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The Intuitive Heart Discovery Method Training

Henry Reed, Ph.D., Mentor

What follows is a portion of the syllabus. The actual, 160 page syllabus contains graphics,  descriptions of the texts, as well as special reading material.


Statement of Purpose
Summary of Course
Telephone Conferences with Your Mentor
Course of Assignments

Assignment 1: A vision of divine order.

Assignment 2: Intuitive Connections with Tarot Cards & I Ching

Assignment 3: Divination on a Town

Assignment 4: Your Tarot World Layout

Assignment 5:

Option 1: The Question and Answer Game

Option 2: A Divination for your Mentor


Welcome to this home study course of the Edgar Cayce Institute for Intuitive Studies, "Divination: Intuition and Synchronicity." You'll find the study materials and learning assignments that make up this course a project in enlightenment, for yourself and for those with whom you decide to share the learning experience.

Because this is a self-directed, home-study learning experience, reading the directions becomes more important than it might be in other circumstances. The initial material in this study guide will provide you with important instructions to orient you to how to proceed with creating your learning projects, using the remaining material in the study guide and the other required learning materials.

Divination is an exciting process, one filled with adventure, discovery and self-realization. Bon Voyage!


Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this course is to bring the practical experience of divination into a spiritual context so that the student diviner can use the divination process to grow in consciousness of co-creating with divine order and grow in intuitive ability to be able to perceive divine order through direct knowing.



1) To gain an understanding of the meaning of divination.

2) To learn the role of intuition and synchronicity in the divination process.

3) To gain practical experience in using the Tarot as a divinatory tool.

4) To learn a simple method of direct divination to promote personal intuition for guidance.


Summary of Course

You ll begin by watching a video that will explain to you the meaning of divination as perceiving "divine order." You'll be taught how to get into a state of consciousness consistent with divine order. You'll use this method to receive your own image of divine order. At this point, you'll have your first conference with your mentor.

As an introduction to your practice of divination, the first video will teach you to use your growing ability to enter a consciousness of divine order to establish a learning relationship with individual Tarot cards and I Ching Hexagrams. You'll then enter a learning adventure using this methodology to explore some of the cards in the Tarot deck and some of the Hexagrams in the I Ching. At the end of this adventure you'll have your second conference with your mentor.

In the second video, you'll see demonstrated some learning projects to help you gain a wider perspective on divination systems and their use in giving "readings." You'll appreciate how many different ways there are to perform divination, and how your own intuition, the synchronicity of the moment, your own inner wisdom and your knowledge, as well as the inherent wisdom in the divination system interact to produce the "reading."

Your final project will depend upon your personally preferred goals for this course. If you are more interested in divination skills generally, you'll gather some friends to play the "Question and Answer Game." Afterwards, you'll go on a "Synchronicity Walk" to receive spiritual guidance about what you learned from playing the game. In your final conference with your mentor, you'll discuss what you've learned and how you can continue to improve your divination skills. If you are more interested in improving your ability to give Tarot readings, you'll warm up with some simple readings, and then do a full "Celtic Cross" reading for your mentor. In your final conference with your mentor, you'll receive feedback on your reading and discuss your next step of development as a Tarot reader.

Telephone Conferences with Your Mentor

An important part of your home-study learning experience in this course are the three phone conferences you have with your mentor. These conferences add an extra dimension of a personal touch to your studies, beyond what you may derive from the divination experiences you share with others. It is a chance for you to ask questions, to explore issues that have arise for you in your exploration of divination. It is also a time for you to receive some feedback, for you will be sharing some of your work with the mentor, who can help you in the evaluation process. The mentor can help you direct your work toward your perfecting the art of divination and insure that your own intuition is developing through this practice, which is the purpose of this training.

For each of the three phone conferences, there is a suggested agenda. Details are given about the three mentoring sessions later in the syllabus, in conjunction with the course assignments they serve. For each conference, there is a piece of work that you will mail to your mentor that will be the focus of discussion. Remember, on the other hand, that these conferences exist for your benefit, so feel free to shift the agenda to what best reflects your own needs.

Briefly, the three phone conferences are intended for these purposes:

1) To explore your experience with the assignments.

2) To answer your questions.

3) To plan ways for you to improve or further your development.

Each of the three mentoring phone calls will be initiated by the following process:

1) Mail the designated assignment to your mentor, with a summary of your available times for a phone call during the subsequent two week period, with information concerning how the mentor may contact you (phone or email) to set up an appointment

2) The mentor will contact you and set up the appointment

3) At the appointed time, you will call the mentor for the conference. Each conference will last about 30 minutes.

