The Intuitive Heart™ Discovery
Method Training
Henry Reed, Ph.D., Mentor
Lesson 1: Getting Oriented
Lesson 2: Learning to Enter the Intuitive Imagination
Lesson 3: A Guided Meditation or Self-Hypnosis to Obtain Intuitive Guidance
Lesson 4: Experiencing Heart Connections
Lesson 5: The Image of the Higher Self
Lesson 6: Dreaming for Someone
Lesson 7: Edgar Cayce's Remote Viewing Partner Experiment
The purpose of this home study version of the "Visionary ESP" track
of the Intuitive Imagination Conference is to give you the equivalent experience of the conference as it has been
held annually in Virginia Beach since 1989.
It is not possible to duplicate the exciting atmosphere of the conference, with
the energy and interaction of the large number of enthusiastic attendees, the loving attention of the A.R.E. staff,
and the inspiring grounds of the headquarters facilities.
It is possible, however, to help you experience for yourself the exercises practiced
at the conference. It is the practice of these exercises which is the vital essence of the conference training.
The cassettes make it possible for you to experience the lectures that provide a perspective on these exercises.
In addition, they give you an experience of Henry Reed as he stimulates your vision of the true spiritual nature
of your psychic ability, especially the intuitive nature of your imagination, the "eyes of the soul."
The home study version of the conference has other advantages as well.
One obvious advantage is the personal, one-on-one contact you will have with your
mentor. To be able to discuss with Henry Reed your personal experiences with the exercises is an advantage that
few conference participants have. You will be able to discuss your exercise results and ask questions, as well
as revise, if necessary, any part of the training, to make it more suitable to your situation.
As part of the learning, reading material is incorporated, an important dimension
that often is not a part of the conference participant s experience.
The "hard copy," tangible nature of this home study version also allows
you to repeat the course, to study, to go at your own pace, to review, and to develop expertise. For this reason,
this home study version is also a valuable asset to the person who attends the training at A.R.E. headquarters.
The purpose then of this home study version is to document, organize, specify
and facilitate the learning experiences and background understanding that constitute the "The Intuitive Imagination,"
especially as expressed in the spirituality of Cayce s philosophy as Henry Reed has interpreted it as "The
Visionary Imagination" as taught through the Intuitive Heart™ methodology.
This course "syllabus" contains information and instructions to guide
you through the experience.
To stay organized and on track in your studies and practice use the "Lesson
Plans" section as your guide. Follow the instructions in that section
as you proceed through the course.
Texts and Study Materials
All of these materials may be ordered from the A.R.E. bookstore.
Discover Your Intuitive Heart.
1) The Visionary Imagination
2) Dream ESP
3) Explorations in Self-Hypnosis: Following Edgar Cayce and the Quest for Inspiration
4) Check it Out! Evaluating Intuitive Guidance and Psychic Readings.
5) Angel or Daemon: Who Speaks in Trance Channeling?
6) When You and I Are One: Explorations in Imagination, Intuition and Intimacy
Audio Cassettes:
1) Awakening Your Psychic Powers
2) The Implications of Awakened Psychic Powers
3) Flow in Spirit/ Create a New Heart
4) Soul to Soul: An Image of Psychic Intimacy
You'll need some kind of notebook to use as a journal to record your experiences.
You'll be recording your images from exercises, experiences applying guidance you receive, notes for your conferences
with your mentor, and other information you'll need to review.
To make your journal special, you might consider decorating the cover.
Cassette Recorder:
You'll want to have a cassette recorder for this course. You'll need it to play
the audiocassettes that are a part of the text material. You'll also be making cassette recordings of certain induction
procedures for visionary exercises.
Partners for Exercises:
While most of the exercises you ll do on your own, several of them require practicing
with someone else. In your telephone conferences with your mentor you have an opportunity to experience some of
the exercises. Your mentor can provide you with a model for practicing theses exercises. For many exercises you
will need to locate willing partners. For some of these, in fact, the more people you find to practice with, the
better, although you are never required to work with more than five people. You may know of people who have an
interest in intuition or the imagination. If not too much "ESP/metaphysical" spin is put on the exercises,
you ll probably find that most people will have a curiosity about your exercises. Another source of willing partners
is on various "e-groups" on the Internet. These are people involved with the Edgar Cayce Institute for
Intuitive Studies and are familiar with the exercises. You can "subscribe" to any or all of these groups
and send an email requesting partners for your exercises. If you are not familiar with e-groups and how to join,
you can ask your mentor for further information.
Currently, there are two e-groups related to our studies. Sending a blank email
to the addresses below will enroll you in these e-groups:
Telephone Conferences with Your
An important feature of the home study course is your
telephone conferences with your mentor. You will have the conference trainer, Henry Reed, for your personal mentor
for the "Intimate ESP" portion of the Edgar Cayce Legacy training.
You will make these phone calls (toll charges are your responsibility) at specified
points in the course. For each phone conference, there will be specific goals and expectations. In addition to
these planned agenda items, you may also ask any questions you wish.
To get the most from these phone conferences, you should review your assignments,
have the appropriate materials at hand, and be prepared to deal with the agenda items noted for that conference.
Also have your questions written down so you won t forget.
For each conference call, make an appointment with your mentor. At the end of
this section contact information is provided as well as directions for contacting the mentor to arrange for a specific
date and time for the actual phone conference.
The points in the course when you should schedule these phone conferences are
noted in the Lesson Plans section of the syllabus. They are also summarized below:
First telephone conference: When you
receive the material, schedule a call to overview the course, assure that you understand
the instructions, and get answers to questions about the course format and instructions--this work is the essence
of Lesson 1. Don t delay this phone call. You will find that talking to your mentor will help you personalize the
course materials, give you an important orientation, and help you get started. This phone call will help you organize
your work and prepare for and process your two psychic readings. During this first phone conference, your mentor
will guide you through an introduction to the intuitive imagination work you will be doing. It will boost start
your studies!
Second telephone conference: After
you have completed Lessons 2 and 3, learning to use your imagination to receive intuitive guidance, you ll schedule
your second telephone conference with your mentor. You ll be able to get some feedback about your use of the processes.
Any questions that come up for you about the intuitive process can be addressed. Your mentor will also introduce
you to the processes in the next set of lessons, making a heart connection and intuitively perceiving the higher
self of another.
Third telephone conference: After
you have completed Lessons 4 and 5, you ll have your third telephone conference with your mentor. You ll be able
to get some feedback on your report on your experiences making heart connections and intuitively .perceiving the
higher self. Any questions that come up for you can be addressed. Finally, your mentor will help you prepare for
your explorations in dreaming for someone else.
Fourth telephone conference: After
completing Lesson 6, you ll confer with your mentor to discuss your experience dreaming for someone else. . Any
questions that come up for you can be addressed. Finally, your mentor will help you prepare for your explorations
in your remote viewing partner experiment.
Fifth telephone conference: After
completing Lesson 7 you ll confer with your mentor to review your experience. Any questions that come up for you
can be addressed. Finally, your mentor will help review your experiences in this home study course to assess your
degree of learning about the intuitive imagination. The question, "how can you discern purely subjective imagination
events from ones that are channels of intuitive perception?" will be a focus for your final discussion.
To contact your mentor, Henry Reed, for appointment:
Call or fax 276-579-2883, suggesting alternative dates and times. Your mentor
will phone you back collect to confirm one of those alternatives.
OR, You may also e-mail Henry at henryreed@creativespirit.net and provide alternative dates and times. Your mentor will e-mail you back to confirm one
of those alternatives.
At the agreed upon date and time, phone your mentor.
This section provides you with step by step information to guide you through your
home study materials. Following the suggestions given here outlining the designated order of events and telling
you when to have your conference calls with your mentor, will maximize the enjoyment and benefit you will receive
from this course.
Overview: Make an appointment for
your orientation call with your mentor. Review the materials and order your text materials from the ARE Bookstore
if you haven t already received them. Have your orientation phone call conference with your mentor to plan your
course of study.

Make a good beginning to this course by contacting your mentor for an orientation
phone call. Set up the appointment, and then prepare for the conversation. See the earlier section, "Telephone
Conferences with Your Mentor" for further information and details on how to set up a telephone meeting.

To prepare for this telephone meeting, examine the materials you have received.
Note the section on "Texts and Study Materials." Order the necessary books and cassettes from the ARE
Bookstore. It s best to order all the materials at once, but if you wish to order them individually, then study
the lesson plans carefully to see what you need first. If you will do so, you will see that the first materials
required are (in order of use):
Cassette: Flow in Spirit/ Create a New
Cassette: Awakening Your Psychic Powers
Cassette: The Implications of Awakened
Psychic Powers
Book: The Intuitive Heart
Booklet: The Visionary Imagination

Survey the remainder of the Lesson Plans to discover the types of training exercises
offered. See if you have any general questions about these exercises. Write down these questions to ask your mentor. You'll have another chance to question your
mentor more specifically about the lessons in future phone calls.

Either email or send a letter to your mentor with your questions and suggest some
good times for a telephone conference. When your mentor receives this report, the mentor will contact you to arrange
an appointment. In this conference, your mentor will answer your questions, review with you your plans for moving
through your home study experience, and guide you through an introductory experience moving into the Intuitive
Imagination, which is the focus of Lesson 2.
Learning to Enter the Intuitive Imagination |
Overview: After you have had your
orientation phone call with your mentor, you will review Edgar Cayce s perspective on psychic development and then
practice entering into a special state of consciousness to learn how to use your imagination to bring you intuitive

To begin, listen to the cassette, Awakening
Your Psychic Powers. It will give you an overview of Edgar Cayce s perspective
on intuition development and methods of psychic training. It may stimulate your memories about experiences you
have had. Next read the booklet, The Visionary Imagination which will key you into specific ideas from the Cayce material on the intuitive and visionary
nature of the imagination. Then listen to the cassette, The Implications
of Awakened Psychic Abilities. It is a recording from a headquarters conference
on the Visionary Imagination. It will introduce you to an ongoing question: "How can you tell when you are
having a visionary experience and when you are just imagining it ?" As you will learn from the lecture, many
times what appears to be simply an experience of "just imagination" proves to have psychic content.

Listen to side 1 of the cassette, Flow
in Spirit/ Create a New Heart Side 1 is a six minute induction into the
intuitive imagination of the heart. Listen to it once a day for two to three days to become familiar with the process.
Try it once yourself, without the cassette, and then go to the next step.

