The Shift*

The Revolution in Human Consciousness

By Owen Waters

Book Summary by Susan Gail Parcheta

Part 1: The Shift Unfolds

The Shift to the New Reality

The Shift--a collective heart awakening of humanity's consciousness--first came to attention in the mid-1960s. It is the sum of each individual's transformational growth toward a New Reality, ushering in a new era of heart-powered consciousness.

One in 50 adults had arrived at this stage of heart awareness in the early 1960s. In the United States and Europe today, that number is one out of four, as adults shift into this New Reality at an accelerating pace.

Like notes on a keyboard, this stage is recognized by a certain frequency--a note on the musical octave. The New Reality consciousness resonates to F#. At that point you begin to realize your true potential; and you discover the joy of serving others in a way that fulfills your life purpose, through heart-powered consciousness.

Are You a Cultural Creative?

Before the 1960s, this new cultural type of humanity barely existed. By the 1990s, when Paul Ray and Sherry Anderson published their book The Cultural Creatives (following a survey of 100,000 Americans), it became clear that 26 percent had made a major shift in their world perspective, with a similar result in Europe.

Cultural Creatives are tuned into the earth and their environment. They enjoy developing close relationships with others and helping others develop their abilities. They're interested in both personal and spiritual development and have a multi-cultural outlook. They also desire a sense of community where they live and their byword is authenticity.

Historical Perspective

In the early 1960s, American culture was predominately composed of two groups--the Modern and the Traditionalist.  Moderns, harking back to the Renaissance and Protestantism, tend to follow a work ethic of self-empowerment. They like "newer, bigger, faster" and believe that "time is money." They tend to believe theirs is the only way. Moderns have made positive changes in society regarding freedom, democracy, and justice. 

Traditionalists tend to react against change--preferring simpler times and opposing, for example, the modern trend to equality for women…believing in a patriarchal family life and imposing their moral values on others.  In post World War II America, they were half the population. Today they are one quarter.

Characteristics of Cultural Creatives

There are two sub-groups of Cultural Creatives: Core and Green.  The Core Group emphasizes inner personal development, while the Green Group is outwardly oriented and environmental. The Core Group is interested in alternative health care. They dislike the Moderns' materialism and the Traditionals' intolerant attitudes toward other groups.

The Cultural Creatives cut across all demographic lines and are of all age groups and religions. The rate of men to women is nearly equal in the Green Group, while women make up 67 percent of the Core Group.

Cultural Creatives seek a holistic lifestyle balancing body, mind, and spirit. They want quality relationships and believe each individual offers a unique gift to the world. Most believe in a divine nature permeating the world, and that we all have some psychic ability.

Most Cultural Creatives are unaware that there are millions more like themselves, and are shocked to learn that a quarter of the population share these values. The emerging group of Cultural Creatives reveres quality of life and will have a transforming effect on society as they network.

A society poised at the tipping point

Cultural Creative author Paul Ray sees a tipping point on the horizon…the old form poised to shift into the new--as the New Reality emerges in the minds of "possibility thinkers" globally.

The Dawning of the New Reality

This cultural shift is a revolution of consciousness that dwarfs all others before it, even the Industrial Revolution. The Information Revolution of today is accelerating societal transformation, and yet these changes are nothing in contrast to the consciousness revolution, which challenges our perceptions of the universe.

Identifying Trends in Thought

Social scientist Clare W. Graves (1914-86) outlined the stages of humanity's progress throughout civilization. He predicted a monumental leap within society. He died before publishing his findings, but two students--Don Beck and Christopher Cowan--captured the essence of his research in their book Spiral Dynamics. They've expanded Graves' theory through the Science of Memetics (memes), self-replicating units of cultural information forming societal trends of thought. When trends reach critical mass, the society shifts to this new viewpoint or meme.

The Historical Development of Memes

Meme 1. Basic personal survival

Meme. 2.  Clans. Refers to tribal and family bonding and superstitions of the natural power of them.

Meme 3.  Courage, survival of the fittest. Individuals discover personal power, but they see themselves separated from the world and having limited resources. Societies compete against each other and end up fragmenting into feudal communities.

Meme 4.  Finding order and purpose in life. This meme began 5,000 years ago and compares to The Traditionals cultural group with emphasis on authority and rules of behavior, sacrifice of self, and belief in the supreme God.

Meme 5.  Achievement, striving to succeed.  This meme began in the 1700s as the Modern cultural group spread. The Protestant Reformation and personal empowerment was the cornerstone, leading to the founding of the United States and its constitution and Bill of Right.

Meme 6. Community and caring. Unconditional love sets the theme for this meme, emphasizing acceptance of other people and on service. It began to spread in the 1800s, and reflects the environmental, responsible living forces of the green cultural creative group.

The Momentous Leap into the Second Tier: Clare Graves predicted Meme 7 as marking the quantum leap into a new tier of consciousness.

The Shift into the Second Tier of Consciousness

This second tier is the New Reality--and it explains the world of tomorrow. Now the focus shifts from the personal realm of the intellect and emotion to a spiritual gaze… through the doorway of unconditional love and acceptance of life, and of others, and of all possibilities of human potential.

