Inspired by the Edgar Cayce Institute for Intuitive Studies |
The Intuitive Heart™ Discovery Method Training Henry Reed, Ph.D., Mentor Contents
To stay organized and on track in your studies and practice use the "Lesson Plans" section as your guide. Follow the instructions in that section as you proceed through the course.
All of these materials may be ordered from the A.R.E. bookstore.
An important feature of the home study course is your telephone conferences with your mentor. You will have the conference trainer, Henry Reed, for your personal mentor for the "Intimate ESP" portion of the Edgar Cayce Legacy training. You will make these phone calls (toll charges are your responsibility) at specified points in the course. For each phone conference, there will be specific goals and expectations. In addition to these planned agenda items, you may also ask any questions you wish. To get the most from these phone conferences, you should review your assignments, have the appropriate materials at hand, and be prepared to deal with the agenda items noted for that conference. Also have your questions written down so you won t forget. For each conference call, make an appointment with your mentor. At the end of this section contact information is provided as well as directions for contacting the mentor to arrange for a specific date and time for the actual phone conference. The points in the course when you should schedule these phone conferences are noted in the Lesson Plans section of the syllabus. They are also summarized below:
To contact your mentor, Henry Reed, for appointment: Call or fax 540-579-2883, suggesting alternative dates and times. Your mentor will phone you back collect to confirm one of those alternatives. OR, You may also e-mail Henry at and provide alternative dates and times. Your mentor will e-mail you back to confirm one of those alternatives. At the agreed upon date and time, phone your mentor.
Once you have completed these questions, prepare duplicate sets in sealed envelopes and mail them to:
The purpose of having psychic readings:
Before working on the Preparation of Questions section below, read the booklet, Check it Out! and then return here to resume the process of preparing your questions for the readings. Preparation of Questions Following the design of this course, you will prepare your questions and mail them to the psychics before you begin with the other psychic training exercises, because the first set of psychic training exercises work with these same questions (See Lesson 2 in the Lesson Plans section.) A reasonable number of questions is five. You may ask more questions by asking one psychic one set of questions and the other psychic another set. However, you will need to include at least one question that you submit to both psychics in order to complete some of your psychic training exercises. You might benefit more if you develop one set of questions that you present to both psychics, getting two answers for each. However this degree of overlap is not required. Nevertheless, to follow the lesson plan, you must choose one question which you will present to both psychics, and on which you will also do a self-hypnosis session and a dream incubation. You will then compare all four sources of information. Edgar Cayce always encouraged us to seek answers from more than one source of information and then correlate the information. In other words, if you are going to get a psychic reading, get two and compare the answers. It is not merely a matter of getting a "second opinion," but it is a matter of eliciting your own intuition. When you perform a comparison between two answers, your own intuition must come into play in order to see resemblances. And, as you will read in the booklet, "Check it Out!" it is really impossible to avoid using your own intuition when responding to a psychic reading and deciding how to apply the information. Nominate Some Possible Questions Begin the process of developing a set of questions now. Jot down a list of tentative questions. Here is a list of possible questions, simply examples to get your own thinking going:
Refine Questions with Your Own Knowledge Examine your list of tentative questions, and see which ones you have the most interest in. Follow the instructions below to refine the question by discovering what you already know by way of an answer to that question. Then revise the question so you are asking for information that takes you beyond your current knowledge.
Repeat this process with your other tentative questions until you come up with five revised questions that you can mail to your psychics. It is preferred that you mail the same set of questions (revised) to both psychics. If you wish to ask more than five questions by dividing them between the two psychics, please use this process to refine all the questions you do submit. Remember: Choose at least one question which you ask of both psychics. This question will become the focus of some of your psychic training exercises. This should be a question that doesn't lend itself to one single right answer but a question that calls for insight, perspective, creativity.
Overview: Make an appointment for your orientation call with your mentor. Review the materials and order your text materials from the ARE Bookstore if you haven t already received them. Have your orientation phone call conference with your mentor to plan your course of study.
Make a good beginning to this course by contacting your mentor for an orientation phone call. Set up the appointment, and then prepare for the conversation. See the earlier section, "Telephone Conferences with Your Mentor" for further information and details on how to set up a telephone meeting.