In this step, you will explore each component of the induction and learn to use
your imagination to bring you intuitive information about that component. The script for the induction is given
below. After the script, the specific components in the script for which you will develop intuitive imagery are
given. You will be using your imagination to discover your own "vision" of each of these steps. In conjunction
with reading material, you will explore the meaning of your "vision" to appreciate how your imagination
has provided you with a personalized, intuitive understanding of each component. More details and explanation will
be given after the script below.
Here is the script for the induction:
Just close your eyes now and turn your attention inward, toward your breathing.
Allow yourself to become aware of your breathing. Just let your breathing happen, on its own, naturally, while
you simply become aware of it. Let it be, while you are aware of it, let your breathing be. Let go of any control
your breathing, and simply watch it happen by itself. Just allow yourself to discover the natural flow of your
breathing. Just allow yourself to go with the flow.
The breath naturally comes and goes. It s a natural flow that has a lot to teach
you. Let s begin by placing your focus on the exhalation, the breath flowing out. Notice how the breath flows out.
It s a natural letting go, a relaxation. Let the exhalation teach you how to relax, to let go. With each exhalation,
you learn how to relax a little bit more. With each exhalation, you learn how to let go a little bit more. Just
let yourself relax and let go a little bit more with each exhalation.
As the breath goes out, and you relax and let go, you release all control over
your breathing. You can now accept the coming in of the next breath. Let each incoming breath come to you on its
own power, in its own time. Let each incoming breath teach you how to accept, to receive.
As the breath goes out, relax, let go and wait for the next incoming breath to
come on its own. Let go of any need to make the inhalation happen according to your own will and simply accept
the incoming breath as it comes on its own. Each cycle of breathing gives you another opportunity to experience
the relaxation of letting go and trusting the next breath to come on its own. Discover that you can trust in the
breath to come on its own.
Experience the breath as taking care of itself, taking care of you, removing the
old air and bringing you new air. Experience the breath as a gift, taking care of you, cleansing you and renewing
you, bringing you the gift of life. Enjoy the feeling of the breath of life coming to you as a gift. Life breathes
you, spirit breathes you.
Experiment for a moment with feeling gratitude for this gift of life. Just allow
yourself to feel grateful for the gift of life coming to you freely, giving you what you need. See what it is like
to experience gratitude for the breath that comes to you as a gift. Give yourself permission to enjoy the feeling
of gratitude.
Focus your feelings of gratitude in the area of your heart. Let your heart to
be the center of your experience of gratitude and notice how it responds.
Allow gratitude to soften your heart. Allow your heart to become warm, expanding,
blossoming with love. Allow your entire body to become in harmony with this feeling of love.
Your heart is open now and a channel of love. Discover the higher consciousness
that resides in your open heart. Listen as your heart speaks to you. Feel the love flowing through your heart as
it gives you an important message for you now.
Accept the truth of your heart. Accept this opportunity to allow the higher consciousness
of love to bring you needed wisdom or inspiration.
OK, now, let s take a deep breath, exhale, and release this meditation. Wiggle
your fingers and your toes, stretch and open your eyes.
Here are the specific components of the induction for which you will use your
imagination to develop an intuitive understanding of the process:
1) On the exhalation, letting go
2) Letting the inhalation happen on its own
3) Experiencing the breath as a gift (as in "it breathes me.")
4) Experiencing the breath as "inspiration"
4) Experience the breath as Spirit.
5) Experiencing gratitude for the breath
6) Experiencing the heart s response to gratitude
7) Forming a heart connection with a question
You may refer to your text, "The Intuitive Heart" chapters four and
five for a discussion of these components. However, it may be preferable for you to postpone referring to the book,
if possible, until after you have developed your own intuitive imagery for each component.
Here are the instructions for using your imagination to gain an intuitive understanding
of these processes:
"On the exhalation, letting go."
As you watch the exhalations, notice how each one is a relaxation. As you relax more fully with each exhalation,
allow your imagination to bring you imagery that expresses what it is like to relax, what it is like to "let
go." See how profoundly you can let go, and as you do so, see how your imagination expresses the symbology
of letting go, maybe even the spiritual significance of letting go. Perhaps your imagination will also express
something about the experience of "trust" that letting go implies. Write down the imagery that you receive.
After you have explored this component, you may read about it in pages 60-61 of your text.
"Allowing the incoming breath to arrive on its own." As you relax with the exhalations, it becomes easier to let go and accept the arrival
of the next breath, accepting it to come on its own. See how profoundly you can experience the breath in this way
and see how your imagination expresses the symbology of the experience. Write down the imagery that you receive.
After you have explored this component, you may read about it on page 62 of your text.
"Experience the breath as a gift."
As you learn how to let go on the exhalations and accept the incoming breaths you become better at entering the
experience of "it breathes me." See what imagery you get that expresses this experience. Experience the
breath as a gift and see what intuitive imagery you get to express this experience. Perhaps your imagination can
explore the spiritual significance of this experience.
"Experience the breath as inspiration." As you learn how to enter the "it breathes me" state of mind, experiencing the breath
as a gift, you can receive more insights. For further exploration, ask yourself, what is the connection between
"inspiration" as breath and "inspiration" as creative new ideas. See what thoughts come to
you, or what images your intuition suggests. Try exploring the affirmation, "I can trust inspiration,"
or "I am open to inspiration" and see how your intuitive imagination expresses the experience of the
affirmation. Write down your insights. After you have explored this component, you may read about it on pages 66-67
of your text.
"Experience the breath as Spirit."
See if you get any symbolism that may be of the form, "Not my will, but Thine." Then ask your breath
(the activity of "inspiration" within you), what it can tell you about its connection with Spirit. In
most religious traditions, breath is the activity or manifestation of Spirit. See what thoughts your breath brings
you on this question, or what your intuitive imagination suggests by way of imagery. Try exploring the affirmation,
"I am an open, or pure, channel of Spirit." or the affirmation, "I am open to the gifts of Spirit"
and see how your intuitive imagination expresses this affirmative experience. Write down your insights. After you
have explored this component, you may read about it on pages 68-69 of your text.
"Experience gratitude for the gift of Spirit." As you have entered the meditative state with your breath, an "inspired" state of mind,
you have experienced your breath as a "gift." See what it is like to appreciate the gift, or to experience
gratitude for the gift. Until now, you were learning how to shift your perception of what was happening, or your interpretation of what was happening, and now explore what
it is like to shift your feelings
about the experience, or to allow your attitude or emotional reaction to be the focus of your experience. See how
your intuitive imagination expresses the feeling of gratitude. Write down your insights.
"Let your heart be the focus of gratitude." As you explore more deeply the impact of the feeling of gratitude for the gift of spirit, see what
it is like to allow your heart to be the focus of gratitude. Notice how your heart responds to the feeling, whether
it grows soft, becomes comfortably warm, or expands. See how your intuitive imagination expresses the experience.
Write down any insights.
"I search my heart for wisdom."
You have been exploring how your intuitive imagination can express insights to help you understand the process
of entering into the "Intuitive Heart" frame of mind. To finish the lesson, use this process to explore
how it might be that a loving heart may be a source of wisdom, or intuitive guidance, as is so often expressed
in scripture. Practice the steps you have learned, right up to experiencing your heart s response to gratitude.
Then use your intuitive imagination to understand the wisdom of your heart. How is a loving heart wise? See what
images or thoughts come to you. Write down your insights.
Congratulations. You have used your intuitive imagination to help you explore
and understand the process of entering into a state of intuitive functioning. As you compare your insights with
those presented in the text, you may also discover that you have walked on the ancient path of spiritual insight
and wisdom, the source of religious imagery. You are well on your way to developing your visionary imagination.
Keep your notes for your next conference with your mentor and then go on to the
next step.
A Guided Meditation or Self-Hypnosis to Obtain Intuitive Guidance |
Overview: Learning to trust your intuitive
imagination is a three-fold process. First, you must learn how to let go and allow your imagination free rein so
that it can bring you information. Secondly, you must learn how to "groom" your awareness, entering into
a state of mind in attunement with your ideals, so that your intuitive imagination brings you information that
is consistent with the wisdom implied by your ideals. The third step is to test out, or apply the ideas or insights,
that your intuitive imagination brings to you.
In this lesson, you will use a specially prepared and pre-recorded "guided
meditation" to further your ability to use your imagination to reach the highest state of consciousness possible.
This guided meditation uses two images to express this ideal. One is the beauty in nature as an ideal of natural
truth, as Edgar Cayce says we can learn a lot from nature as an expression of inherent spiritual perfection. As
you attune yourself to the image of a beautiful nature scene, your consciousness grows in attunement to that inherent
spiritual perfection. A second image is the ideal of "the pure heart" or the "loving heart."
These images call upon the imagination functioning as role-playing, or modeling, to help you enter into this idealized
state of consciousness. By imagining how an idealized spiritual being feels love in their heart, you evoke, by
empathy, your own loving heart. When your visualization, that is your directed imagination, thus prepares your
mind, then your imagery, a function of your spontaneous imagination, is best prepared to bring you spiritual guidance.