If at any time you have questions about the course of assignments, you may contact your mentor, using the information below:

Henry Reed, Ph.D.

3777 Fox Creek Road

Mouth of Wilson, VA 24363

Voice Mail & Fax: 540-570-2883




Course of Assignments

How to begin

Make sure you have obtained all the materials for the course:

Divination: Intuition and Synchronicity. A two-part, four hour video by Henry Reed

Synchronicity as Spiritual Guidance. by Mark Thurston

The Enchanted Tarot: Cards and Book by Monte Farber and Amy Zerner

The course begins by your watching the first part of the first video, "The Divine Mind," and reading the first essay in the text section of this syllabus, "The Measure of All Things."

The assignments are given below, with detailed, step by step instructions. Remember, for a home study course, reading instructions is important. If you have questions, you may contact your mentor.


A vision of divine order.

Watch Video #1 through to the point that you are to put it on pause to record your vision of divine order. Just prior to that point on the video, Dr. Reed will guide you through a meditation on "divine order."

You may also find supplementary reading material on this meditation in the text section of this syllabus, entitled, "Entering Divine Mind: The Intuitive Heart Method."

The meditation asks you to focus on your breathing and allow it to guide you into the "flow" state that is archetypally associated with divine order. Then the meditation asks you to open your heart in gratitude or appreciation, which places you into deeper attunement with divine order, as unconditional love for things as they are. Then Dr. Reed asks you to notice what this state of mind feels like to you, what imagery it brings to mind.

Your Assignment: Make a drawing or diagram of divine order.

The purpose of this assignment is to help you begin to develop the ability to enter an intuition-facilitative state of mind in which you may receive information from your inner self relative to a set intention. In future assignments you will continue to practice and improve your skill at this meditation, until entering into this state of mind, "Divine Mind," will come easily and quickly to you, allowing you to go within for information as needed.

Make a copy of your drawing of "Divine Order" and mail it to your mentor, providing a summary of your available times for a phone call during the subsequent two week period, with information concerning how the mentor may contact you (phone or email) to set up an appointment.

The purpose of this first consultation with your mentor is to get acquainted, to discuss your ability to enter into the state of consciousness of divine mind, and to talk about your image of divine order. You may also ask any questions that you wish.

After you make your own drawing of divine order, you may resume viewing the video, which shows many examples of student drawings of divine order, as well as several of Dr. Reed's own watercolor representations of his experiences of divine order.


Intuitive Connections with Tarot Cards & I Ching

Finish watching Video #1. As you do so, Dr. Reed demonstrates how to form intuitive connections with Tarot cards using two different exercises.

In the first exercise, Dr. Reed demonstrates the use of the meditation on divine order, which places you in a special state of consciousness, to do an Intuitive Heartreading on a Tarot card. This reading involves a "memory divination" on the unknown Tarot card that is face down in front of you.

In the second exercise, Dr. Reed demonstrates how to visually study the card, then close your eyes to use imagery to allow the card to come alive in your imagination. For an alternative presentation on this second exercise, see the sample of the Internet "On-Line" course, given in the Internet Resources section of this syllabus.

You are to do the first exercise only (the second is optional and suggested for those who wish to learn more about the Tarot). For this exercise, use both your Enchanted Tarot deck and book set, and the I Ching hexagrams in the Thurston text.

The purpose of this exercise is to

1) help you learn how to use "memory divination" as a means of developing your own divination skills

2) To help you gain a personal, intuitive connection with the I Ching, a popular divination tool.

3) To help you to form a personal relationship with the Tarot cards before you begin an intellectual journey reading about what other authors have written about the card.

Do only one divination each day, to allow adequate time to digest the results. You should record your results in your journal.

For the Tarot, pick a card at random, face down, and do the Intuitive Heart memory divination in a journal (as demonstrated in the video), followed by notes from your Enchanted Tarot text, and your reference books, if any, on that card, and then, for the next 24 hours pay attention to events and experiences that come your way. How do these experiences and events reflect the meaning of that Tarot card? Are their synchronicities between what you experienced in the exercises, or read in your reference books, and what happened during the following day? Make a journal notation of significant events, experiences, and interpretations.

For the I Ching, create a set of slips of paper, numbered from 1-64. Draw a slip at random. Do an Intuitive Heart memory divination on the Hexagram represented by that number before you look up the hexagram in Thurston's Synchronicity text. Make notes on the relationship between your memory divination and the discussion of the hexagram in the Synchronicity text. Then, for the next 24 hours pay attention to events and experiences that come your way. How do these experiences and events reflect the meaning of that I Ching Hexagram? Are there synchronicities between what you experienced in the exercises, or read in your text, and what happened during the following day? Make a journal notation of significant events, experiences, and interpretations.