Meme 7: Responsible Freedom. We are free, flexible, flowing in a changing world. We look at the big picture, while acting from our inner core values of self-accountability and independent thinking. This meme is about possibility thinking and creating networks of people and information and restoration of the environment.

 Meme 7 respects the worldview of others. Here at meme 7 and 8 we find the leading edge thinkers, known as Cultural Creatives--exploring (meme 8) development of intuition, global perspective, and awareness of the superconscious. Seekers in the mid-1960s launched this new pattern, bringing a global village outlook and the spiritual awareness to carry humanity forward to the New Reality.

A Meme-Related Definition of Spirituality

The first tier of six memes relates to basic consciousness and experiencing diversity and duality in the world--the separation of opposites, and discovering that conflict resolution comes with unity consciousness, not separation. Spiritual consciousness, evolving in the second tier of six memes, begins with the awareness of an underlying unity in the universe, with each person as individual as a snowflake.

The Mystery Meme

The next new meme, the ninth meme, labeled "coral," has been identified by the authors of Spiral Dynamics. The first and second tiers of memes are like cousins. Each meme in the first tier of physical orientation correlates with a meme in the second tier of spiritual orientation. The second tire, being at a higher frequency of consciousness, will exert more influence, as it has been activating globally since the 1960s.

At the second tier, meme seven (responsible freedom) corresponds to physical survival of first tier meme one –but with a wider consciousness perspective. It's a survival mode, but on a global orientation.  Similarly, second tier meme 8  (intuition development and global view) equates with clans of tier one meme two, yet with a global outlook of unity in diversity.

 The Nature of the Mystery Meme

Meme 9, like the first tier meme 3 courage, will manifest globally in the higher second tier creative, spiritual context as exploration of body-mind-spirit. Powerful creativity will unfold on Earth that will be a transforming force of joy and harmony for the planet.

Maslow Predicted the Shift

In his 1950s theory of the hierarchy of needs, Abraham Maslow (1908-70) foresaw humanity shifting into a culture of spiritual transcendence, but could not predict how soon it would take off. Before this could happen, basic human needs must be fulfilled: food and shelter; safety and security; acceptance by others or belonging to a community, extended family or tribe. Once these are satisfied, the person can move into developing self-esteem.

From outer directed to inner directed, then, you become self-actualized--the best you can become. This stage is marked by a sense of personal responsibility, maturing to becoming a self-directed, independent-thinking and creative-problem-solving individual.

After survival needs come the being values of self-actualization (making the most of your abilities), followed by transcendence--aspects of human consciousness embracing such qualities as unconditional love, joy, wisdom, altruism--from which spring right-brain activities of intuition and creativity.

Maslow and Memes

For Maslow, self-actualization and transcendence equates with memes 6 and 7. The societal movement The Shift primarily refers to meme 7 and beyond.

While two percent of the population could be described as self-actualized in the 1950s (meme 6 and above), the 1960s accelerating effect has resulted in 20 percent of adults having gone through the shift, or living in Meme 6, today.

A Word About Chaos

Chaos, in physics, is a temporary phase preceding transformation from one state of harmony to a higher form. As humanity navigates through The Shift, the Old Reality frequency increases and the pattern becomes choppy. Then a new pattern…even more beautiful and complex…emerges.

The Cosmic Calendar

Why is society going through this shift to a New Reality now, at this point in history? The generation of the 1960s is coming to peak influence by 2010, as Elders or Wise Ones of the society.  What cosmic event might synchronize with this timing? Perhaps one that happens to occur every 26,000 years.

In 830 AD, the ancient Mayans disappeared without a trace, despite their advanced knowledge of astronomy and their calendars that measured cosmic cycles within cycles. The Mayans told of cosmic waves that influenced human history on this planet. 

One of these points in time is near Dec. 21st 2012, which is also the end of several cosmic cycles, including the end of a 5,200-year cycle and other sub-cycles in exact synchronicity. Will 2012 be considered a turning point for humanity, shifting from Homo sapiens (knowing man) into the second tier of human evolution, perhaps Homo holisticus?

The sure thing is that The Shift is real, it's now, and it's not a temporary fad of the baby boomer generation. Slowly, gradually, a cosmic cycle is unfolding to expand consciousness and transform humanity toward true "Heaven on Earth."

Part II New Discoveries

Gateways of Consciousness in the Human Energy System

Memes, as described by Clare Graves, are relevant beyond sociological study. They're derived from the universe's basic blueprint for human consciousness. The idea of humans moving through 12 memes or phases of consciousness goes back to this basic design theory…and the discovery of a link between memes and natural frequency bands of consciousness via the human energy system and the main portals where life force enters or leaves the body. These portals, known as chakras or energy vortices, traditionally number seven and are connected to the body's spine.

The Functions of the gateways

The seven-chakra functions are:

1.     Instinctual: The root Chakra prepares the life force in the body chakras and is the basic frequency of humanity, which is survival.