Take out the cassette labeled Create a
New Heart. You may play it once through to familiarize yourself with the
content. The script for that guided session is given below:
Script for a Heart Transplant
I will give you a new heart and place a new spirit within you, taking from your
bodies your stony hearts and giving you natural hearts. Ezekiel, 36:26
Now that you're completely comfortable, let's begin with a little game to help
create the mood for the happy and relaxing experience you're about to enjoy. First of all, I'd like you to stare
at a spot on the wall where it meets the ceiling. Now, without moving your head backwards, let your eyes leisurely
work their way backwards along the ceiling towards a spot above where you're relaxing. Good. Now, in a few moments,
you're going to feel your eyelids prompting you to close them, to relax them. Go ahead and do that whenever you
feel they've let you know how much they'd like to just close, just relax, just get comfortable. Good. Now I'd like
you to open them again and fix your eyes on that same spot overhead. Good. Now, let your eyelids tell you when
they'd like to relax and come down. When they tell you, feel free to close them. Good. Now keep them comfortably
And right now, in your eyelids, there is probably a feeling of relaxation, perhaps
a comfortable tired feeling, or a pleasant heavy sensation. Whatever the feeling is, right now, in your eyelids,
just allow that feeling to multiply, to magnify, and to become greater. Allow your eyelids now to become totally
and pleasantly relaxed.
Now, this is something that you do. Nobody else can do this for you. You're the
one who does it. So just take your time and completely, and pleasantly, relax your eyelids now.
And as you relax your eyelids, you can allow that feeling of relaxation, that
is now in your eyelids, to flow outward, in all directions, as in imaginary waves or ripples.
You can feel relaxation flowing through the entire body now. Your body may feel
heavy, or it may feel light. It may be perfectly still, or you may notice subtle movement.
As you completely and pleasantly relax your entire body, you can just slow down
a little bit.
Can you imagine now, being in a special space, a sacred, peaceful place, an inspired,
or beautiful place.... a safe, protected place, a spiritual place, ....
Perhaps you may perceive this place as a spot in nature, a mountaintop, by a rippling
river, a cave or even up in a tree, by the ocean or near a waterfall...
Perhaps you'll imagine a sacred shrine, or a temple or church... perhaps a special
room or sanctuary..
Wherever it may be, imagine a place that inspires all that is good and beautiful,
where you feel relaxed and comfortable, stretched out, or sitting blissfully in your special place.
When you're there, allow your lips to form a smile of serene enjoyment.... Enjoy
that place. Enjoy that smile, that nice, relaxed, soothing smile.
Now, to remain there, you simply keep your eyes closed. When you feel that you're
so comfortable and content in that place where you stay by keeping your eyes closed, so comfortable that you will
not allow your eyelids to open, you're so relaxed,... allow your eyelids to TRY to open, and they'll remain closed.
When you're ready, go on and let your eyelids try to open... See how easily they remain closed...
You are in complete control. This experience is something that you want. It is
here, and it is now. Eager to learn. Eager to explore. And let us begin now, by comparing your mind to the surface
of a quiet pond. On the surface, everything looks peaceful and still. But below the surface, there is great depth
and much happening. My voice can be as a breeze, whispering in the trees along the shore.
Your own subconscious mind can listen to me and also deal with something else
at the same time. Perhaps you remember doing this as a child, gazing out the window while the teacher was talking.
Or walking with a friend, and talking with that friend at the same time. Two separate things, yet happening at
the same time. You don't have to think or move about, or make any sort of effort. You don't have to bother trying
to listen to me, because your subconscious is here and can hear every word. It's okay to let go. You are in a place
where you can safely let go and just relax now.
You can take a deep breath, and you will note that a drifting can occur. That
there is less and less importance to be attached to my voice. You're going to relax completely and effortlessly.
Just let my voice exert any of the effort that might be necessary.
Now, imagine again that wonderful place you can reach just by having your eyes
closed and relaxing. Feel the secure and content feeling of being in that safe and inspiring place.
Can you imagine seeing or thinking about how your sacred place appears to you,
the sights that attract your eyes, that look good to you, that inspire in you your sense for beauty....
Now, go ahead and take a few nice, easy, deep breaths, and with each breath in,
you absorb more lightness, more relaxation, more contentment. Allow your mouth to form a little smile.
Imagine hearing, or thinking about, how your sacred place sounds to you, the sounds
that caress your ears, the sounds of the wind in the trees, the singing of birds or other celestial beings, the
sound of soothing music, the sound vibrations of natural holiness as they exist within your sacred place...
Now with the next breath in imagine glowing White Light coming to you... Relaxation
is moving with this warm, almost liquid Light, all through you and around you. It surrounds you and embraces you.
It protects you and lovingly envelops you, relaxing every part of your mind and body. Relaxing and protecting,
protecting and relaxing. Only good can enter. Only good can enter. And the White Light cleanses and purifies, warms
and enlightens, protects and preserves all that is good.
Imagine you can even Smell the beauty here, the incense of inspiration and any
other wonderful scent. Breath in the soothing aroma. Allow your mouth to form a little smile.
Allow yourself now to imagine now that there is another person here with you,
a very special person, someone whom you consider your ideal in terms of holiness and spiritual development. It
might be Mother Teresa, or Jesus. It might be Ramakrishna or the Virgin Mary. It might be Buddha or Sai Babba.
Whoever it is that you would wish to have with you, let yourself imagine the feeling of their presence here with
you in your special place.
Allow yourself to have some empathy for this holy personality. Imagine what it
feels like to be such a saint of a person....
Picture how this person feels in their heart when they experience love for little
children... let your own heart experience empathy with this feeling, expanding, softening, glowing, loving...
Imagine how this person feels in their heart for their parents, for parents everywhere...
let your own heart experience empathy with this feeling, expanding, softening, glowing, loving....
Imagine how this person feels in their heart for the sick, the wounded, the handicapped,
the poor, and the weak... let your own heart experience empathy with this feeling... expanding now, softening,
glowing, loving....
Imagine how this person feels in their heart for the doctors and nurses, the social
workers and the rescue workers, and those other helpers who care for the less fortunate... let your own heart experience
empathy with this feeling... expanding now, softening, glowing, loving....
Now imagine this great saint of a person standing in front of you. Imagine that
this person recognizes you, accepts you, and loves you. Empathize with this person, imagine what it is like in
their heart for this person to experience such a love for you... imagine what it is like in their heart for this
person to experience such acceptance for you...
Imagine that this person listens along with you to these words of promise from
Holy Scripture:
"I will give you a new heart and place a new spirit within you, taking from
your bodies your stony hearts and giving you natural hearts. ... I will give you a new heart and place a new spirit
within you"
Allow this promise to be fulfilled now. Watch as the saint standing in front of
you reaches toward you and offers you their own heart, offers to replace your own heart with their holy heart...
experience now as your heart is transformed and made new, full of love, softness, warmth, compassion and the wisdom
that surpasses all understanding...
Allow yourself now to experience having within you this new heart, a heart that
expands to include love, compassion and kind wisdom for all the peoples of the world in all their circumstances....
And now, you may choose to view a situation in your life that has challenged you,
something for which a new perspective may be helpful...
View that situation from the loving wisdom of your new heart... Experience love
and compassion for yourself who has to deal with this situation... experience love and compassion for the other
beings who are involved in the situation...
Let your love guide you... Follow your love through that situation and see where
it takes you... what new solutions it suggests... what words of encouragement and inspiration you find in your
heart for dealing with this situation...
Notice what new ideas, perspectives, and feelings you have about that situation....
Take a deep breath now and allow your love to settle down through your body, living
quietly and patiently within you.
Take another deep breath. You have done very well. You have allowed yourself to
receive a new, soft heart and have opened your heart to a challenging situation. You have allowed love and compassion
to guide you to a new perspective.
Return now, bringing the heartfelt wisdom to life in your everyday world. Normalizing
now, which means returning to a normal vibration in harmony with the physical world here today.... I will count
from one to ten, and at the count of ten you can open your eyes, be wide awake, clear headed, feeling better than
before. I will count very slowly now: One... returning in fullness to what we call the here and now, this day,
recall what day this is, and where it is that you are working, Two, coming up slowly, three, feel the life energy
throughout your being, Four, feel total normalization and equilibrium, mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally.
Five, you may wish to move your hands and feet and neck. Six, fully re-oriented in the present, your feet planted
in the here and now, Seven, coming up to your full potential now, eight, re-energized, nine, revitalized and ten,
slowly open you eyes now and wide awake.

Review your life to look for some situation you have been facing that is somewhat
challenging for you. Perhaps it is a relationship, or a situation at work, or something having to do with your
own growth, or a habit you d like to change. See if you can focus on something specific. If it is a relationship,
try focusing on a particular aspect of the relationship, a particular incident or issue within the relationship.
You ll be using the "Create a New Heart" guided meditation to seek guidance on this challenging situation.
You ll also be testing your guidance by trying to do something to apply it and see what happens. As part of this
testing/application process, read the booklet, Check it Out!

With your question/issue in mind, find a comfortable spot and play the cassette,
Create a New Heart. At the appropriate
time in the guided meditation, while experiencing your newly transformed heart, review the life situation for which
you are seeking guidance. See what new insights about that situation or new ways of approaching that situation
come to you. When the session is over, write down your experience.

Now you ll try to use the guidance or insight in a practical way. Try out your
ideas in that situation. If you have trouble coming up with a way to apply the guidance, go back to Lesson 2. As
instructed there, go through the process of entering into inspirational breathing, gratitude, and the wisdom of
the heart. Ask your heart for how to apply the guidance you received in the Create
a New Heart meditation. Apply your guidance as best you can and make some
notes in your journal.

If you were not able to get any new insights about your life situation when you
listened to the Create a New Heart meditation, or you were unable to find a way to apply the guidance that you
received, or if you felt that testing the guidance did not work out so well, then repeat the process outlined in
Steps 2-4 at least one more time.
Edgar Cayce explained that the greater the need to know, the better the answer
to a question. The more the seeker is making effort on one s own, the better the insights the intuitive imagination
can provide. Let your efforts be your prayer.
We are learning here and we cannot expect perfect performance the first time.
Besides, we are learning this process so that we can practice it as a regular aspect of our visionary life. So
it is not a failure to repeat the process; it is another step in a journey. Enjoy the trip!

Prepare a report for your mentor to set up your next telephone conversation. It
need not be lengthy or detailed, but sufficient to give your mentor some idea about your experiences in Lessons
2 and 3.
For example, for Lesson 2 you might note images or insights that correspond to
each of the components of the meditation:
1) On the exhalation, letting go
2) Letting the inhalation happen on its own
3) Experiencing the breath as a gift (as in "it breathes me.")
4) Experiencing the breath as "inspiration"
4) Experience the breath as Spirit.
5) Experiencing gratitude for the breath
6) Experiencing the heart s response to gratitude
7) Forming a heart connection with a question
You might include a question or two that you d like to ask your mentor.
For Lesson 3 you might note briefly your experience with seeking guidance through
the Create a New Heart meditation.
Again, include a couple of questions for your mentor.
Either email or send a letter to your mentor with this report and suggest some
good times for a telephone conference. When your mentor receives this report, the mentor will contact you to arrange
an appointment. In this conference, your mentor will review with you your experiences with Lessons 2-3 and also
help orient you to the next set of lessons.
Experiencing Heart Connections |
Overview: You'll explore the experience
of making "heart connections" with other people. You'll be learning how empathy, stimulated by caring
and love, can be a bridge of intuitive imagination. You'll also be able to continue to explore the question, "is
it ONLY my imagination, or is their intuitive information there?"

