of the Advanced Psychic Intensive Speak Out!
genuinely believe that my participation in the Intuitive studies
has given me an awareness of a connection to an energy source
that is continuing to boost my life forces. I have had many
years of floundering on my own before the advent of these Intuitive
studies. They have assisted me greatly, in ways I cannot measure.
The first study (the Edgar
Cayce Legacy conference) prepared us for the adventure.
The second study, the Intuitive
Imagination, was of tremendous value in touching
on the many variety of means at our fingertips. The third, the
Intensive, was not of any lesser value, as it utilized the knowledge
we had been presented with in the first two sessions. The small
grouping gave us a one-on-one close contact. We were able to
hear others accomplishments, we were able to open up to possibilities
and bond in ways that will remain in our hearts forever. Bob
L Crook
I attended the intensive, I had not a clue that I had physic abilities.
I was greatly astonished when I discovered that I could even do
readings with a very high amount of accuracy. I cannot explain
why, but I felt like I was never alone after this experience.
Lani Smith
interacting with and listening to other attendees I learned that
each of us experiences psychic ability in different ways and some
of us are more conscious of how we experience it than others.
Also, there is no right or wrong way to experience psychic ability.
I found the techniques for obtaining additional information very
useful. The task of doing a "blind" reading for an unknown
A.R.E. staff member was by far the most amazing experience for
me. I was truly surprised at my accuracy and at the wonderful
feeling of being able to help another with such little effort.
Before I went, I felt that I was going to be the only one there
who really didn't belong as I did not and do not want to be a
"Psychic" but do want to continue to use my intuition/psychic
ability to help make my life run smoother and to help me realize
my dreams and goals and simply help make the world a better place.
It was very reassuring and comforting to get there and discover
that nearly everybody else was there for similar reasons!
One very important that I have discovered since the conference
is the importance of "keeping your balance" so that
you can rely on your instincts, stay healthy and make your life
work. Katriona McElligott
Psychic Intensive is an experiential workshop like no other. It
helped me to more deeply explore my psychic and spiritual realities.
Not only that, it was fun! I would urge everyone interested in
furthering, and understanding, their psychic ability to take advantage
of this unique workshop. Stevie Cody
As an individual dedicated to personal and spiritual change, I
found all three conferences pivotal to my recognition of my own
intuitive abilities. I consider this series the best offered anywhere
in psychic development. The intensive was the "jewel in the
crown," of the series of three, small enough to connect,
both with the teachers and the other members of the class. The
pacing was perfect, and even thought I felt I was going out on
a limb at times with the exercises, I always felt safe in doing
so and amazed and validated by the results.
As one who has attended Edgar Cayce conferences since 1985. the
"Wayshower' conferences led by Henry Reed and Carol Ann are
the best the Edgar Cayce Center has to offer in regards to personal
growth and spiritual awareness and I have recommended them to
many of my friends and clients. As an added bonus, being a part
of the Wayshower group has truly enriched my life. Irene Spangler
Psychic Intensive gave me confidence in my intuitiveness. But
more importantly, the entire conference series gave me a means
to interpret the Universes messages. In 1998, when I started
the conferences, I had just finished the first draft of my first
novel, Façades. Although I knew this book was part of my
souls purpose, I was at an impasse. By applying some of
the techniques I had learned from these valuable conferences,
I started getting meaningful messages, and because of that I quickly
finished the novel, found a publisher and became published.
the conferences, I never believed that writing anything other
than Façades was part of my souls journey. Since
then, the Universe has told me otherwise, and without the tools
I learned from these conferences, I may have never understood
that. Today, my second novel has been released and my third
is completed. I often wonder if I would be a published author
todayknowing Im fulfilling one of my souls
purposesif I hadnt been introduced to this valuable,
life-altering experience. Alex Marcoux, Author of Back
to Salem and Façades
Intensive was a fantastic learning experience for me. But, most
importantly, I gained two valuables: TRUST and CONFIDENCE! I learned
to trust my intuitive instead of listening to the "buts",
and that came from the feed-back from all the exercises. Doing
a reading for the first time was a nail-biter for me, but each
exercise brought me more confidence as I learned how to discern
and interpret the messages I received. It was a totally empowering
and exhilarating week! Linda Slaughter
Psychic Intensive was a valuable experience for me. It was especially
useful to hear how other people use their psychic ability and
to see how they exhibit it. The variety of techniques presented
allows participants to find one that works best for them. The
program greatly enhanced my awareness of the synchronistic events
in my life and was a great confidence builder. Carole Ann and
Henry are excellent presenters and have a unique way of making
each participant believe they can accomplish the goals of the
program. It was truly a spiritually uplifting experience. Arlene
gifts received from Psychic Intensive Workshop
- In
put from group, Carol Ann and Henry was valuable. Carol gave
each of us a reading to let us know what our strengths and skills
were that had already been developed, and could be developed
to a higher degree with practice.