To prepare for this telephone meeting, examine the materials you have received. Note the section on "Texts and Study Materials." Order the necessary books and cassettes from the ARE Bookstore. It s best to order all the materials at once, but if you wish to order them individually, then study the lesson plans carefully to see what you need first. If you will do so, you will see that the first materials required are (in order of use):
Discover how the section "Preparing for Psychic Readings" is to be used in conjunction with Lesson 2 in the Lesson Plans.
Discover how the steps in Lesson 3 of the Lesson Plans are focused on your own attempts to answer one of the questions you sent to the psychics.
Survey the remainder of the Lesson Plans to discover the types of training exercises offered. See if you have any general questions about these exercises. Write down these questions to ask your mentor. You ll have another chance to question your mentor more specifically about Lessons 3-7 in future phone calls.
Have your orientation telephone meeting with your mentor.
Overview: After you have had your orientation phone call with your mentor, you will review Edgar Cayce s perspective on psychic development and then assemble some personal questions to submit to two professional psychics. Then use Lesson 3 to obtain your own answers to one of the questions you submitted to both of the psychics. We ll call this one question, your "Question."
Before you begin working on your questions, listen to the cassette, Awakening Your Psychic Powers. It will give you an overview of Edgar Cayce s perspective on intuition development and methods of psychic training. It may stimulate your memories about experiences you have had, and raise questions for you about methods of intuition development most suited to you.
Follow the instructions given in the section of the syllabus, "Preparing for and Receiving Readings from Psychics." It would be a good idea to have one of the questions you direct to the psychics be about the subject of how you can best develop your intuitive abilities.
Submit the questions to the psychics as instructed in that section.
Overview: By the end of this lesson, you ll have developed some kind of answer to your "Question" through dreams and by getting into a hypnotic state similar to that used by Edgar Cayce. First, practice getting into an inspirational frame of mind to formulate your ideals. Read about dream incubation and the use of self-hypnosis for gaining guidance. Prepare yourself to have a dream giving you guidance about your Question. Practice using a self-hypnosis cassette to help you answer your Question. Use self-hypnosis to develop a way to apply or test your answer.
Take out the cassette labeled The Quest for Inspiration, and play the side titled, "A channel of inspiration: A meditation on the breath" to help you get into a frame of mind harmonious with your own intuition. Once you are able to allow the breath to flow on its own, allow yourself to feel grateful for the gift of breath. Let the experience remind you of your highest value. What is your ideal? Afterwards, write down some thoughts about your ideal.
Read the booklets, Dream Incubation: The Mystery, the Method, and Explorations in Self-Hypnosis: Following Edgar Cayce and the Quest for Inspiration, including the self-hypnosis script given at the end of that booklet. Notice where in the script there is an opportunity to ask a question of the spiritual benefactor. Notice the similarity between the dream incubation ritual and the self-hypnosis script, i.e., both include the idea of going to a "sacred place" and getting guidance from a "spiritual benefactor." Symbolically this means, entering a special state of consciousness (in accord with your ideals), and receiving information from your higher self. This process, understood most generally through this symbolism, is the basic form of psychic guidance which Edgar Cayce advocated. Methods vary, but the principle is the same. You will use dreams and self-hypnosis, guided by this symbolic structure, to see what kind of guidance you can receive from within yourself concerning your "Question."
Use the booklet Dream Solutions Overnight! to prepare yourself to have a dream about your "Question." The first part of the exercise, given on pages 4-13 of the booklet, helps you further clarify your "Question" and some of its underlying dynamics. On pages 8-9 of the booklet, if you have no previous dream that might relate to your "Question," just skip those pages.
Now you'll try to use self-hypnosis to obtain guidance on your "Question." On the opposite side of the The Quest for Inspiration cassette you have been using, is a recording of the script that was printed in the booklet Explorations in Self-Hypnosis. Use this side of the cassette to guide you through this self-hypnosis experience. At the appropriate time, ask your "Question" and note your benefactor s response. Afterwards, write down the answer and other information received.