In your text, The Intuitive Heart, read chapter five on heart connection. Review the ideas about caring, empathy, oneness,
and intuition. How do you understand the phrase, "caring creates an empathic bridge of intuitive understanding"?
Meditate on the phrase and see how your own intuitive imagination brings you an image that expresses a deeper understanding
of that phrase. Record your image and insights in your journal.

Albert Einstein, a great believer in the value of the intuitive imagination, pioneered
the practice of the "thought experiment." He would use his imagination to pretend to be the light wave,
for example, to see what he would experience. Then he would reflect upon his imaginary journey to examine it for
intuitive insights. It is the same mind of the Creator that designed our minds as designed the material world.
Thus we can expect that by exploring our own mind, our imagination will produce images that match the patterns
in the physical world.
You try this "thought experiment": Pretend that you are going to make
a presentation to children. It is going to be a "mime" performance, meaning that you will not talk, or
use words, but only silent gestures to convey your message. What is your message? You want to help children understand
what something feels like. What
is it? It is this: What does it feel like
for a raindrop in the sky to evaporate and become part of a cloud? So how would you present a mime performance
to children to help them understand what a raindrop might feel like in such a situation?
You may wish to actually act out your mime. Or you can do it just in your imagination.
For fun, you might ask someone else to conduct the same thought experiment. Tell them if they ll show you their
idea for a mime performance, you ll show them yours. Ask a child, if you like, to witness your mime. Ask the child
what it thinks the raindrop feels, just for fun.
You may conduct this totally in your imagination.
Afterwards, reflect on these two questions? What processes did you go through
in order to develop your plan for a mime presentation? Assuming you were to actually perform your mime presentation
for someone to watch, what processes would the people in the audience go through in order to gain an insight from
your performance? In other words, how does a person go from watching the mime performance to understanding what
a raindrop feels like?
As you reflect on these questions and review your experience with this thought
experience, you will gain a better appreciation of how the imagination can be employed to develop an empathic attunement
with someone or something, and the way this happens is the imagination allows us to "become" that someone
or something. This is the basis principle of "oneness" stressed so much in the Edgar Cayce readings.
Using oneness or empathy as the basis of understanding the intuitive imagination is what gives the Intuitive Heart™ approach its spiritual basis. Making a heart connection with someone or something allows
you to invoke your imagination to create the experience of empathic oneness. Contrast this approach with the metaphor
of "remote viewing" or "mind travel," which maintains the assumption of separateness. You might
meditate on how your imagination views these two different models and see what implications exist for you.

Practice the inspirational breathing method you learned in Lesson 2 and when your
heart expands with gratitude, reach out with your heart to make a heart connection with someone you know. See what
impressions, insights or thoughts about that person comes to you. Write down your experience in your journal.

Experiencing an empathic contact with another person through an imagined heart
connection is an intuitive reality. The imagination becomes a channel of understanding. In the Edgar Cayce worldview,
the conscious mind uses the senses to experience. When we experience one another through the senses, we see that
we are separate beings. On the other hand, according to Edgar Cayce, all subconscious minds are in contact with
one another. When we experience through the imagination, we allow the subconscious mind to express itself. When
we experience another person through the vehicle of the imagination, as in a heart connection, we are allowing
the natural connection of the subconscious minds to reveal intuitive, empathic understandings.
In the practice of this exercise, you ll develop an awareness of its reality,
validity, truth and value.
Think of various persons in your life. For each one, use your imagination to establish
a heart connection with that person as outlined in Step 3. See what impressions, insights or thoughts about that
person comes to you. Write down your experience in your journal.
Contact that person, by phone or letter and share your impressions to get some
feedback. Here are some possible approaches:
"Hi there, friend. I was thinking about you and it came to me that you....
I don t know if those ideas have any meaning for you, but I d like to hear from you."
"Hi there, friend. I am trying to learn better skills of understanding. You
are someone I care about and I took a minute to see if I could gain any deeper understanding or appreciation of
you. Here are some of the thoughts that came to me..... I don t know if those ideas have any meaning for you, but
I d like to hear from you. Your feedback will help me improve my skills of understanding."
You may come up with your own way to approach people for their feedback about
your impressions. At first you may feel shy about doing so, but upon reflection, you ll realize that you are making
the person a gift by giving them this attention and showing them that you care. You ll also get some valuable feedback
that will show you the validity of your intuitive imagination when it is based upon heart awareness.
Be sure to record in your journal the feedback you gain from these people.

Contact some friends, some in person, some by phone, and explain to them about
making a heart connection. See what it is like to experience a simultaneous, mutual heart connection. Afterwards,
discuss your experiences with each other and compare notes. Discuss the question, "Did we experience anything
during the heart connection that would make it seem that it was real? Is there some valid communication, understanding,
or exchange happening during the connection?" Make notes in your journal after each partnering experience.
Here is a simple way to facilitate a heart connection experience. If you wish,
you may make a cassette recording of the following description of making a heart connection:
"Let s experience together a heart connection with each other. Let s just
close our eyes now and relax. We can focus on our breathing and simply enjoy its natural flow. As the breath flows
out, we can let go and relax. As the breath comes in, we can accept the new air with gratitude. [pause] Let s allow
this pleasant feeling of gratefulness warm our hearts. As our hearts grow warm with gratitude, we can allow our
hearts to reach out and contact the other person s heart. Let s let our hearts make contact. We ll be silent now
for a couple of minutes while we experience this heart connection. We can simply notice what we experience during
this silent period and afterwards we can discuss our observations... [pause for 2 minutes]... OK, let s take a
deep breath and release our focus on this heart connection. Let s wiggle our fingers, stretch and open our eyes."

Study the notes in your journal. Summarize the best examples of your experience
that give you confidence that a heart connection is a genuine method for improved contact, understanding or communication,
that it is more that "just imagination."

As an ongoing next step in your learning the "visionary imagination,"
try making heart connections with items in nature. In the Edgar Cayce readings, there are many references to learning
from nature, as well as some specific instructions to "become one with the rose." In one instance, he
suggested that to become one with the sounds of nature would be one way to learn to hear "the music of the
spheres." Re-read the booklet, "The Visionary Imagination" and allow time periodically through the
rest of this homestudy course for moments of making heart connections with items from nature, a rose, a tree, a
cloud, and make notes about any meaningful experiences. In the meantime, you may go on to the next lesson.
The Image of the Higher Self |
Overview: You ll explore the idea
of a higher self and experiment with how you can use the image of a higher self to obtain intuitive information.
You ll read about some of Edgar Cayce s own explorations about where his psychic information came from. You ll
practice using your imagination to attune to your image of a higher self for the purpose of obtaining intuitive
information. Then you ll practice envisioning the higher selves of other people to see what new insights you can
obtain about these people.

In your journal, make a drawing of your idea of a higher self. That is, make a
simple diagram that expresses your initial thoughts (expressed in visual form) of what is a higher self and how
does it relate to your normal self (as reflected in your physical body and conscious mind). This project is not
artwork, but simply a way of stimulating your imagination.

Read the booklet, Explorations in Self-Hypnosis:
Following Edgar Cayce and the Quest for Inspiration to further stimulate
your imagination about what it might be like to go into a visionary state of consciousness to be able to bring
forth intuitive information from your higher self.