Gained valuable wisdom and knowledge from the one on one training
from Carol Ann and Henry. They make the training of the intuitive
skills so easy. With there many years of experience, patience
and dedication, they have become experts and Master teachers
of the intuitive training.
Gained confidence in trusting my inner voice and feelings when
asking higher self for guidance.
The course enhanced and integrated the skills learned from the
two prior Intuitive classes.
I gained confidence, learned to focus, trust, let go,
tune in and allow the information from my higher self to be
expressed on paper or verbally.
As with any skill, I learned it must be practiced on a regular
basis to become fully developed. As with any gift, practice,
intention and trust in self, you allow your intuition to open
to higher guidance from the higher realms of consciousness.
This is an ongoing process which continually grows. To become
an expert at any skill takes effort.
I use intuition to gain answers to questions for myself and
others. I use it for healing of myself and others. It can be
used to understand and express your purpose for being and to
know the God self. When I allow me to know myself, I know another.
I have used the knowledge from the course to manifest the income
to allow me to stay home and develop my skills in many areas
and know myself. I learned that allowing the higher inner self
to manifest externally in the physical world, I am more joyful,
loving and willing to serve God.
When at the Intensive conference, we each took a piece of jewelry
from a bowl to do a reading for an individual we had not met.
This is called Psychometry. I will call this individual
the Client. We set our intention to do a reading
for this Client that would be beneficial and helpful
in their lives. This was to be recorded verbally on tape and
played for the Client that evening. This allowed
the Client to give feedback and ask questions on
the information we had received from our higher self, or Collective
Conscious. In the evening we were asked to identify our
Client when from the group of Clients
in the room. My Client arrived late and I automatically
identified her when Carol Ann asked me if I knew which Client
I was doing the reading.
You do intensive work within self which opens your higher awareness
to allow you to tune into others.
I gained like minded life long friends that I would trust with
my life and deepest secrets.
I have used the skills to help friends and family. I project
healing to others and have taught my grandchildren that they
can do anything they can imagine. Zachary, my grandson that
is 10 can move things with his mind. Nicole talks to other realms
and is in an advanced program for gifted children. Nicole is
in the 2nd grade, 8 (eight) years old and doing 6th grade work.
Her teachers are amazed at her abilities. Teri , Nicoles
younger sister is in first grade, 6 (six) years old, straight
A student and great communicator. She told me she routinely
changes the channel in her dreams if she does not like the dream
she is given. I told her I rewind mine and change the outcome,
but she said that took too much time and so she changes the
channel. This is just some of the skills I learned from the
Psychic Intensive. It is so nice to share these skills with
the young. Each of my 10 grandchildren are eager learners and
love developing their skills. Being allowed to use their intuition
makes the learning easier and their belief in their abilities
has grown.
I have learned to live more consciously everyday. Marjorie
think I have to start with my initial reason for deciding to attend
the intensive. Participating in the intuition conferences that
Henry Reed and Carol Ann facilitated at the ARE were very difficult
experiences for me. Finding out that I could do "those things"
meant that I was a much different person than I thought I was.
It meant that the entire world had changed, for my perception
of the world around me had been forever altered. I felt alone,
finding no one who shared my experience of having such a difficult
reality shift.
purpose in attending the "Psychic Intensive" was therefore
to be in a position to return to the intuition conferences,
to look for "lost souls" having the same difficulties
in adjustment that I had experienced. I was later able to do
so with a number of conferees in my role as a Wayshower.
this was the primary benefit to my attending the intensive,
there have been others as well. One of the significant benefits
to me resulted from the psychometry reading exercise. By being
far more successful at this than I could ever have imagined,
I could no longer harbor doubts about having psychic abilities.
This erasure of lingering doubts has allowed me to fully trust
my intuition in my job and in my personal life, leading to better
decisions and better results.
work I now spend less time on activities which ultimately prove
to be unneccessary, freeing me up to do things that I intuitively
know will be useful. In my personal life I augment my counseling
training with my intuition to help friends and family members
to address personal issues. Trusting my intuition is also a
crucial tool in the work I have recently begun as a certified
benefit of the intensive was in my becoming better acquainted
with other people who share many of the same alternative life
interests and experiences that I do. Communicating with people
about mystical experiences helps me to better understand life
and myself. It's wonderful to find that I'm not as alone as
I once thought I was, having spent most of my life being different
from those around me.
is what comes to mind for me. I hope you are doing well. Gordon
workshops are fun, psychically stimulating, often had flash of
insights, the people in workshop are very interesting and supportive.
