of faith.”  Dr. Emery gives examples of situations where people had to listen to what their hearts (or intuitive centers) were telling them rather than what their logical minds knew.  She suggests in her PowerHunch Tool that leaps can be taken in steps.  We need to let our intuitive self guide us by sending us images, feelings and symbols.  Centering is again another tool that allows us to keep ourselves focused when we start to feel overwhelmed.  Dr. Emery feels we should look at the many changes in our lives as exciting challenges and let ourselves “ride the wave of change” instead of becoming engulfed by it.

            We can use our intuition to help in any of our life situations, one of which would be in sensing the danger that surrounds us.  As we learn to be guided by intuition we find that we will always be alerted to a bad situation in some way.  In the PowerHunch Tool, Dr. Emery says that learning to read your bodies own danger signals is imperative.  She illustrates this with an exercise that can be practiced.

            Messages come to us in many ways.  That’s true also of the information we receive when we are about to take a risk.  When deciding to make a change in a career, relationship, etc., it is helpful to look for and to ask for clues.  Messages will come to us as a powerful hunch, a flyer that comes in the mail, a dream and in many other ways.  Dr. Emery says that programming a dream can be a very strong tool to use when deciding to take a risk.

            One of the riskiest things we do is to take on a life partner.  We are so smitten when we are in a relationship that we cloud our intuition.  It’s important in both personal and professional partnerships that we remain centered and trust to our intuitive feelings to help us make the correct decisions.  Sometimes we can want something so strongly that we start using our wishful thinking and confuse that with true intuition.  Again, stepping away from ourselves, centering, breathing, calming, can help us to know the difference between true intuitive wisdom and a fear barrier or a wishful thinking barrier.

            Dr. Emery stresses that nothing works right when we are out of balance.  Keeping body, mind, heart and soul together are a very necessary part to the successful use of the intuitive process.  She believes very strongly in the use of play to help accomplish this.  By taking some of the seriousness out of a situation, we may be able to see the solution more clearly.  As we become more attuned to the intuitive process we can trust our bodies to be what Dr. Emery calls, “an intuitive antenna.”  She relates a situation in which one of her clients uses the PowerShift exercise to decide whether or not to take a risk.  The PowerHunch Workshop focuses on exercises on how to make our bodies become an intuitive antenna.

Chapter 8 – Timing – Being in the Right Place at the Right Time

        Timing is everything is the focus of this chapter of Dr. Emery’s book.  The trick to knowing intuitively the right timing for success is learning how to tell if you are acting according to your quiet intuition or your rash logical mind.  To this end, Dr. Emery has come up with a way for us to develop what she calls our “intuitive timepiece.”  Again, in order to develop this skill, she suggests being able to center ourselves so that we can hear our intuition talking to us.  Through client examples, she shows the different types of intuitive timepieces there are.  One used the image of a clock, another an hourglass and a one even used a bar graph in order to help them determine the correct intuitive timing.

            According to Dr. Emery, there are three times in our life where knowing “the right time” is extremely critical.  They are when making an important decision, implementing a major change and reaching out to another person.  In trying to decide whether or not to get married, a client first has to bypass her fears and through the use of breathing exercises, center herself.  She then asks herself a series of questions the answers for which come to her in a variety of ways.  She received environmental, visual and audio clues the interpretation of which led her to not only her decision but the reason behind her indecision in the first place.

            In making certain decisions regarding timing, such as should I change my job, Dr. Emery uses visualization as one of the tools in getting the timing right.  She suggests playing with different types of yes or no imagery so we can get used to seeing what works best for us.  The main point that comes up in deciding what time is the correct time to make a major change is that most of the time, the issue of change comes during an already stressful time in our lives.  It is extremely important that we use the PowerShift technique in order to put ourselves into a completely relaxed state, the better in which to be able to listen to our intuition.  The PowerHunch Tools and Workshop at the end of this chapter take us through the steps that allow us to find and use our “intuitive timepiece.”