You will find it very stimulating and insightful to alternate the two methods. By day, try the self-hypnosis method. By night, try the dream incubation method. Working with one will seed the other. When you have information obtained from both approaches, then attempt to combine the information. Write out a brief version of the insights you are getting on your Question, based upon the interpretation of your dream(s) and the responses of your spiritual benefactor from self-hypnosis.
Use the self-hypnosis script one more time--this time focusing on what little step you can take to apply and test out the insight to your Question. Ask your benefactor how you can apply the insights that you have received. Write out the ideas you received. Which will you actually try out? Begin to do so.
When you have finished with Lesson 3, you have two choices. If you have received both of your psychic readings, you may go on to Lesson 4. If both of your readings have not yet arrived, then hold off on Lesson 4, and go on to Lesson 5. This lesson does not depend upon your completing of Lessons 2-4, but takes you on a fresh start on a new track of learning. Then, when your readings arrive, you can work on Lesson 4, which is concluded by a telephone session with your mentor.
Overview: When you have received both psychic readings, listen to them in a special way to get systematic information from them. Write out information from each relative to your questions. What can you apply? Compare your own answers, obtained by dreams and hypnosis, with what you got from the two psychics. Set up a second phone call session with your mentor to discuss the psychic readings and your evaluation.
Organize the two psychic readings into pieces of information that falls into these categories:
Correlate the information you received from the two psychics and from what you received from your own dreams and hypnosis (answers in category 3 above). What is the general theme in this information? What did the psychics add to what you obtained yourself? Is there any conflicting information? What will you do to clarify the conflicts or to apply the common themes in this information?
Is one psychic providing a better caliber of information than the other, or are they both about the same? Look at categories 4-7 above to see which psychic seems to be more accurate, more inspiring, more empathic, with more factually correct information and less factually correct information. Is the conflicting information mentioned in Step 2 above coming from the psychic who is doing less well on your evaluation?
For each of your questions compare the information between the two psychics (see step 1, category 2). When there is a conflict between the answers, check to see which piece of information is coming from the psychic you evaluated as less accurate and inspiring. For each question, see how you can adapt the information received into some plan of action that would allow you to test out or apply the information received.
Contact your mentor to make a phone appointment for discussing the results of your psychic readings. The emphasis in this consultation will be upon Step 2 of this lesson, so have your materials ready when you have your consultation. Another important subject for discussion will be to inventory where you are with regard to each of your questions as a result of your psychic readings. Also: What did you learn about using your intuition from getting these readings?
Overview: Listen to a conference lecture about how intuition and psychic ability is going to change the landscape of our social reality. It will help you better appreciate how "heart awareness," will help you more easily make the transition to psychic reality. Read about how research into telepathic dreaming, inspired by the suggestions of Edgar Cayce, led to an important discovery about the role of caring and helping in the elicitation of intuitive ability. Learn how to get into the Intuitive Heart state of mind. Learn to evoke memories as intuitive metaphors for guidance. Make an appointment with your mentor to review your work and to exchange Intuitive Heart™ readings with your mentor.
Listen to the cassette, "Psychic Training for the Coming World Shift in Consciousness." As you listen to this lecture, think about how your own life will be affected by the development of your intuition and psychic abilities.
Read Chapters One through Three in the book, "Discover Your Intuitive Heart™." As you read it, use these questions to guide your understanding of the material presented:
Practice entering the Intuitive Heart™ frame of mind (Steps One and Two in Chapter Three, fully explained in Chapters Four and Five). You can use the breath meditation side of the cassette "Quest for Inspiration" to begin the process. You can review these steps in the textbook:
Practice this state of mind until you can enter it easily. Make notes in your journal about the insights and imagery that you get in that state of mind. Practice "Learning from Memories." You can work in either direction, with other people first (as suggested in the book), and then yourself, or beginning with yourself.
Contact your mentor for your phone appointment. To prepare for the phone conference, gather your notes from your practice of the Intuitive Heart™ exercises. The focus of the phone call will be to exchange Intuitive Heart™ "readings," to discuss the results of your experiences, and to answer your questions about this approach.
