Commentaries on
David Spangler's Intuitive Investigation of Terrorist Attack
To provide a point of reference for Spangler's material,
The following was taken from the Edgar Cayce web site:
Edgar Cayce on World Events
The Edgar Cayce information and living in Times of Crisis
In regards to the horrendous tragedy and acts of terrorism that
have struck the United States, a number of our members and friends
have asked for information from the Edgar Cayce material that might be
helpful at this time. Although the Cayce readings do not provide a
listing of inevitable future events, a number of readings including
readings given during World War II on the status of "World Affairs,"
provide some hopeful insights into humanity's collective destiny and
how we might work together to bring about that destiny.
Cayce predicted that the time would come when all individuals
would realize their responsibility toward one another – a realization
that would change the thought of humankind. During the height of World
War II, he saw the possibility of a united World, an alliance with
Russia, freedom out of Communism, democracy out of China, and a
renewed sense of spirituality all over the planet. When asked in 1944
which religious thought would lead the World toward the greatest
amount of spiritual light and understanding, the reply was simply
that, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and thy
neighbor as thyself!" (3976-8)
In addition to whatever forms of worship, prayer, or moments of
quiet you take part in, we invite you to join with the A.R.E. staff
and members and friends all over the World who participate in daily
meditation from 12 noon to 12:30 p.m. (E.T.) Our heartfelt prayers go
out to all those personally affected by this tragedy. We invite you to
observe whatever portion you can of this special time when we will be
focusing on these affirmations from the Cayce readings:
September 2001 – Knowledge
Let the knowledge of the Lord So permeate my being that There is less
and less of self, More and more of God, In my dealings with my fellow
man; That the Christ may be in all, Through all, in His name.
October 2001 – Wisdom
Our Father, Our God, may the light of Thy wisdom, of Thy strength, of
Thy power, guide – as we would apply ourselves in Thy service for
others. In His Name we seek. #262-102
If you are interested, you may also take part in our Prayer
Services, adding your name to our prayer list or assisting us in
praying for others. Click here for additional information.
What follows are verbatim extracts from the Cayce readings that
are especially relevant about living in Times of Crisis:
Reading #3976-28; June 20, 1943
Gertrude Cayce: You will have before you the conditions in the world
today, and that needed by those seeking advice in helping to construct
a permanent basis for international peace founded upon understanding
of one another's economic, social and spiritual problems. You will
answer the questions, as I ask them:
Edgar Cayce: Yes, we have - as we have had before - those problems
which have brought about the upheavals and the wars, the distrust, the
jealousy, the hate existing today. These are the result of man's
forgetting God, and that which truly represents man's sincere attempt
to worship, honor and glorify a living God.
For this may only be done in the manner in which individuals,
states, nations, treat their fellow man. For, as ye do unto others, ye
do to thy Maker. And when those activities are such as to dishonor thy
fellow man, ye dishonor thy God - and it brings all of those forms
of disturbance that exist in the world today.
As for the individuals here - peace must begin within self before
there may be the activity or the application of self in such a manner
as to bring peace in thine own household, in thine own heart, in thine
own vicinity, in thine own state or nation. And only one agreement:
Worship God in a manner that is in keeping with the dictates of thy
When there has been in the earth those groups that have
sufficiently desired and sought peace, peace will begin. It must be
within self.
Reading #3976-8; January 15, 1932
With the present conditions, then, that exist - these have all come to
that place in the development of the human family where there must
be a reckoning, a one point upon which all may agree, that out of all
of this turmoil that has arisen from the social life, racial
differences, the outlook upon the relationship of man to the Creative
Forces or his God, and his relationships one with another, must come
to some COMMON basis upon which all MAY agree. You say at once, such a
thing is impractical, impossible! What has caused the present
conditions, not alone at home but abroad? It is that realization that
was asked some thousands of years ago,
"Where IS thy brother? His blood CRIES to me from the ground!" and the
other portion of the world has answered, IS answering, "Am I my
brother's keeper?" The world, AS a world - that makes for the
disruption, for the discontent - has lost its ideal. Man may not have
the same IDEA. Man - ALL men - may have the same IDEAL!
As the Spirit of God once moved to bring peace and harmony out of
chaos, so must the Spirit move over the earth and magnify itself in
the hearts, minds and souls of men to bring peace, harmony and
understanding, that they may dwell together in a way that will bring
that peace, that harmony, that can only come with all having the one
Ideal; not the one idea, but "Thou shalt love the Lord Thy God with
all thine heart, thy neighbor AS thyself!" This [is] the whole law,
this [is] the whole answer to the world, to each and every soul. That
is the answer to the world conditions as they exist today.
How shall this be brought about? As [they] each in their own
respective sphere put into action that they know to be the fulfilling
of that as has been from the beginning, so does the little leaven
leaven the whole lump.
Man's answer to everything has been POWER - Power of money, Power
of position, Power of wealth, Power of this, that or the other. This
has NEVER been GOD'S way, will never be God's way. Rather little by
little, line upon line, here a little, there a little, each thinking
rather of the other fellow, as that that has kept the world in the
various ways of being intact - where there were ten, even, many a
from destruction. Though ye may look upon, or feel that that
which was given to Abram -
as he viewed the cities of the plain and pled for the saving of same
- was an allegorical story, a beautiful tale to be told children -
that it might bring fear into the hearts of those that would have
their OWN way - may it not come into the hearts of those now, today,
wilt THOU, thine self, make of thine OWN heart an understanding that
thou must answer for thine own brother, for thine own neighbor! and
who is thine neighbor? He that lives next door, or he that lives on
the other side of the world? He, rather, that is in NEED of under-
standing! He who has faltered; he who has fallen even by the way. HE
is thine neighbor, and thou must answer for him!