I often miss that space when I go back home to the normal schedule.
Roger Chan
my opinion, the Psychic Development Courses without the Psychic
Intensive would be like the Great Pryamid without the Capstone,
which, as Edgar Cayce told us, was the reason it was called "The
Light." It was during the Psychic Intensive that I finally
came to accept that I truely had Psychic ablilty. Not to mention
the learning and information that I received by being in close
proximty to Carol Ann Liaros and Henry Reed. Spending a week in
their energy and being instructed by them in a small group setting
is more intense and enlightening then both of the other two courses
combined. Plus, the Intensive is the logical conclusion to the
first two courses. Practically, from a monetary point of view,
the Intensive gives the attendees of the first two courses something
to desire to attain, and is often a motivating factor in attendees
return for the second of the Psychic Development Courses.
I gained from attending the Psychic Intensive many different things.
I learned that I was truely Psychic. My ability to visualize and
perceive through my third eye was activated and I could actually
feel my third eye at work. One of my conferees exposed me to Reiki
for the first time, and I gained many insights into the Intuitive
process. I gained information into recognizing how to rely on
my feelings, what level of emphasis to place on certain intuitive
reactions. Mostly, however, it was the feeling of accomplishment
and success within the framework of the three classes in totality
which was the overriding gain for me. This feeling would have
been seriously diminished for me had the Intensive not taken place.
The lack of an Intensive will diminish the value of both of the
first two courses. Completing the Psychic Intensive and becoming
a Wayshower was the absolute highest acheivement in my life up
to that point in my life. Jack Elinsky
I ask my students to comment on a class, I always ask, How
are they different now then they were before the class?
An answer to that question about the Psychic Intensive will help
focus my comments on the experience.
the intensive I was uncertain of my intuitive abilities, even
skeptical that such abilities existed. I had little faith in
the universe or its commitment to me as a person. As a
child of the scientific era, I had been taught to place my trust
in concrete, measurable evidence. Yet, something in me yearned
for another type of experience. I suspected that my five senses
did not provide me with all the information that I needed. I
had already come to believe that I was more than just my physical
body. I had already experienced the other two workshops that
you and Carolanne had led and found I had some intuitive power.
also discovered that all humans possess the full range of human
possibilities. Its those we choose to amplify that determine
who we are. The Psychic Intensive helped me to amplify my intuitive
abilities, which in turn helped me increase my creativity in
all areas of my life. It also confirmed my belief that there
are forces beyond those we can measure scientifically and these
forces are very powerful.
were many things I loved about the Psychic Intensive. Those
that stand out most in my mind are the camaraderie and the experiential
nature of the presentation. Because the number of participants
is limited, the opportunity to get to know people on an intimate
level is available. Also, Henry and Carolanne didnt just
talk about expanding your intuitive abilities, you lead us through
exercises where we actually use those abilities. I never considered
myself to be psychic, but I found myself able to read
people during the intensive.
continued to use this ability in my personal and professional
life. As a teacher and guidance counselor, I use my intuitive
abilities to read my students before I meet with them. This
allows me to help them by understanding who they are ahead of
time. For example, I did a reading on one young man and felt
that he was a very sensitive, loving kid with the ability to
heal with his hands. When I talked to him about doing better
in school, I asked him if this was true. He confirmed my ideas
and admitted that he found it difficult to appreciate this aspect
of himself as the other boys in the class teased him and called
him gay, a difficult label for any child to carry.
I assured him that when he became interested in girls, his sensitive
nature would make him very successful in that area.
the point of this is to say that increasing ones intuitive
abilities can be useful in a variety of ways. One of the most
beneficial uses is to be able to use it to discover new ways
to use it. In other words, the more intuitive one becomes, the
more creative one gets in finding ways to apply it to ones
hope you find some of these musings helpful. I did lead a workshop
in helping teachers increase there intuition and Im going
to do part two of that workshop this coming November because
the people want more. I think once people have experience in
intuitive training, they no longer need to be sold on the idea.
They naturally hunger for more. The problem is, unless you have
that experience, you have no idea what you are missing. Its
kind of like someone who hasnt eaten their favorite food
yet. Before they try it, they could care less about it. Once
theyve tasted it, they cant get enough.
luck with your work and thank you so much for being brave enough
to provide us with these wonderful workshops. You have increased
the quality of my life immeasurably. Lynn Krahling
taking the Psychic Intensive class, I have been able to participate
in a greater awareness of my life. My intuitive nature has expanded
permitting me to help and understand others as well as myself.