As you conduct these divinations, you should read Thurston's Synchronicity text, through page 107.

Your assignment is to complete Intuitive Heart memory divinations for at least 10 different, randomly selected Tarot cards, and for at least 10 randomly selected I Ching Hexagrams, allowing at least a complete 24 hour period to notice synchronicities that appear in your daily life that connect with the results of the exercises before proceeding to the next divination Note these synchronicities in your journal and discuss how they help you understand the meaning of the Tarot card or I Ching Hexagram.

You may wish to take a day or two off between each divination, so that you can rest and refresh yourself. Working too quickly will likely dilute the power of this learning adventure.

To increase the intensity and value of this assignment, each time you prepare for a Tarot card or Hexagram for your initial reading, set your intention clearly in your mind: the purpose of this exercise is to help you form a direct, intuitive relationship with the card or Hexagram. You expect your memory divination to draw upon experiences and wisdom you've distilled from the past to understand the card or Hexagram in personal terms. And you intend that the subsequent 24 hours to bring you events and experiences that will stimulate insights about the relationship of your initial meditations on the card to the meaning of that card, to help you better digest what you read about that card in your reference books.

At the end of this learning adventure, choose the most meaningful of the experiments with the Tarot cards, and the most meaningful of the divinations with the I Ching, and prepare copies to send to your mentor.

At that time, include in your letter a summary of your available times for a phone call during the subsequent two week period, with information concerning how the mentor may contact you (phone or email) to set up an appointment.

The purpose of this consultation with your mentor is to discuss your developing ability to use the memory divination to personally connect with the Tarot cards and I Ching Hexagrams. It is to help you formulate your own understanding of this process as it relates to the heart of divination--the use of metaphor, understanding something unknown in terms of something known. You may also ask your mentor any question you wish.


Divination on a Town

Begin to view Video #2, The Divine Play. The purpose of this video is to help you see the divination process as a game, as a play upon the stage, or field, of the divine mind. Seeing divination in this general way will help you break from any rote, or superstitious, relationship to divinations such as Tarot readings, and should help you to loosen up in your readings, become more creative in how you work with Tarot "spreads" and other divination systems, and to appreciate more the role of your own intuition and inner wisdom in doing divinations, relying less upon what you read in the reference books about the meaning of the Tarot cards or I Ching hexagrams, or other divination devices.

Watch the video until Dr. Reed asks you to put it on pause and make your own drawing of your ideal town. You are encouraged to make your own town drawing before viewing the interpretation. The drawing need not be a piece of art, but a simple diagram. But make it before looking at the examples. Once you view the interpretation on the video, you will not be able to do a drawing in "innocence." The video instructions for drawing the town, and its interpretation, are supplemented by a section in your text material, titled, "The Town Test." It is highly recommended that you not read the second section of that article until you have done your own drawing.

After you have made a drawing, then you may continue viewing the video. You ll see Dr. Reed explain the theory of the town test, show his own town drawing and interpret it, as well as show other students' drawing and give a brief interpretation. With this demonstration and the reading material in the text section of this syllabus, you will be able to form your own interpretation of your town, an interpretation that will develop over time.

The video then shows how your town test can be turned into a divination game. You can experiment with this game for yourself. Get coins as shown in the video, a quarter, dime, nickel and penny, set a question, and throw the coins onto the town test.

Using the town diagram as the field for a divination demonstrates the symbolism of the divine play present in divination. The town is a reflection of heaven. It is the abode of the divine mind which organizes energy into the manifestation called divine order. The earthly reflection of this divine order is the town, where people live and work together in harmony with divine law. The coins are like actors or forces at play in the divine mind. As you toss them, synchronicity expresses itself. What is your question? What do you seek to understand?

Your town is a reflection of your own vision of divine order as you live it out in your desires, actions and thoughts. The toss of the coins brings your attention to certain aspects of your drawing, asking you to pay special attention to these areas. Make up a story about what you see about the way the coins have landed on your town. Let your intuition flow like your breath as you give birth to wisdom and insight about your own life and the forces at work in it at this moment. Enjoy the freedom and creativity of being a diviner!

Using the town test in this way opens your thinking to the possibilities that exist in divine play that could be manifested in a divination system. The students who helped make this video created their own divination games. At the end of this video you will see some of them.

Plan to spend only about an hour designing your town test, watching that section of the video, doing a coin divination on your town drawing.

Then over time, in the back of your mind, be thinking about how you might create your own divination game. According to Dr. Reed on the video, to create your divination game you need:

A divine playing field, the stage upon which the play will happen. It could be a board with a picture of the "world" as you envision it, showing the various areas of life in which "stuff happens."