Silently read to yourself the script below, imagining the things it suggests.
See how well you can imagine your higher self and if you can have an imaginary conversation with it in the back
of your mind while you read.
Everyone does not realize his or her full capacities, and you have to discover
these capacities in whatever way you wish. And, one of the things you may discover is that you can read this story
and also deal with something else at the same time. Perhaps you remember doing something like this as a child,
gazing out the window while the teacher was talking. Or walking with a friend, and talking with that friend at
the same time. Two separate things, yet happening at the same time. In due time, your own time, a minute, an hour,
a week, a month, some time, your subconscious will reveal its gifts to you, in a dream, or in a daydream, when
you're not especially thinking about it, surprising insights and new ideas. And with these new insights, comes
new growth and new understandings. And stored deep in your subconscious are wonderful insights. Your subconscious
can call upon and access this intelligence and bring the ideas back with you later.
By looking deep into the recesses of your own mind you can see your soul's vision
and hear the voice of your heart. Later you can apply this knowledge to better understand yourself and your world.
You can relax while you read this, and imagine being in a good place. You can
easily imagine being in a special, sacred place, an inspired place within your being, safe, protected, your own
special place of spirituality, whether it be as a place in nature, a mountaintop, by a rippling river, a cave or
up in a tree, by the ocean or under a waterfalls. You may imagine your sacred shrine as a temple or church, a special
room or sanctuary, a place that inspires all that is good and beautiful within you.
You can easily imagine feeling the atmosphere of this place, feeling its special
vibrations as you absorb these vibrations into yourself, raising your being to the level of intention. You can
easily imagine seeing or thinking about how your sacred place appears to you, the sights that attract your eyes,
that look good to you, that inspire in you your sense for beauty. You can easily imagine hearing or thinking about
how your sacred place sounds to you, the sounds that caress your ears, the sounds of the wind in the tree, the
singing of birds or other celestial beings, the vibrations of natural holiness as it exists within your sacred
place. You can easily imagine feeling, or thinking about the wonderful sensations that surround you in this place
of comfort and safety, the inviting touch of what you are sitting or lying upon, the feel of the warm love of the
sun upon your face, the caress of the wind. You can easily imagine the smell of beauty here, the incense of inspiration
and any other scent.
Your nose sniffs the aroma of awareness, a special awareness that is here with
you, as your intuition now helps you to realize that you are not alone here, but are met and joined by another
awareness, your Higher Self, who is here for you, who knows you, who loves you and who accepts you. Allow yourself
to become aware of that feeling of love, a perfect love, and as you imagine what it must be like for your Higher
Self to feel such love for you, also allow your self to accept feeling loved so perfectly. Allow yourself to be
become aware of that feeling of being known, a perfect knowledge that only love could produce, and as you imagine
what it must be like for your Higher Self to know you so well, also allow yourself to accept being known so perfectly.
Now allow yourself to become aware of that feeling of acceptance, a perfect acceptance that only love can create,
and as you imagine what it must be like for your Higher Self to feel such acceptance for you, also allow yourself
to experience feeling accepted so completely. Just open yourself to the energy of your Higher Self, allowing yourself
to receive the love, knowledge and acceptance that is there for you. And now, in a moment, after I count to three,
you'll turn to meet and greet your Higher Self. In whatever form your Higher Self presents itself to you, accept
it, whether you see it, sense it, think of it, hear it or feel it, accept it, whether it be a person, an animal
helper, a spirit guide, a guardian angel or celestial teacher, you can easily imagine being in the presence of
a being who loves you, knows you and accepts you. One...two...three...turn now, meet and greet your Higher Self...[PAUSE]
Share with your Higher Self your questions, your concerns. You can trust this
being to accept you totally as you honestly express your questions, your needs, and your concerns. And every time
you give voice to a question, or even think about it, you can feel your Higher Self responding. You may experience
your Higher Self's response as hearing the spoken voice, or you may experience it as thoughts, as if through direct
telepathy, or your Higher Self may respond by shaping your own thought processes, evoking feelings and memories
of your own that are as if answers to your questions. You may see mental pictures or hear sounds, see words, or
having feelings or urges within your body. In many different ways your Higher Self may respond to your questions.
You'll be able to remember these experiences, absorbing the guidance and support your Higher Self has for you.
You may put this story down now for a moment and close your eyes while you have a visit with your Higher Self.
You have done very well. You have presented your questions and concerns to your
Higher Self and noted the response. As a way of rewarding you for seeking within for your Higher Self, that spiritual
presence within you has a further gift to share. Your Higher Self is holding a box. In a moment, you will open
that box and receive a gift. The gift is some thing you can use in the future to help you return to this sacred
place to meet with your Higher Self. What is in the box is your own special coded symbol that you can use to transport
yourself to the place of inner guidance. The symbol may be something you can see with your inner eye, or something
that you can hear with your inner ear. It may be a physical sensation in your body, or the memory of an experience
past. Whatever it is, in whatever form it presents itself, it is your Higher Self's gift to you, making it possible,
whenever you meditate on this gift, to return to this place of inner guidance to receive aid from your Higher Self.
In just a moment, now, you'll open this box and receive the gift. Accept the gift in whatever form it comes. Open
the box, accept the gift.
To actualize this gift, to plant it within your being, where it can come to life
and grow, act on what you know. While you are still within the presence of your Higher Self, ask yourself what
next little step you can take to further develop your natural psychic ability. What little step can you take in
your life, such as finding time to walk, to listen to music, to have a moment of silence before meals, whatever
that little step might be that you know would be good for your growth. Ask yourself now and allow yourself to identify
that next little step. Now that you know what your next step is to be, know that each time to honor that inner
wisdom and follow through on that next step, you will be reinforcing the strength of your Higher Self's gift. Do
what you know to do and much more will be given. Follow your next step and your Higher Self s gift will grow still
stronger and your ability to turn within for spiritual guidance will become greater.
The time has now come to thank your Higher Self for being within you, for meeting
you within your sacred place within your being. So thank your Higher Self now, expressing gratitude as you wish.
As we turn now back to the physical world of here and now reality, you leave the place of inner guidance still
within you. Bringing your gift with you and your promise to yourself to follow through and take your next step,
bringing the inner wisdom to life in your everyday world.
When you have finished, make notes in your journal about what you experienced.
You may repeat the process as many times as you like. Each time, make notes in your journal. You may also find
it useful to go ahead to the next step, follow it, and then return to this step for further practice.

If you had difficulty imagining your Higher Self while you read the story above,
or if you wish to go deeper into this experience of communication with your higher self, experiment with listening
to this story while in a deeply relaxed state. You may consider this process one of self-hypnosis, a practice Edgar
Cayce used to gain access to his intuitive self. As Edgar Cayce explained, when the physical body is relaxed, the
conscious mind is less active, making room for greater activity of the subconscious mind. Thus to enter a deeply
relaxed state while contemplating the image of a Higher Self can result in greater insights from the subconscious
To experiment with this process, take the following script (same as above, but
with relaxation instructions) and read it aloud into a tape recorder. Then sit in a comfortable chair, or lie down
on your bed, and play your tape recording for yourself.
I'm going to count downward from ten to one, and with every descending number
slowly blink your eyes. Just look forward or upward. Slowly blink your eyes, in slow motion, with every number.
(Slowly.) Ten - nine - eight - seven - six - five - four - three - two - and one.
And now you can just close your eyes, and you can just keep them closed and I
will explain what that was for. That was just to relax your eyelids. And right now, in your eyelids, there is probably
a feeling of relaxation, perhaps a comfortable tired feeling, or a pleasant heavy sensation. Whatever the feeling
is, right now, in your eyelids, just allow that feeling to multiply, to magnify, and to become greater. Allow your
eyelids now to become totally and pleasantly relaxed. Now, this is something that you do. Nobody else can do this
for you. You're the one who does it. So just take your time and completely, and pleasantly, relax your eyelids
now. And as you relax your eyelids, you can allow that feeling of relaxation, that is now in your eyelids, to flow
outward, in all directions, as in imaginary waves or ripples.
Allow a feeling of relaxation to go outward to the entire face area. Just think
about relaxing the face. Enjoy the relaxation going outward to the entire head area, relaxing the head. Feel the
relaxation going to the neck and to the shoulders, down the arms and into the hands. Welcome a wonderful feeling
of relaxation going down the entire body, to the legs, the feet, all the way out to the toes. Your body may feel
heavy, or it may feel light. It may be perfectly still, or you may notice subtle movement.
As you completely and pleasantly relax your entire body, you can just slow down
a little bit. And later, as we go along, you can slow down a little bit more and a little bit more. And, in a moment,
I am going to count downward once again from ten to one. And this time, with every descending number, just allow
yourself to slow down a little bit more with every number, and at the number one, you can enter your own natural
level of relaxation.
I will count very rapidly now: Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three,
two, one. You are now at your own natural level of relaxation. And from this level, you may move to any other level,
with complete awareness, and function at will. You are in complete control at every level of your mind. You can
accept, or reject, anything which is given here today.
You are in complete control. This experience is some thing that you want. It is
here, and it is now. Eager to learn. Eager to explore. And let us begin now, by comparing your mind to the surface
of a quiet pond. On the surface, eve thing looks peaceful and still. But below the surface, there is great depth
and much happening. My voice can be as a breeze, whispering in the trees along the shore.
Everyone does not realize his or her full capacities, and you have to discover
these capacities in whatever way you wish. And, one of the things I would like you to discover is that your own
subconscious mind can listen to me and also deal with something else at the same time. Perhaps you remember doing
this as a child, gazing out the window while the teacher was talking. Or walking with a friend, and talking with
that friend at the same time. Two separate things, yet happening at the same time. You don't have to think or move
about, or make any sort of effort. You don't have to bother trying to listen to me, because your subconscious is
here and can hear every word. It's okay to let go. You are in a place where you can safely let go and just relax
now. You can take a deep breath, and you will note that a drifting can occur. That there is less and less importance
to be attached to my voice. In due time, your own time, a minute, an hour, a week, a month, some time, your subconscious
will reveal its gifts to you, in a dream, or in a daydream, when you're not especially thinking about it, surprising
insights and new ideas. And with these new insights, comes new growth and new understandings. And stored deep in
your subconscious are wonderful insights. Your subconscious can call upon and access this intelligence and bring
the ideas back with you later.
By looking deep into the recesses of your own mind you can see your soul's vision
and hear the voice of your heart. Later you can apply this knowledge to better understand yourself and your world.
And as you relax, being in a good place, you can easily imagine being in a special,
sacred place, an inspired place within your being, safe, protected, your own special place of spirituality, whether
it be as a place in nature, a mountaintop, by a rippling river, a cave or up in a tree, by the ocean or under a
waterfalls. You may imagine your sacred shrine as a temple or church, a special room or sanctuary, a place that
inspires all that is good and beautiful within you.
You can easily imagine feeling the atmosphere of this place, feeling its special
vibrations as you absorb these vibrations into yourself, raising your being to the level of intention. You can
easily imagine seeing or thinking about how your sacred place appears to you, the sights that attract your eyes,
that look good to you, that inspire in you your sense for beauty. You can easily imagine hearing or thinking about
how your sacred place sounds to you, the sounds that caress your ears, the sounds of the wind in the tree, the
singing of birds or other celestial beings, the vibrations of natural holiness as it exists within your sacred
place. You can easily imagine feeling, or thinking about the wonderful sensations that surround you in this place
of comfort and safety, the inviting touch of what you are sitting or lying upon, the feel of the warm love of the
sun upon your face, the caress of the wind. You can easily imagine the smell of beauty here, the incense of inspiration
and any other scent.
Your nose sniffs the aroma of awareness, a special awareness that is here with
you, as your intuition now helps you to realize that you are not alone here, but are met and joined by another
awareness, a Higher Self who is here for you, who knows you, who loves you and who accepts you. Allow yourself
to become aware of that feeling of love, a perfect love, and as you imagine what it must be like for your Higher
Self to feel such love for you, also allow your self to accept feeling loved so perfectly. Allow yourself to be
become aware of that feeling of being known, a perfect knowledge that only love could produce, and as you imagine
what it must be like for your Higher Self to know you so well, also allow yourself to accept being known so perfectly.
Now allow yourself to become aware of that feeling of acceptance, a perfect acceptance that only love can create,
and as you imagine what it must be like for your Higher Self to feel such acceptance for you, also allow yourself
to experience feeling accepted so completely. Just open yourself to the energy of your Higher Self, allowing yourself
to receive the love, knowledge and acceptance that is there for you. And now, in a moment, after I count to three,
you'll turn to meet and greet your Higher Self. In whatever form your Higher Self presents itself to you, accept
it, whether you see it, sense it, think of it, hear it or feel it, accept it, whether it be a person, an animal
helper, a spirit guide, a guardian angel or celestial teacher, you can easily imagine being in the presence of
a being who loves you, knows you and accepts you. One...two...three...turn now, meet and greet your Higher Self...[one
minute PAUSE]
Share with your Higher Self your questions, your concerns. You can trust this
being to accept you totally as you honestly express your questions, your needs, and your concerns. And every time
you give voice to a question, or even think about it, you can feel your Higher Self responding. You may experience
your Higher Self's response as hearing the spoken voice, or you may experience it as thoughts, as if through direct
telepathy, or your Higher Self may respond by shaping your own thought processes, evoking feelings and memories
of your own that are as if answers to your questions. You may see mental pictures or hear sounds, see words, or
having feelings or urges within your body. In many different ways your Higher Self may respond to your questions.
You'll be able to remember these experiences, absorbing the guidance and support your Higher Self has for you.
I'll be silent now so that you may present to your Higher Self your questions and concerns. [PAUSE]
You have done very well. You have presented your questions and concerns to your
Higher Self and noted the response. As a way of rewarding you for seeking within for your Higher Self, that spiritual
presence within you has a further gift to share. Your Higher Self is holding a box. In a moment, you will open
that box and receive a gift. The gift is some thing you can use in the future to help you return to this sacred
place to meet with your Higher Self. What is in the box is your own special coded symbol that you can use to transport
yourself to the place of inner guidance. The symbol may be something you can see with your inner eye, or something
that you can hear with your inner ear. It may be a physical sensation in your body, or the memory of an experience
past. Whatever it is, in whatever form it presents itself, it is your Higher Self's gift to you, making it possible,
whenever you meditate on this gift, to return to this place of inner guidance to receive aid from your Higher Self.
In just a moment, now, you'll open this box and receive the gift. When I count to three, open the box and accept
the gift in whatever form it comes. One, two, three...open the box, accept the gift [PAUSE]
To actualize this gift, to plant it within your being, where it can come to life
and grow, act on what you know. While you are still within the presence of your Higher Self, ask yourself what
next little step you can take to further develop your natural psychic ability. What little step can you take in
your life, such as finding time to walk, to listen to music, to have a moment of silence before meals, whatever
that little step might be that you know would be good for your growth. Ask yourself now and allow yourself to identify
that next little step. [PAUSE] Now that you know what your next step is to be, know that each time to honor that
inner wisdom and follow through on that next step, you will be reinforcing the strength of your Higher Self's gift.
Do what you know to do and much more will be given. Follow your next step and your Higher Self s gift will grow
still stronger and your ability to turn within for spiritual guidance will become greater.
The time has now come to thank your Higher Self for being within you, for meeting
you within your sacred place within your being. So thank your Higher Self now, expressing gratitude as you wish.
[pause] As we turn now back to the physical world of here and now reality, you leave the place of inner guidance
still within you. Bringing your gift with you and your promise to yourself to follow through and take your next
step, bringing the inner wisdom to life in your everyday world.
Normalizing now, which means returning to a normal vibration, and harmonizing
the spiritual centers...coming up slowly through the spiritual centers now, through the foundation chakra, balancing
and harmonizing this center, up to the seat of the soul, harmonizing and balancing this center ...normalizing and
healing the solar plexus center...bringing harmony and balance to the heart center...attuning the will center ...balancing
the third eye chakra ...and now the crown center. And to assist you in fully normalizing the spiritual centers,
especially the crown chakra, you may take either hand now, and place it at the very top of your head, slightly
to the rear and this will assist you in normalizing and balancing the crown center...You may take your other hand
and place it over any other or others of the spiritual center that specifically need or you desire healing, harmony
or balance. Take your time now, for the balancing exercise and we will continue in a moment...(pause) Remembering
your spiritual gift, remembering all that you have learned here today, bringing it all up with you. You have done
so very well here today, and you may return to your soul's records at any time you desire...I will count from one
to ten, and at the count of ten you can open your eyes, be wide awake, clear headed, feeling better than before.
I will count very slowly now: One... returning in fullness to what we call the here and now, this day, recall what
day this is, and where it is that you are working, Two, coming up slowly, three, feel the life energy throughout
your being, Four, feel total normalization and equilibrium, men tally, physically, spiritually and emotionally.
Five, you may wish to move your hands and feet and neck. Six, fully re-oriented in the present, your feet planted
in the here and now, Seven, coming up to your full potential now, eight, re-energized, nine, revitalized and ten,
slowly open you eyes now and wide awake.
Practice with your audio-cassette as often as you wish. Try alternating using
the self-hypnosis cassette you have made with simply reading the story from the previous step. This process will
enable you to make a connection with your Higher Self more easily and readily. There are times when you wish to
have a quick conversation with your Higher Self, or get a nudge or comment from it, and then there are times when
you wish to "put on your Sunday best" and lay down for a more focused, in-depth, self-hypnotically enhanced,
communion with your Higher Self.
How can you tell if the information you get from your Higher Self is true intuition
or "just your imagination"? The philosophy from the Edgar Cayce readings is that it is "in the application
that comes the awareness," or that the "proof is in the pudding." It means that you need to apply
the guidance you receive. When you have conversations with Higher Self just for fun, idly, or out of curiosity,
you can not really expect that the information is more than "just" imagination. It can be inspired, or
it can be frivolous. However, if you are sincere in your searching, and if you apply the guidance, test it out,
then, over time, you can have more and more confidence in the validity of the information.
Some people say that you can t tell the difference between your "just imagination"
and your "visionary imagination." Edgar Cayce seemed to suggest the same thing, noting that well-developed
psychic ability might be able to tell the difference, your own intuition might discern visionary from "just"
imagination, but he emphasized coming to trust the process, meaning the desire for attunement, for sincere guidance, followed by testing, application
and seeking for further guidance.
How can you tell if the information is actually coming from your Higher Self and
not a "lower" part of yourself, a "sub-personality," or maybe even a "spirit guide"
or a "discarnate spirit"? To answer this question, it is important that you read the booklet, Angel or Daemon: Who Speaks in Trance Channeling?
As you reflect upon the lesson in that booklet, and you practice the processes outlined in these Steps 3 and 4,
you ll come to appreciate that
1) If your intention is to make an empathic attunement with your Higher Self,
using your imagination as the channel AND
2) It is for the purpose of gaining needed guidance AND
3) You you sincerely plan to test and apply this guidance AND
4) You are not trying to effect a "shortcut," that is, turning to some
"outside" force for the sake of convenience, or out of laziness THEN
5) You are on a true, heart-centered path that you can trust to lead you to a
truth you can live with.
Be sue to keep notes in your journal regarding your experiments in contacting
your Higher Self, the guidance experienced, and the efforts you made to apply the guidance and the results obtained.