Overview: Learn how the "oneness" principle so important to Edgar Cayce can be understood as "intimacy" in the interpersonal dimension of life. What will be the implications of psychic oneness for a sense of personal identity? Read about an exercise using intuitive listening which will reveal the underlying intimacy issues implicit in developing psychic ability. Practice developing the skill of intuitive listening with your mentor.
Listen to the audio-cassette, Intimate ESP. How are your own feelings about intimacy affected by the idea of everyone having psychic awareness of everyone else s thoughts and feelings? How would the Intuitive Heart™ methodology help a person with these issues? What is a personal boundary when ESP unites minds? If you have an Internet connection, you can read more about this question at
Read the booklet, Getting to Know You. The first part of this booklet will help reinforce what you learned in listening to the cassette. The second part describes a psychic training exercise used in the Edgar Cayce Legacy conference. See if you can adapt it to your situation by tuning in to the sound of people s voices rather than to the words they are saying. See what impressions you get.
Contact your mentor for your phone appointment. To prepare for this conference, review your notes from the cassette and booklet and write down any questions. The focus of this conference will be for your mentor to train you in intuitive listening by using the exercise described in the booklet.
Overview: In this final lesson you'll review what you've learned, both in terms of your skills and your understanding of intuition and psychic development, and speculate on your next step. You'll learn how to do inspirational writing and practice it using a variety of attunement procedures. You'll use inspirational writing to assess your work and plan for the future. A final conference phone call with your mentor will conclude your work on this course.
Review your course work, the exercises, the readings, what you have read, and your notes from your conference phone calls with your mentor. Write down a list of major accomplishments, highlights of your learning. Also make a list of areas where you wish to learn more, where you didn't do as well as you d hoped, and skills or areas of application where you d like to gain improved skills. What new aspects of your relationship with yourself have you obtained? What new ideas, images or feelings about yourself have developed? How do you feel about your intuition and psychic ability?
Read the booklet, Channeling Your Higher Self with Inspirational Writing. Read the examples of inspirational writing that are at the end of the booklet.
Edgar Cayce recommended inspirational writing as a good way to develop intuitive guidance, and a method that had no limit in terms of what it could bring forth. Since the essay in this booklet was written, the book series, Conversations with God has been published. The series was written through inspirational writing.
There are three components to successful inspirational writing.
In this lesson, you ll experiment with several different forms of attunement, and then use your favorite method for evaluation and guidance. To begin, say a prayer that your heart will be open to the truth, and then write a letter to your higher self (or an equivalent personification of your spiritual self) about how you feel about learning inspirational writing as a means of receiving guidance. If you have any doubts or concerns, have a dialogue with your higher self, as you did in pages 5 and 12 of the Dream Solutions Overnight! booklet. You've already done inspirational writing as you were preparing your questions for the psychics. We just didn't label it that way or have you give much focus to the process. Now you've reached a stage in your development where you can focus on the process and be able to refine and improve your work with this method. Use the breath meditation side of the Quest for Inspiration cassette as a method for attunement for inspirational writing. Put on the cassette, and let yourself get into the flow of your breathing. When the cassette leaves you in silence, pick up your pen/pencil and begin writing. Practice again, and again, until you are able to get into the "inspirational state" without the cassette.
Try using this approach with a particular question to see what kind of information or guidance you can receive. Use the self-hypnosis side of the Quest for Inspiration cassette as a method for attunement. Try sitting with a pen and tablet handy or sitting at your keyboard, so that when the time comes to experience your spiritual benefactor s response to your questions, you can write or type them out. Have a question in mind to see what kind of answer you might receive from your benefactor s awareness.
Practice using your own cassette for a few times, then see if you can do inspirational writing without any cassette, simply by recalling your spiritual place and the benefactor s consciousness. Perhaps you can simplify further. Here are some other methods for attunement for you to consider:
Using a method of attunement of your choice, have a separate session of inspirational writing on each of these questions:
Contact your mentor to make your final phone appointment. The focus of the conference will be
Congratulations! You've finished this Home Study course with the Edgar Cayce Institute of Intuitive Studies. Your mentor will discuss with you what might be the best plan for your future studies. Your intuition will also have some important guidance for you as well. |