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Read in current issue:
Beyond Knowing

Beyond Knowing: Mysteries and Messages of Death and Life from a Forensic Pathologist

By Janis Amatuzio, M.D.

Books Summary by John Hanson

The work is about half what you know and half what you feel. That’s why you have to keep an open mind. That’s when you notice your gut feeling. It is this kind of knowing that most of us have forgotten. For Janis Amatuzio, it is a way to understand a different world.

Story of Dream Quest

Story of a Dream Quest

Debbie Bailey

At the beginning of the dream quest program, I was concerned about the way in which I make decisions. I felt that most of my decisions were based on past patterns instead of free will. This concerned me so I focused on decision making as I began recording my first week’s dreams.

Making Psychology Complete and Essential

Making Psychology Complete and Essential for Understanding of the Human Mind, Behavior and Intuitive Awareness:

Presidential Address of the 16th Annual Conference of National Academy of Psychology, Bombay, India, December 14-16, 2006

By M.B. Sharan

Academic Dean, Rourkela Institute of Management Studies, Rourkela, India.

Is psychology really understanding all the social problems and solving them? Is it really helping others and do people have respect for this subject? These are some of the questions we need to answer honestly.

Plants and Their Spiritual Nature

Plants and Their Spiritual Nature.

An excerpt from

Aromatherapy for the Soul: Healing the Spirit wth Fragrance and Essential Oils

By Valerie Ann Worwood

Having a conversation with a tree might seem like a strange thing to do, especially when you live in a large city, a long way away from trees. But when actually out among them, it seems like the most natural thing in the world to do. I can fully understand why traditional Native Americans, when planning to cut down a tree to make a totem pole or boat, asked permission and gave thanks directly to the tree making the sacrifice.

»»» News Link: Intuition: The Sense That Defies The Physical «««