Now you are ready to try contacting the Higher Selves of other people. You will
do this, as you did with the heart connection, for the purpose of greater empathy and understanding of the other
person. Contacting the other person s Higher Self can help you to go beyond your personal experience of the person
to gain some understanding of the person from a spiritual point of view.
To contact the Higher Self of another person, first practice the "inspirational
breathing" method of getting into the visionary imagination, as you learned in Lesson 2, and then make the
heart connection with the person as you practiced in Lesson 4. Then simply asked to receive an image of that person
s Higher Self. Your intention is that you will receive an image of that sense of being who loves the person unconditionally,
who knows the person deeply and spiritually, who continually guides that person, and whose purpose is the spiritual
development of that person. As you've learned from your own experience, the image of the Higher Self may appear
as a spiritual being, an animal, or even a cartoon character.
When you sense an image of the person s Higher Self, whether you see it, feel
it, sense it or just think about it, pay attention to any message you receive from the Higher Self. You may hear
spoken words, or you may see the Higher Self enact a mime performance, as if trying to convey to you some information
through pantomime. Or you may simply sense a message.
If you wish, you may use an affirmation such as this:
"As I establish a heart connection with [say the person s name], may my empathic
understanding of that person become enhanced and deepened by receiving an intuitive image of that person's Higher
Self, the spirit of universal intelligence, unconditional love and infinite wisdom that guides that person at all
times. Let me be compassionately attentive as that intuitive image sends me a message, whether through the spoken
word, telepathically, by sign language, or by signaling or behaving in some special way. May my heart awareness,
guided by my own Higher Self, help me to understand the meaning of that message. Let me receive a message that
will help me to spiritually understand that person in a deeper and more significant way."
At the end of receiving a message, be sure to thank the person s Higher Self for
communicating with you. Promise to use the information to have a better relationship with that person.
Write down the experience in your journal. Reflect upon its meaning and its implications
for your relationship with that person.

After two or three practice sessions with different people, have a few more sessions
which are followed by actual contact with that person. Whether by phone, email, letter or in person, communicate
with that person about your experience contacting their Higher Self and see what kind of feedback you receive.
Only by making this last step of sharing and getting feedback can you come to appreciate the value and validity
of these communications from the Higher Selves of others.
Here is a simple way to introduce the idea to the other person:
"I've been wanting to improve my understanding and appreciation of you, especially
at a spiritual level. I asked that I receive a message from your Higher Self that would help me to appreciate you
in a new way. Here is the message I received and how I interpreted it. I would really like to know your perspective
on the message that I got, so that I can better understand it, or use it to have an even greater appreciation of
you and an even better relationship."
Be sure to record in your journal your experiences with this process, the messages
received, the feedback from the person. What is your resulting evaluation of this process of communicating with
a person s Higher Self?

Prepare a report for your mentor to set up your next telephone conversation. It
need not be lengthy or detailed, but sufficient to give your mentor some idea about your experiences in Lessons
4 and 5.
For example, for Lesson 4 you might note some of the experiences you had with
heart connections with others, especially experiences that helped you to discover the value and validity of the
process. For Lesson 5, you might note about your best experience with your Higher Self, in terms of guidance received
and tested. Also, note some of the experiences you had with communicating with other people s Higher Self, especially
experiences that helped you to discover the value and validity of the process.
Also include any questions that you d like to ask your mentor.
Either email or send a letter to your mentor with this report and suggest some
good times for a telephone conference. When your mentor receives this report, the mentor will contact you to arrange
an appointment. In this conference, your mentor will review with you your experiences and prepare you for your
next set of lessons.
Overview: The soul, according to the
Edgar Cayce readings, is awake while we dream. The dream is the soul s work, it s thinking. The conscious mind
of the soul, according to the Edgar Cayce material, is the what we think of as the subconscious mind. In Edgar
Cayce s model of the mind, all subconscious minds are in contact. The implication is that two people can be in
contact with each other while dreaming.
By offering to "dream for someone" you will explore this idea. By using
the dream state as an opportunity to gain greater understanding of someone, maybe even to gain some helpful information
for that person, you can discover the extended abilities of your dreaming self. You ll begin by contacting your
friends to ask for their participation, until you locate someone who is willing to invite you to dream for them.
You ll agree upon a night and both you and your friend will record your dreams. You and your friend will discuss
your dreams and compare them, looking for evidence of your dream having something of value for your friend. Afterwards,
you ll use a guided meditation on your higher self to interpret your dream, both for its meaning for you and any
significance for your friend. You may learn how the "oneness" principle so important to Edgar Cayce can
be understood as "intimacy" in the interpersonal dimension of life as well as seeing how the imaginative
powers of your dreaming self can weave together truths from your life as well as that of your friend, bringing
the two of you into greater understanding and harmony.