Reading #3976-23; June 13, 1939
Then, there needs be that not so much be set as to this ritual, or
this form, or the other, for any given peoples or any nation, but
rather that the individuals in each nation, EVERYWHERE, are to turn
again TO the God of the fathers and not in self-indulgence,self-
aggrandizement, but more and more of self-effacement. For as the
people of each nation pray, AND then live that prayer, so must the
Spirit work.
Then - each of you here - GIVE GOD A CHANCE to show what great
blessings He will give to those who love Him. This does not mean that
ye, or ANYONE, would condone persecutions anywhere or in any form.
For, know ye, His laws fail not, - "As ye sow, so shall ye reap."
Man can only begin, then, within himself. And as he applies that
he knows, that he understands of God, in his daily life, so may there
be given him the next step to make.
Reading #3976-27; June 19, 1942
Ye cannot pray "Peace - Peace" when there is no peace in thine own
heart and soul! but by knowing (for His spirit answers with thy
spirit) that each day, each person ye meet is GLAD that you are alive!
GLAD that YOU have come in touch with them; for you have brought - and
bring - hope to their lives, just in the passing!
This means, then, that you may so live the life as He emulated in
the earth, that ye radiate life, joy, peace! that which casteth out
fear - by living, by being, by doing unto others, for others, that ye
would like others to do unto you.
O, ye say, this is not new! Neither is thy present disturbance,
nor thy present hope, nor ANYTHING! For, even as he said, "There is
nothing new under the sun." What is has been, and will be again. Only
as ye USE that birthright, that purpose, that WILL within thine own
consciousness to do justice, to do right, to LOVE good, to eschew
evil, may ye as individuals, as a group, as a nation, stand between
the living and the dead - and STAY the sin that maketh man make war -
of any nature - against his brother.
Thou ART thy brother's keeper! Act that in thine own heart. Who
IS thy brother? "Who is my mother? They that do the will of the
Father, the same is my mother, my sister, my brother." …And more wars,
more bloodshed have been shed over the racial and religious
differences than over any other problem! These, too, must go the way
of all others; and man must learn - if he will know the peace as
promised by Him - that God loveth those who love Him, whether they be
called of this or that sect or schism or ism or cult! The Lord is ONE!
I am descended from several relatives who demonstrated various "psychic"
abilities and have inherited many of these abilites, but they have always
manifested in a fashion much different from the traditional ways. It
wasn't until I purchased a book at a charity yard sale, that I understood
how my so called "psychic" skills manifested. The title of the book is
"Revelation". The author, David Spangler! I have re-read that book, at
least once a year ever since. Thanks to David, I learned that I was
functioning in a new way, experiencing direct communion. I did not have
to go to sleep, not did I have to get at the question through a
discarnate spirit. I did not have to meditate,or make affirmations. It
was a matter of direct communion with Truth.
During the week prior to September 11, I was scheduled to go to
California with a friend who lives in Norfolk, Virginia. Both of us are
members of A.R.E. and taking courses in intuitive studies with the Edgar
Cayce Foundation. Originally the game plan was for my friend to meet me
in Boston, ( I live in New Hampshire) and we would fly to California from
there. She is a travel agent and had offered me a free ticket. Fifty
years ago, I graduated from high school and my mother told me that my
graduation gift from my father was a trip to California. The trip never
happened since my father died whe I was a sophomre. I attended my 50th
reunion on August 11 of this year. I few days after this event, my
Norfolk friend called and offered me a free ticket to California! I was
amazed at the way things seem to come around. Our original plan was to
leave from Boston on September 11 and we were scheduled on one of the
flights that hit WTC. Out of consideration for her I suggested that I
fly to Norfolk on September 10 and we could leave from there on the 11th.
It goes without saying that we never did get to California and I was
stranded in Norfolk for a week. I pondered the dramatic coincidence of
two catastrophies, one personal and the other of much greater magnitude,
preventing me from going to California.
Since I had a great deal of time on my hands and was not going anywhere
for several days, I focused upon the Spirit of the United States to find
out what might be going on at a higher level. Much of the information I
received was similar, if not identical to what David Spangler received.
I learned that those who passed over had agreed to do and make a gift to
the universe. I had the same experience of struggling through immense
waves of fear, terror, and grief, but they were not as powerful as one
might think. Our culture needed a wake-up call from it's headlong pursuit
of power in all it's many forms. That was one level of the many
dimensions of
intelligence within this event. Another level is that of taking
responsibility for our own violence, both personal and nationwide.
Another level speaks to our remarkable arrogance that this could never
happen to us. It is a call to grow up and as a culture, become mature.
My communion with the Spirit of the United States culminated with a
strong message that the heart of this country had opened. It was a
message that carried with it tremendous joy and sense of a long time goal
finally fulfilled. A great change for the better has been wrought.
It will take a while for all this filter into the awareness and life
force of each individual, but the doors to the heart center are opened
and change for the better will occur. We entered upon a different world
on September 11, 2001.
Marilyn Halle
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