The class also gave me a realization of the peace and love that
lies within me making my life more happy and content. Participating
in the Psychic Intensive class changed me in more ways than I
can express, some subtle and others more profound. Renee Avanvelzer
attended several psychic courses at the Edgar Cayce Center, but
the Psychic Intensive was the most beneficial. I have never considered
myself psychic and I was very nervous about the Intensive when
it came to giving a reading for someone I had never seen simply
by holding a bracelet. I was amazed and quite proud of myself
to have gotten a couple of past lives on the owner of the bracelet.
I think the thing the Intensive helped me with the most was to
just accept the thoughts and images that come and stop judging
them to be nonsense. That may not seem like a big hurdle for some
people, but it was a major one for me to overcome. The Intensive
opened a door for me that had always seemed closed. In addition
to this, being with Carole Ann Liaros and Henry Reed was a lot
of fun. Jerry Paul
Edgar Cayce Psychic Intensive was a tremendous opportunity for
me, to whom intuition is more than a curiosity. I was reunited
with intuition, a gift of Spirit, at the A.R.E. during the Spring
and Fall Intuition Conferences. I realized that there is much
more to this gift than what I learned during those two weeks under
Henry and Carol Ann's tutelage. My appetite was whetted and the
Intensive was the perfect forum to hone and learn new techniques,
to acquire a new understanding of the intuitive process and just
as importantly, to forge even stronger bonds with others who share
the desire to use the gifts given by our Creator to be of service
to others as well as to help myself. The Intensive gave me a "one
on one" setting in which I had Henry and Carol Ann's undivided
attention where I was able to ask questions and recount my individual
experiences which helped me to understand my strengths and weaknesses
in using intuition. The Intensive was the perfect way to continue
the learning process begun at the Spring and Fall Conferences.
Barry Keener
psychic intensive workshop provided just what I needed to gain
confidence in my intuitive abilities and to apply them in practical
ways. The small class was most helpful in giving me the individual
feedback so important to polishing the skills gained in the other
intuition workshops. The workshop's opportunities for hands on,
interactive practice were invaluable. Pat Suarez
made the Psychic Intnesive valuable for me:
gave me the opportunity to completely focus on my psychic abilities
in an environment of total support and understanding. I came
home with more tools to continue my development and the confidence
to use them and share them with others. Now I am in frequent
contact with friends across the country, whom I met at the intensive,
who share these interests.
the intensive I've used my psychic skills in business, in
finances, for family and personal matters and as an integral
part of my creativity. Opening more fully to these aspects of
myself has deepened my connection with the divine and those
around me.
short, I believe that my psychic abilities are more fully integrated
with the rest of me and my life. The training is all about making
connections, connections with ones' self, our own abilities,
our humanity; connections with our fellow beings - friends and
antagonists; connections with the divine. Besides, it's fun!
Marion Bond
has been more than 10 years since I first took the psychic intensive
course at the Edgar Cayce Center. Every since I have continued
to attend the courses given as a refresher course on almost a
yearly basis. Each year the course provides new knowledge for
participants. The intensive course provided good solid information
and important exercises for grounding and securing the vast amount
of information provided in the first two courses. It provided
creative opportunities for us to use our intuitive gifts in practical
everyday life. The physic intensive course reaffirms the prior
knowledge learned and allows for the building of a more sophisticated
structure in the use of intuition. It certainly helps in opening
up our hearts and minds to the great spiritual capacities which
Edgar Cayce said were the rightful inheritance of all mankind.
I have found the tools and knowledge I gained in the intensive
course to be of invaluable use in both my personal and business
life. To this day, I return to the ARE to meet old friends and
assist in mentoring new ones who are also seeking the inner spiritual
path to God. The psychic intensive course is very valuable indeed.
Phyllis Pricer
The Psychic Intensive course was very special for me as it put
all the pieces together. In the Legacy of Edgar Cayce course it
gets one thinking that, "yes, I do have psychic abilities"
and I have some idea now as how to really start using them. Then
in the Intuitive Imagination course I not only got some more psychic
knowledge, but I found that I can have fun with it and explore
with it. Then I took the Psychic Intensive course and it was so
interesting!! I had to give a psychic reading to a complete stranger
and tho' it was a bit nerve wrecking, when I finished and got
the feedback from the person I read for, it was totally amazing.
The course helps build your confidence in yourself and really
helps one to be able to go out in the public and feel comfortable
with giving readings. That is just an example of what I learnt,
as there was so much more to the course. I will never regret taking
it and hope the Cayce Center will always continue to offer it.
Dorothy Green
of Page.