Read the booklet, "Dream ESP." Learn how the principles in the Edgar
Cayce readings led to the current exercise. That is, rather than trying to use ESP to "guess facts,"
you will be using your dream ESP to gain greater understanding of someone, perhaps to help that person. Note also
in the booklet how a dream can be looked at from two vantage points: 1) its literal images may match the person
you are dreaming for, and 2) when the symbolic aspects of the dream are interpreted in terms related to the dreamer,
a level of personal meaning may be revealed that has guidance value for both dreamer and person being dreamed for.

Contact your friends, or put out a request to the A.R.E. related e-groups, about
your desire to find someone to dream for. You could communicate something like the following:
"As part of a study assignment, at the Edgar Cayce Institute for Intuitive
Studies, to explore what it might be like to dream for someone else, I am looking for someone who would be interested
in participating in this dream experiment. We would agree on a specific night to record our dreams. You may, but
do not need to, set a private intent (without informing me) with regard to any personal challenge for which you
would appreciate a creative new perspective that you could use for guidance. I will go to sleep with the intent
of having a dream that will prove meaningful to you. My purpose will be to achieve meaningful communication with
you during the dream state, perhaps to arrive at a better understanding of your life situation, possibly to provide
some insight that could prove helpful to you and your personal challenge, should you have set that intent. The
next day, or soon thereafter, we would discuss our dreams to see what we find in them. Afterwards, I will use a
special guided meditation to discover further meaning in my dream, and I will share with you the results of that

When you locate a willing partner, discuss the experiment with that person. The
solicitation communication, above, provides much of the details of the process. It is important to focus on the
purpose of the experiment. You are trying to achieve a better understanding of your partner, and your partner may
choose to set an intent that your understanding might focus on a particular personal challenge your partner is
facing. By stressing the purpose of the experiment, you increase motivation and reinforce the significant focus.
In the Edgar Cayce readings, the psychic arrives from the need for guidance and to be helpful, not merely to prove
its existence!
If you or your friend are concerned about not being able to remember your dreams,
you may obtain from the ARE bookstore the booklet, "The Art of Remembering Dreams." Otherwise, you can
review the following exercise with your partner:
What's Your Attitude Toward Remembering Dreams?
The ten factors in the questionnaire below may be among the most significant for
you. This questionnaire gives you a chance to measure some of the variables that contribute to whether or not you
remember your dreams. You must decide for yourself how influential each factor is in your own recall habits. Then
enter a rating, from 0 to 4, with higher numbers meaning greater influence.
For example, Item 1 is, "Waking up at the right moment." Does the timing
of your awakening make much of a difference in whether or not you remember a dream? If it makes little or no difference
at all to you, score that item either a 0 or 1. If it is a very important factor, score it either a 3 or 4.
Now evaluate each of the ten questions in terms of your own recall patterns. For
each, enter a rating, from 0 to 4.
Vital influence: 4
Important influence: 3
Moderate influence: 2
Minor influence: 1
No influence: 0
Total up your scores separately for the even and for the odd numbered questions.
Your score for the odd numbered questions reflects how much importance you place
on factors outside your control--circumstances. Your score for the even numbered questions reflects how much importance
you place on factors within your control--your own efforts and intention. We ll call your total score on the odd
numbered questions your external score, as those factors are external to you, or outside your control. We ll call
your total score on the even numbered questions your internal score, as those factors are internal to you, or within
your control.
If you don't recall dreams very often, perhaps the results of this little test
can give you some clue for what you might change. If your external score is higher than your internal score, then
you are too passive with regard to dream recall. You believe more in fate than in your own efforts. You need to
take a more active role in remembering dreams.Rather than allowing external factors to play such a large role in
whether or not you remember dreams, try to work on the internal factors.
Can you work to improve, for example, how much of an effect item #2 has on your
dream recall? Reading about dreams and making a date with someone to discuss dreams the next day are two ways you
might work on "expectancy."
Below there are some more specific hints on how you might pay more attention to
these "internal" factors, that are within your control, and learn that your efforts can make a difference
in how much dream recall you have. Learn the power of auto-suggestion. Learn how much it helps to stay in bed a
few extra moments and write down anything that comes to mind. In these ways you ll learn to redirect your attention
to your dreams in a truly effective manner.
The Power of Auto-Suggestion
A positive attitude about dreams will mean you will plant suggestions within yourself
constantly through the day:
"My dreams are important."
"I m going to remember my dreams."
As you give yourself these suggestions, visualize yourself waking up in the morning
with a dream on your mind. And when you go to bed at night, practice the routine of recalling a dream. Imagine
yourself waking up in the morning, lying very still, with your eyes still closed, and recalling a dream. Then reach
over to your bedside table and reach for your tablet or dream journal. Practice this sequence in your mind as you
get ready to fall asleep.
If you don t have something to write on nearby, then beware! It will be difficult
for you to record your dream, and you may forget it--they re slippery! But more important, you may be giving yourself
a negative suggestion that you aren't going to remember a dream. Having a tablet within reach, already dated and
marked "MY DREAM THIS MORNING" is a good suggestion. It shows you mean business.
You and your partner can discuss, for example, what you each are going to do to
insure that you will remember a dream the following morning.

Having set your intention, and prepared to remember and record your dream, go
to sleep and awaken to write down your dream(s). At the agreed upon time, contact your partner and share your dreams.
Look for common elements. Ask you partner to note anything in your dream that reminds your partner about her or
himself, or her or his life situation. Tell your partner you are going to meditate on your dream for further insight
and that you will contact your partner afterwards.

Now try using the guided meditation below to gain additional insights about your
dream. Edgar Cayce often interpreted dreams while in his psychically sensitive, self-induced hypnotic state. You
can try it for yourself to see what happens for you.
To proceed, make a recording of the script of the guided meditation given below.
It is similar to the one you read earlier in this course. The difference is that instead of asking questions, at
the appropriate time you will read your dream to your higher self, and then await the response from your higher
self to the dream. After you have properly prepared the recording of the script, find yourself a comfortable chair
and listen to the recording. When the time comes for your higher self to respond to the dream, be sure to note
whatever impressions come to you, as noted in the script.
The Higher Self Interprets a Dream
A Guided Meditation Script
Now that you're completely comfortable, let's begin with a little game to help
create the mood for the happy and relaxing experience you're about to enjoy. First of all, I'd like you to stare
at a spot on the wall where it meets the ceiling. Now, without moving your head backwards, let your eyes leisurely
work their way backwards along the ceiling towards a spot above where you're relaxing. Good. Now, in a few moments,
you're going to feel your eyelids prompting you to close them, to relax them. Go ahead and do that whenever you
feel they've let you know how much they'd like to just close, just relax, just get comfortable. Good. Now I'd like
you to open them again and fix your eyes on that same spot overhead. Good. Now, let your eyelids tell you when
they'd like to relax and come down. When they tell you, feel free to close them. Good. Now keep them comfortably
And right now, in your eyelids, there is probably a feeling of relaxation, perhaps
a comfortable tired feeling, or a pleasant heavy sensation. Whatever the feeling is, right now, in your eyelids,
just allow that feeling to multiply, to magnify, and to become greater. Allow your eyelids now to become totally
and pleasantly relaxed.
Now, this is something that you do. Nobody else can do this for you. You're the
one who does it. So just take your time and completely, and pleasantly, relax your eyelids now.
And as you relax your eyelids, you can allow that feeling of relaxation, that
is now in your eyelids, to flow outward, in all directions, as in imaginary waves or ripples.
You can feel relaxation flowing through the entire body now. Your body may feel
heavy, or it may feel light. It may be perfectly still, or you may notice subtle movement.
As you completely and pleasantly relax your entire body, you can just slow down
a little bit.
By looking deep into the recesses of your own mind you can see your soul's vision
and hear the voice of your heart. Later you can apply this knowledge to better understand yourself and your world.
Can you imagine now, being in a special space, a sacred, peaceful place, an inspired,
or beautiful place.... a safe, protected place, a spiritual place, ....
Perhaps you may perceive this place as a spot in nature, a mountaintop, by a rippling
river, a cave or even up in a tree, by the ocean or near a waterfall...
Perhaps you'll imagine a sacred shrine, or a temple or church... perhaps a special
room or sanctuary..
Wherever it may be, imagine a place that inspires all that is good and beautiful,
where you feel relaxed and comfortable, stretched out, or sitting blissfully in your special place.
When you're there, allow your lips to form a smile of serene enjoyment.... Enjoy
that place. Enjoy that smile, that nice, relaxed, soothing smile.
Now, to remain there, you simply keep your eyes closed. When you feel that you're
so comfortable and content in that place where you stay by keeping your eyes closed, so comfortable that you will
not allow your eyelids to open, you're so relaxed,... allow your eyelids to TRY to open, and they'll remain closed.
When you're ready, go on and let your eyelids try to open... See how easily they remain closed...
You are in complete control. This experience is something that you want. It is
here, and it is now. Eager to learn. Eager to explore. And let us begin now, by comparing your mind to the surface
of a quiet pond. On the surface, everything looks peaceful and still. But below the surface, there is great depth
and much happening. My voice can be as a breeze, whispering in the trees along the shore.
Your own subconscious mind can listen to this story and also deal with something
else at the same time. Perhaps you remember doing this as a child, gazing out the window while the teacher was
talking. Or walking with a friend, and talking with that friend at the same time. Two separate things, yet happening
at the same time. You don't have to think or move about, or make any sort of effort. You don't have to bother trying
to listen to me, because your subconscious is here and can hear every word. It's okay to let go. You are in a place
where you can safely let go and just relax now.
You can take a deep breath, and you will note that a drifting can occur. That
there is less and less importance to be attached to my voice. You're going to relax completely and effortlessly.
Just let my voice exert any of the effort that might be necessary.
Now, imagine again that wonderful place you can reach just by having your eyes
closed and relaxing. Feel the secure and content feeling of being in that safe and inspiring place.
Can you imagine seeing or thinking about how your sacred place appears to you,
the sights that attract your eyes, that look good to you, that inspire in you your sense for beauty....
Now, go ahead and take a few nice, easy, deep breaths, and with each breath in,
you absorb more lightness, more relaxation, more contentment. Allow your mouth to form a little smile.
Imagine hearing, or thinking about, how your sacred place sounds to you, the sounds
that caress your ears, the sounds of the wind in the trees, the singing of birds or other celestial beings, the
sound of soothing music, the sound vibrations of natural holiness as they exist within your sacred place...
Now with the next breath in imagine glowing White Light coming to you... Relaxation
is moving with this warm, almost liquid Light, all through you and around you. It surrounds you and embraces you.
It protects you and lovingly envelops you, relaxing every part of your mind and body. Relaxing and protecting,
protecting and relaxing. Only good can enter. Only good can enter. And the White Light cleanses and purifies, warms
and enlightens, protects and preserves all that is good.
Imagine you can even Smell the beauty here, the incense of inspiration and any
other wonderful scent. Breath in the soothing aroma. Allow your mouth to form a little smile.
Your nose sniffs the aroma of awareness, a special awareness that is here with
you, as your intuition now helps you to realize that you are not alone here, but are met and joined by another
awareness, your Higher Self, who is here for you, who knows you, who loves you and who accepts you. Allow yourself
to become aware of that feeling of love, a perfect love, and as you imagine what it must be like for your Higher
Self to feel such love for you, also allow your self to accept feeling loved so perfectly. Allow yourself to be
become aware of that feeling of being known, a perfect knowledge that only love could produce, and as you imagine
what it must be like for your Higher Self to know you so well, also allow yourself to accept being known so perfectly.
Now allow yourself to become aware of that feeling of acceptance, a perfect acceptance that only love can create,
and as you imagine what it must be like for your Higher Self to feel such acceptance for you, also allow yourself
to experience feeling accepted so completely. Just open yourself to the energy of your Higher Self, allowing yourself
to receive the love, knowledge and acceptance that is there for you. And now, in a moment, after I count to three,
you'll turn to meet and greet your Higher Self. In whatever form your Higher Self presents itself to you, accept
it, whether you see it, sense it, think of it, hear it or feel it, accept it, whether it be a person, an animal
helper, a spirit guide, a guardian angel or celestial teacher, you can easily imagine being in the presence of
a being who loves you, knows you and accepts you. One...two...three...turn now, meet and greet your Higher Self...[PAUSE]
Now together with your Higher Self, listen to this dream. As you hear the dream,
you will relive the experience of the dream. With your Higher Self present, however, the two of you can have an
awareness apart from the dream, you can be aware that you are separate from this dream. You can be aware of your
Higher Self s response to the dream. After the dream is finished, you can focus on the response of the Higher Self.
Here is the dream
Listen now as your Higher Self responds to these three questions about your dream:
What can you learn about yourself from your dream? [PAUSE}
What can you learn about yourself from your dream that will give you some understanding
about the person you dreamed for? [PAUSE]
Is there any information in your dream that could be helpful to the person you
dreamed for? [PAUSE]
Note the response of your Higher Self to these questions. You will be able to
remember these ideas and record them later. [PAUSE]
It s time to return to a normal state of consciousness, firmly implanted in physical
consciousness. We ll count upwards from one to ten, and at the count of ten, you ll be wide awake, feeling better
than before. One, beginning to re-orient yourself into your physical body. Two, energizing your body. Three, wiggling
your fingers and your toes. Four, re-orienting yourself to the here and now, where you are working. Five, coming
to be aware of yourself as fully conscious. Six, feeling wide awake. Seven, coming up to your full potential. Eight,
opening your eyes and normalizing your seeing. Nine, stretching your arms and legs. Ten, sitting up now, fully
alert and awake and feeling better than before.