Actors or forces, the free wheeling, autonomous "beings" or "revealers" that play upon the field of the divine game.

Thinking about your own divination game, even if you never make one, will help you in the creating of your own vision that will shape your divination readings. Proceed to the next assignment, where you will use Tarot cards to create your own divination "play space."


Your Tarot World Layout

In the video, you've seen how it is possible to create a divination game. The layout of the "divine world" is a basic component of any divination system. In Tarot, the most common layout is called the Celtic Cross. You can read about this layout in your Enchanted Tarot text (pages 176-181).

(If you have access to the Internet, you may wish to look at the "links" given in the Internet resource section, under the heading of "automated readings." You can learn about Tarot reading by getting cards read for you at these web sites. There is no charge for this type of activity. There are also links to on-line readers, who often do charge a fee to perform an individual reading for you.)

In this assignment, you will create your own layout. Play with the Tarot cards to explore a variety of "Tarot Worlds," or layouts. The idea is simple: explore a variety of ways of laying out several of the Major Arcana Tarot cards to simulate a "world." This will help you become more familiar with the Tarot imagery. It will help stimulate your imagination in relation to the cards. It will also help develop your understanding and appreciation for Tarot layouts besides the Celtic Cross. Today you will find readers using a variety of layouts for their readings. You may find that one of your own layouts is best for your readings.

To begin this assignment, lay the 22 Major Arcana cards in a circle, with 0: The Fool at the top and proceeding consecutively clockwise around the circle. Explore your imagination and play with telling a story about the "world" as you make your way around the circle.

Now simplify the circle, removing some of the cards, rearranging the others to tell "your" story.

Here is the assignment you will report on to your mentor:

Suppose you were going to create something like the town in the Town Test. Choose nine cards, arranging them in a 3 x 3 pattern, that represent different "buildings," i.e. energies you have built in of your life. What cards would you put on the top row? bottom row? To the left? To the right? What card would you put in the middle? Record in your journal your layout and its meaning. This is your "Tarot world."

Now do a divination on this spread. Set the intent: What energy do I need to change? Use something like a coin to toss to see what card it lands on, or draw a number (from 1 to 9) randomly to represent one of the cards in your layout. Let that chosen card be the energy you need to change. Draw at random from the remaining
Tarot cards and put that card FACE DOWN in place of the one you need to change.

Do an Intuitive Heart memory divination on that new card before you turn it over. Be sure to extract a lesson from the memory. Then turn over the card. How does your memory divination relate to the meaning of the card as explained in your Enchanted Tarot text? How does this new card change the layout of your "World"? What is your interpretation of this change? See what synchronicities you experience in connection with this reading.

In conjunction with this assignment, you should read the essay in your text material, "Check it Out! Evaluating Intuitive Guidance and Psychic Readings."

Write up an account of this experience and prepare it for your mentor. Do not send it in at this time, but include it with your final submission, a report on your experience with the option you choose for Assignment 5.


Option 1: The Question and Answer Game

Why is it important to think about inventing your own divination game? Because it helps you to think about your own world view, your spiritual understanding of life, its opportunities and challenges. When you practice divination, you bring yourself into play. Your intuition is at work in the interpretation of the reading. Your own wisdom and world understanding is at work in the formulation of the reading, in the insights you are able to deliver.

Your text, "Enchanted Tarot" can help you get started with divination by giving you answers to use for interpreting what it means when a particular card appears in the divination. Your text, Synchronicity as Spiritual Guidance can give you ideas about how to combine the wisdom of something like the I Ching with another source, such as the Edgar Cayce readings. But if you wish to develop expertise at divination, you will want to go beyond this rote level of reading, whether it's using Tarot or anything else. The purpose of this course is to help you learn to use your own intuition to see into divine order. We use practice with the Tarot deck to achieve this skill. Thus you need to develop more abilities than how to look up an interpretation in a book, even though, as you are discovering, there is a lot you can read that is very helpful, in terms of information. But how do all these factors combine to make for a reading?

To give you an insight on this matter, Dr. Reed has invented what he calls the "Question and Answer Game." You will see it demonstrated in the final section of the second video. You can also read about it in the text section of this syllabus.

You are highly encouraged to gather some friends together to play this game. It will open your eyes about what is at work in a divination reading. It is fun to play and will help you develop the fluidity you'll need to become an excellent diviner. It will also give you added respect for the role of your own personal wisdom in conducting divinations. As you'll discover, there is no way to get around "going within" for guidance.

