Inspired by the Edgar Cayce Institute for Intuitive Studies |
Commentaries on ESP and Secrets Initial comments by Henry Reed What I especially appreciate about this subject is that it brings to light a new angle on the relationship between intuition and spirituality. When psychic development is discussed in relation to spirituality, it is often discussed in the terms of having to have sufficient spiritual discernment to use psychic ability in a constructive, ethical manner. However, the question of ESP and secrets brings up another issue, and that is, how our lack of spirituality requires us to harbor our secrets. As long as we need secrets, psychic ability will be a threat to us. We are entering an age characterized by a crisis in boundaries. The most recent examples are the birds that carry the Nile virus and the Trade Towers terrorism. In each case, it seems difficult to set up boundaries against these threats. There are many, many examples of this problem that have been arising as a consequence of our increasingly inter-connected world. ESP is but one more example. A related topic for which I am collecting material is the issue of "psychic invasion," where the thoughts of one person influence the experience of another person. More pernicious than the spread of AIDS, the psychic spread of mental states may be an upcoming horror for us to confront. My article on secrets suggest a spiritual answer to this specter. Let us hear from you! What are your thoughts on ESP and secrets? To add your commentaries on this article or email to |