Prepare a report for your mentor to set up your next telephone conversation. It
need not be lengthy or detailed, but sufficient to give your mentor some idea about your experiences in Lesson
Also include any questions that you d like to ask your mentor.
Either email or send a letter to your mentor with this report and suggest some
good times for a telephone conference. When your mentor receives this report, the mentor will contact you to arrange
an appointment. In this conference, your mentor will review with you your experiences and prepare you for your
final lesson by giving you a demonstration of the "Key to Telepathy" experiment you will explore with
a partner.
Edgar Cayce's Remote Viewing Partner Experiment |
Overview: Edgar Cayce once gave a
simple suggestion for learning about the true nature of telepathy In this final lesson, you will be able to explore
this suggestion. Participants in the headquarters version of this course were taught the principles of this experiment
and offered the opportunity to follow up and actually try it at home with a willing partner. Those who did reported
very positive results. By giving you the opportunity to explore this experiment, this home-study course offers
benefits not exercised by most of the attendees at the headquarters version of the course.

Read the booklet, When You and I are One:
Explorations in the Imagination, Intuition, and Intimacy. You ll read
about some of the basic procedures introduced to the live classes. Near the end you ll read about how people had
adapted this for long-distance application at home, which is what you will be doing. Listen to the cassette, Soul to Soul: An Image of Psychic Intimacy, which
is a live recording from lecture by Henry Reed at an Intuitive Imagination conference at Virginia Beach.

Find a partner with whom to work, preferably someone not in your home area, but
perhaps even out of state. If necessary, you can find a partner on the Internet as in Lesson 6. You may use a partner
from an earlier exercise.
You can use something like the following paragraph to explain to a potential partner
what this experiment will involve:
A student at the Edgar Cayce Institute for Intuitive Studies is seeking a like-minded
partner for an experiment in Imagination, Intuition and Intimacy, following a suggestion given by Edgar Cayce for
how to discover the secret to telepathy. The experiment will involve spending 5 minutes a night (or at some other
agreed upon time), five nights a week, for three weeks, performing a special meditation. During that time we will
attempt to tune into each other and then record our impressions. Once a week, for three weeks, we will talk on
the phone to compare our notes. The purpose of the experiment is to see if our thoughts, feelings and imagination
contain information that reflects some kind of intuitive empathy between us during those times of our meditation.

Once you have found a partner, you will need to have a practice session on the
telephone. Find a suitable time to talk to your partner on the telephone. Practice with this person having a "heart
connection" as you learned in Lesson 4. It will help bond the two of you and also give your partner practice
in sharing with you the results of silently observing the stream of consciousness. Then read aloud this script
to your partner. After you have read it aloud, use the three minutes of silence to follow the instructions yourself
that you had just read aloud to your partner. Here is the script:
Close your eyes now and relax. Inhale deeply, exhale and relax. Now let go of
your breathing and simply be aware of it as it comes and goes on its own. The exhalations can help you relax and
let go. The more you relax and let go with the exhalations, the easier it is to trust, wait and allow the incoming
breath to arrive on its own. As the incoming breath arrives, say to yourself, "I can trust inspiration,"
meaning, just as you can trust your breath to come to you, so can you trust that spirit will bring to you the needed
thoughts, feelings and images that are appropriate for the moment without you having to make any special effort
of your own. [pause for 10 seconds] Now allow your awareness to include the feeling of my presence, your partner
in this adventure. Just allow yourself to expand your awareness until it includes the feeling of being in my presence.
In your imagination, make mental contact with me. Imagine being in psychic contact with my mind. In your imagination,
reach out and make a heart connection with me, feeling close. As you imagine making contact with me, notice what
you experience, whatever it may be. Assume that whatever you experience--feelings, images, memories, thoughts,
sensations, moods, whatever--that these experiences are the appropriate and natural result of being in psychic
contact with me. Allow your experience to flow spontaneously, simply accepting what you experience while merely
observing it, trusting that the experiences are natural and appropriate without your having to direct them yourself.
We will have three minutes of silence while you can observe the experience of being in psychic contact with me.
[three minute pause]. OK, now, gently relax and let go of the contact experience. You will remember what you observed.
Release the contact experience and focus on your own self, your own body. Notice how you feel now, your energy
level and your mood. Take a deep breath, wiggle your fingers and your toes, stretch and open your eyes. Right now,
write out in detail whatever you experienced.
Afterwards, share with your partner what you experienced. For this practice round,
please reassure your partner that whatever he or she experienced, it is OK. There is no one thing that the person
is SUPPOSED to experience. They are only supposed to write it down.

Tell your partner that you will be mailing them a copy of the above script so
that they can record it on a cassette (including the three minute period of silence and the re-entry instructions)
and mail the cassette to you. You will make a recording for your partner and include it with the script. As soon
as you receive the recorded cassette your partner makes, then the two of you will be able to proceed to the next
step of the experiment. Each of you will have a recording of one another s voice, which will make it easier to
tune into each other during the three minute meditation.

When you have received the recorded cassette from your partner, check it out to
make sure it is as intended. Then call your partner and discuss an agreed upon time of day (or night) when you
both will sit down and play one another s cassette and meditate on each other. Recall the instruction to make a
diary entry for each session, recording all the experiences that occurred during the three minute meditation period.
Make an appointment for a check in phone call a week later.

After the first five days of experimentation, call up your partner and review
your journal notes. Take turns reading your notes for each day, and then going on to the next day. Things to look
1) Were there any similarities between what the two of you experienced on a given
2) Did one person have some thoughts, feelings or images that the other person
could recognize as connected to their life in some way?
3) Refer to your reading of "When You and I are one" for other ideas
for things to look for.
Make an appointment for another telephone conference a week further in time, and
continue the experiment for another five days. Again, compare notes, and then continue the experiment for a third
week. At the end of the experiment, discuss with your partner this question: "What did we experience together
to suggest that our "contact experiences" were more than "just" imagination?

Prepare a report for your mentor to set up your next telephone conversation. It
need not be lengthy or detailed, but sufficient to give your mentor some idea about your experiences in Lesson
Also include any questions that you d like to ask your mentor.
Either email or send a letter to your mentor with this report and suggest some
good times for a telephone conference. When your mentor receives this report, the mentor will contact you to arrange
an appointment. As part of this final consultation, you and your mentor will assess your development of your intuitive
imagination in this home study course.
Congratulations on a job well done!