To play this game with friends, you can use the Tarot cards from the Enchanted Tarot, and the I Ching Hexagrams from your Synchronicity text. These two sources can be the "Ancient Wisdom." The players will provide their own Legacy Lessons, based upon their own best wisdom, and they'll provide their own Intuitive Heart" readings on the questions submitted, as demonstrated in the video.

This option is best for those who wish to develop their intuition through the practice of divination. It is best for those whose interest in divination is a part of their general interest in spiritual development. It does require that you be willing to share this experience with others. You don't have to be an expert, just generous enough to share with others.

If you choose this option, then take notes during the game, and write up a report on the experience. Ask the players to rate the various sources of guidance, and discuss these ratings at the end of the game. Ask the group to help you choose one of the questions asked, that seemed to work out the best, or be most interesting, to include in your report. Then, to finish your report, go for a walk:

Synchronicity Walk: As a final step in preparing your report, you are to conduct an "empty handed" divination on the question, "What is the important lesson for me concerning divination from playing the Question and Answer Game?" By empty-handed, we mean using no tools beyond your own seeing directly into divine mind. On the video, after the game, you see students doing an empty-handed divination by allowing their eyes to "randomly" alight upon a certain spot in the room.

Your assignment is to go for a "Synchronicity Walk," (see page 89) allowing your mind to wander along with your body. Note how the flow of your consciousness, the flow of your visual glances, and the movement of your body reveal a synchronous experience. At some point on your walk, your glances may reveal something in your environment that provide a meaningful metaphor about your intention, your question, and you'll find that your walk becomes a divination reading. Include the results of this walking divination in your report.

Send in this report to your mentor, along with the report you prepared for assignment 4.

Include in your letter a summary of your available times for a phone call during the subsequent two week period, with information concerning how the mentor may contact you (phone or email) to set up an appointment.

The purpose of this final consultation is to review the assignments you submitted, especially with regard to your understanding of your own developing skills at using your intuition in divination. You and your mentor can discuss the "Question and Answer Game" and your Synchronicity Walk to discover what you have learned about the role of your intuition and your own inner wisdom in perceiving what is in divine mind with regard to questions that come up in life, and how you might use your skills for personal guidance. You may also ask any questions you wish of your mentor. A good one would be, "Where do I go from here?"

Option 2: A Divination for your Mentor

In this second option, you will conduct a divination for your mentor, using a combination of the Intuitive Heart memory divination method and a Celtic Cross Tarot spread. This option is best for those who are more seriously focused upon becoming a reader for others, or who have a specialized interest in the Tarot.

You will want to prepare yourself with some practice readings before you set up the divination for your mentor. Here is a suggested path of preparation.

Study pages 168-181 in your Enchanted Tarot text.

Do some one card readings, as explained in the text, for yourself. Do some for others. When you do a reading for another person, try to also incorporate an Intuitive Heart" memory divination so that you will be building your confidence in your own intuitive ability as you go along.

Move to three card readings, as explained in the text. Do some for yourself, do some for others, including an Intuitive Heart memory divination along with the Tarot.

Move up to a full Celtic Cross spread and do readings for yourself and others, again, where possible, including an Intuitive Heart memory divination along with the Tarot, and integrating them. Soon you will find that you can trust your own intuitive ability to divine independently of the cards.

When you are ready, send a note or leave a phone message for your mentor indicating that you are choosing this option for your final assignment. By notifying your mentor, you will also activate the energies necessary for the reading.

The mentor is ready and willing for you to conduct reading on behalf of the mentor concerning this question: What forces are acting upon the mentor at this time, and how should the mentor be responding to these opportunities / challenges in order to best facilitate health, harmony and prosperity in the mentor's life?

As you prepare the cards for a reading, but before you actually lay them out, do an Intuitive Heart memory divination for the mentor. Using the processes you've learned, enter into Divine Mind through your following the flow of your breath, allowing your heart to open. Form a heart connection with your mentor. Then invite a memory to come to mind. Elaborate the story of that memory and draw a lesson from it that is both applicable to you, and, hopefully, applicable to your mentor.

Then cast the cards and interpret them. Record the layout and your interpretation. You may wish to create a written record of the card spread, but record your reading on audiotape cassette. Integrate what you get from the Tarot cards with what you got from the Intuitive Heart memory divination.

Submit a report on this reading to your mentor, along with the report you prepared for assignment 4.

Include in your letter a summary of your available times for a phone call during the subsequent two week period, with information concerning how the mentor may contact you (phone or email) to set up an appointment.

The purpose of this final consultation with your mentor is to go over your work for assignments 4 and 5. One theme will be the difference between doing divination for yourself and for someone else.

Congratulations! You have completed all the assignments in this home study course on Divination, Intuition and Synchronicity.

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