Intuition: Listening to Your Own GPS


Leena Rose Miller

The Charlottesville Wellness Center


What is intuition?  How do you perceive and receive information?  How you “see?”

Intuition, according to Webster, is: “a direct perception of truth or fact, independent of any reasoning process, or immediate apprehension; a keen and quick insight.”

Listen to rich examples in our language:   “I had a gut feeling,” “I just had a hunch,” I smell something fishy,” “I just knew that was her as soon as I heard the phone ring,” “I had a dream that something like this might happen,” “when I touched it I had a foreboding feeling,” “I don’t know how knew, I just did.”

Intuition is not merely a gift or talent that few possess; everyone is naturally intuitive, and our intuitive nature can be fostered and optimized through awareness, relaxation, meditation, sound technologies, a healthy diet, self-esteem building, and by stimulating perception.

Have you ever noticed a sudden increase in your intuition after a traumatic or jarring event?  Many experiences in our lives can activate intuitive awareness, such as automobile accidents, falling in love, a blow to the head, sudden loss, a near death experience, suffering a heart attack or critical illness, participating in war, birth of a child, heartbreak, being in the presence of a spiritual master or a healer, as well as while enjoying pleasurable experiences which active psi activity, such as making love, meditation, and imagery.

How do you personally see the unseen or ‘register’ that perception, ‘receive’ that direct knowing?  Do you see future events or a flash of an image? If so, you are experiencing clairvoyance.  You are clairaudient if you are hearing a message or a receiving an auditory nudge

Do you feel a twinge in your body?  Are you directed to a slogan on a billboard, hear a conversation, or see an object, or notice something in nature that calls your attention or answers an inner question or gives guidance to an inner struggle? Or do you see or hear unexplainable flashes of information about events which have not yet occurred, which is precognition?  Do you have vivid dreams in which you receive important insight about events yet to occur, perhaps as precognitive dream episodes? Other interesting examples of intuition are empathy, which is the capacity to know emotionally another’s experience or to tune into and share their feelings, and telepathy which is the ability to communicate with another using other than the five senses.  By paying attention to how you receive intuitive ‘hits’ you will discover your signature or primary sense that you receive information through and then likely discover new vehicles of awareness as well.

“The future of medicine is intuition.”  Dr. Norm Shealy, MD, PhD, Founding President of the American Holistic Medical Association, neurosurgeon and pioneer in psychoneuroimmunology, discusses medical intuition in Medical Intuition, A Science of the Soul, as the ability to intuitively diagnose medical conditions and their chemical components.  If you are a medical intuitive you may also be able to identify underlying causes of a condition and the corresponding psycho-spiritual issues involved.

Less than forty percent of the population actually ‘see’ images or have some sort of visual interpretation of an intuitive flash.  Are you someone who might say, “Oh, I am not intuitive,” because you expect information to come to you as something you can visually see?  Just this knowledge alone of how many senses we have access to that help us to perceive and receive information may give you confidence and help to open up a myriad of new ways of receiving that intuitive information.

For example, are you an inventor, engineer, or IT type?  Then you might be a claircognizant; claircognizants are often analytical and good with abstract concepts and problem solving. Years ago I was introduced to a brilliant inventor who relayed to me, “Leena, I am not intuitive; I could never see the way you do.’” As an engineer and scientist, he had gone through his entire life having the perception of himself as not particularly intuitive.  After questioning him on how he ‘received’ the complex data that comprised and created his inventions, he quickly replied, ‘Oh, I just wake up in the morning and it’s just all there; it’s like I get a direct download!”  He was a highly evolved claircognizant receiving his data as claircognizance or ‘clear knowing;’  he simply lacked the understanding of the language of intuition and that we all perceive that which is not otherwise perceivable in strikingly different ways, and through different senses.

Clairsentience, which is also referred to as psychometry, involves getting a glimpse of other realities through an exquisitely sensitive sense of touch, as in laying hands on someone or touching something that contains a link to another world. When my daughter was fifteen (often a particularly psychically aware age for young women) I was polishing the silver and amongst the items was a very small ornate silver sugar bowl, which I had purchased in an antique store and of whose history was unknown; when I laid the small bowl in the palm of her hand, she immediately started as if I had put a hot coal there and then flung it across the room.  “Mom, don’t you ever make me touch that awful thing again!”  My daughter was experiencing clairsentience and was perhaps sensing a very upsetting experience that perhaps occurred during teatime in a time long past, or was connecting to the energy of the owner of the sugar bowl, who appeared to her senses as malevolent.

Intuition is an innate gift and ability in each of us, at the ready to guide and inform us through our many senses, vision, touch, hearing, taste, smell, and through those subtle feelings and tugs in our bodies and ‘just knowings’ in our heads; as we cultivate and encourage those senses and they begin to flower, and as we allow the river of the synchronicities in our lives to flow more freely, we begin to experience a broader and expanded sense of ourselves, our bodies, and our world.  As we expand our intuitive awareness, we then also begin using our intuition to make better decisions, to assist us in our careers, to improve our relationships, to expand our spiritual connection, and to promote health and well being.


*Leena Rose Miller is a freelance writer and a Medical Intuitive with a practice in Energy Medicine at The Charlottesville Wellness Center and teaches Intuitive Development for medical and healing arts professionals in individual and group settings. 828.552.0799