Edited by HENRY REED, Ph.D.
June 29, 2007
The Intuitive-Connections Network

Precognitive Dreams and Investments

By Walt Stover An account of an ongoing project to use dreams for guiding stock market investments.

Precognitive Stock Market Dreams

The Committee of Sleep

By Desidre Barrett

Book summary by Walt Stover For thousands of years, people have used dreams as an intuitive avenue to success in their lives.

Intuition: Its Powers and Perils

By David Myers

Has anyone ever told you that "you are amazing"? Well, you are.

Intuition: Core Competence for the New Millenium

By Arupa Tesolin

Next time you’re out driving take a look around, at the businesses, the shops, the homes, transport, signs, and people, and wonder “How else could this have looked?”

Creating a Meaningful Life

By Amy Betit

In this Atlantic University “mini-lesson,” you’ll have a chance to explore what you may offer to yourself that would help you create more meaning in your life.

Professional Intuitives in the Workplace

By Renee Takacs

A study of professional intuitives and their experiences helping out in the workplace with their special skills. (An Atlantic University Master’s Thesis)

Practical Intuition

By Laura Day

Book Summary by Linda Brown

We don’t need to know how intuition works to reap its benefits. Learn to trust that you know, without knowing why you know. We can develop our intuition so that we will make better decisions and have more control of our lives.

The Beethoven Factor: The New Positive Psychology of Hardiness, Happiness, Healing and Hope

By Paul Pearsall, Ph.D.

Book Summary by Clayton Montez

We have the ability to frame our experiences of life’s unavoidable challenges with an attitude to convert stress into personal discovery and transformation.

The Secret of Doing Without Doing

By Robert Anthony

Most of our actions are out of fear, worry or doubt because we believe nothing will get done unless we DO something. In other words, we are trying to force our desire into manifestation through action. If your decision to DO is dominant, then you will not focus on what you want to BE in the present moment. This causes you to miscreate because BEING is the first and most important step in the creative process.

Sacred Selfishness: A Guide to Living a Life of Substance

By Bud Harris

Book summary by Linda Brown

The goal of sacred selfishness is to become a person of substance. People of substance live authentic lives that represent them as being who they truly are. As a result, they give back vitality and hope to the people around them. They have inner knowledge and self-love and the world can’t victimize them.
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