Chapter 9 – People Smarts – Enhancing Your Relationships

            What area of our live is more complex than the one dealing with relationships?  It becomes, therefore, one of the areas in which intuition can play an extremely important part.  Dr. Emery explores this use of intuition in dealing with social relationships, family and coworkers.  The most difficult part of using imagery that’s sent through our intuition is in knowing how to ask our self the right questions.  Dr. Emery gives examples of just how to do this in the PowerHunch Tools.  She tells us how to successfully weave our way through the minefield of our social relationships using our intuitive wisdom with the tools she provides.

            Another way Dr. Emery uses to help us tune into those around us is through a telepathic bond.  We all have some examples of having received that “all of a sudden from out of nowhere” urgent message to call home.  This is an example of a telepathic bond.  Her suggestion is for us to learn how to use this not only in emergency situations but in order to help us determine the needs of the people we love.

            The place where we work is very often where we spend most of our time.  It is very important to be able to understand the inner workings and the needs of those people who inhabit this environment with us on a daily basis.  Dr. Emery again takes us through the visualization process and the PowerShift techniques in order to help us become more aware, not only of why a coworker or boss may be irritated but how to use our intuition to help them out of the situation.  She then discusses how the use of intuition can help us in many workplace situations, such as, dealing with support staff, coworkers and hiring people.

Chapter 10 – Finding Balance and Healing

            Dr. Emery uses the example of a child falling down and having its boo-boo kissed by mom or dad to illustrate balance and instantaneous healing.  Her feeling is that we can give each other this same treatment through the use of intuition.  Through the stress and tension of our daily life we become out of balance.  It is very important that we work to bring our self back into balance.  She suggests using a technique outlined in chapter 3 titles “learning to be quiet.”  Learn how to manage time so there is time to just stop occasionally and be quiet.  Dr. Emery gives and example of a client using the PowerShift technique to help her manage her time problem. 

            Another way to manage time is to create priorities.  Dr. Emery uses the KISS – Keep it Simple Sweetie (you were expecting something else?) anagram to help make the point about priorities.   There are many times in our life when we create more “to do” situations than we really need to.  All work and no playtime take us out of balance and leads to an unhealthy body and mind.  We all lead stressful lives but as Dr. Emery suggests we can use our stress to motivate or debilitate us.  Our bodies communicate to us when we are not successfully dealing with the stress in our lives.  We get sick.  Dr. Emery gives the age-old advice of getting plenty of rest, exercise and eating a balanced diet.  She goes one step further in discussing the importance that breathing has in our overall well being.  She gives a breathing exercise that helps us see where we are holding our tensions and how to let it go.

            We can also bring imbalance to our selves through the kind of thoughts we have.  It is important that we examine our negative way of thinking and use our intuition to help shift these images to positive ones.  Our emotional issues also play a huge part in what stresses us.  Dr. Emery suggests we use guilt, fear, criticism and resentment as blocks to our physical well-being.  We need to use our intuition to get rid of all these hurts and resentments in order to allow positive feelings to come through

            Dr. Emery also discusses the importance of using our spiritual self to find our place in the world.  She says that during our low spirit times we stress ourselves over the fact that we seem to have no reason for being here.  When this happens, she reminds us that we should think of all things as being cyclical just as nature itself.  We wax and wane and what feels hopeless at this moment in time, can through a strengthening of spiritual beliefs be just a tiny break in our spiritual nature.  Dr. Emery then describes, through PowerHunch exercises, many ways to help us find our place in the world.  By keeping all the parts of ourselves in balance, we can then begin to heal ourselves.  She says that we need to be careful about which words we use in our daily situations since they can have a powerful effect on our health.  She gives an example of one man who had chronic foot pain and could find no medical explanation for it who realized the way he referred to problems with his family is that he was unable to “put his foot down.”  After this realization, his foot became better.

            In a PowerHunch Tool, she describes a technique used by a client to help discover the reason for a throat problem where a cure came from a dreaming mind.  The example she discusses came from the book, “The Intuitive Heart,” by Henry Reed.

            Finally, Dr. Emery sums up the entire purpose of her book that is to give us all the techniques we can use in order to live an intuitive life.  We have all received the gifts and talents to be able to do this and through her suggestions and exercises we can become the people we are meant to be, successful in life, work and family.

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