2.     Emotional: The second chakra governs the sexual, emotional aspects of life.

3.     Intellectual: The chakra located at the solar plexus affects linear intellectual or left-brain mental development.

4.     Holistic: The chakra of the heart area integrates issues of separating toward a holistic expression of body-mind-spirit.

5.     Creative:  The throat chakra governs creativity and inspirational ideas

6.     Spiritual: The third eye chakra represents your soul family and its home frequency. Soul mates number up to 20, but soul family groups may number 2,000. Your longing for your spiritual home is remembering who you are at this level and frequency of consciousness.

7.     Universal: When the crown chakra--your connection to the universe, is fully actualized--you experience the ultimate state of cosmic consciousness.

When Does Seven Equal Twelve?

Might there be a relationship between the seven chakras and the 12 memes? Seven can equal 12 in the C octave of the piano keyboard. With each C octave, there are seven white, major keys, but an octave also has 12 black and white keys. The idea of seven major keys with a 12-note octave, and seven major chakras with a range of 12 social memes seemed a synchronistic, beautiful discovery.

The Keyboard of Consciousness

Octaves on the musical keyboard consist of eight notes of a scale, with the first note (ex. C on a scale of CDEFGABC) also being the first and last note of the octave (eight white keys higher), as well as the beginning note of the next octave above it.

A Musical Keyboard

On the musical keyboard, the higher C starts the next octave, but considered in the science of resonance, the C octave would stop at B, as C would belong to the octave above. The piano note Middle C resonates at 261.6 cycles per second. This frequency doubles at each octave higher, so the C an octave above Middle C vibrates at 523.2 cycles per second.

Each octave has seven major (white) and five black keys. White keys are generally one full tone higher.  Playing all the keys (white and black #sharp) means you are playing 12 keys. This means each note is one half tone or one-twelfth of an octave.

Music and Mysticism

In the human chakra system, the seven major chakras correspond to the seven major piano keys, with the root chakra resonating with Middle C and so forth…and the other chakras with the other keys D,E,F,G,A and B. However, some theorize that there are variations, such as the solar plexus chakra resonating to D# rather than e. Why would one resonate with a non-major key?

Using a turning instrument and kinesiology testing (which tests muscle strength or weakness), it can be shown that your subtle nervous system resonates with a note being played, affecting a chakra, by producing a strong muscle response.

In one experiment, the root chakra definitely resonated in harmony with Middle C  in its particular octave. The root chakra resonates in a harmonic with Middle C, even though chakras vibrate at octaves higher than the piano keyboard.

In further testing, the seven major chakras resonated with the seven major white keys and also to the notes C,C#, D#, F, G, A, B, meaning five white and two black keys.

The next question concerned where the five black notes of an octave fit symmetrically with seven major notes. If relating them to chakras, how would the five center chakras be one whole tone apart and the crown and root chakras only a half-tone apart?

When You Can't Solve a Problem, Try Turning it Around

Most views of the major chakras are from the front. The crown chakra above the head faces upwards; the root chakra below the base of the spine faces downwards. The five center chakras each face frontward and backward in front and back of the body. One crown, one root, five that face two ways = one + one; 5x2, or 12 faces  -- or, symmetrically, 12 chakra faces within the seven chakra system.

Suppose these 12 faces vibrate at different frequencies, and what if they match the resonate frequencies of the 12 black and white keys in a musical octave? Further testing revealed this phenomenon of chakra twinning, i.e. the pairs of faces exist in a yin-yang fashion, vibrating in their own frequencies.    

New Discoveries About the Chakras

1.  12 Chakra Faces and the Musical C-Octave: Summarizing, the 12 chakra faces resonate with the 12 keys of the C-octave, and the front and back faces are separated by a half tone.  

2. Frequency Differences Between the Chakra Faces: Each back face resonates one-half tone higher than the front face, going up the chakra system.

3. Spinal Connections: The back-facing ones connect 1.25 inches (3cm) above the front-facing ones in the etheric spine.

4. The Yin-Yang Relationship of Chakra Pairs: Energy flows front to back through the chakra pairs in a yin-yang fashion, with the front-facing (yin) being community oriented and the back ones (yang) more individualistic.

(a)  Front facing chakras take in energy from the environment and so are receptive.

(b)  Back facing chakras give out energy to the environment after being affected by a person's thoughts and feelings, which then can affect the global mind atmosphere.

In a yin-yang example of the heart chakra, the front receptive face is the yin and the back active face is the yang.  We first feel the front face of each chakra and absorb its feeling  (feeling and emotion) and then the back face (active) and express outward those feelings and emotions as we progress through them in consciousness. This chakra twinning effect shows the subtle yin-yang relationship as the chakra faces vibrate in individual frequencies.

5. Chakras and Music and Memes All Match: The 12 memes as known in the Spiral Dynamics theory are exact equivalents of the 12 chakra faces and the 12 keys of the musical octave. While two matching phenomena create symmetry, there is super synchronicity (chakras/music/memes) revealing a key design aspect of the universe and human consciousness. The memes of consciousness also act much like electrons in orbit, capable of making a quantum leap in energy level, so humans can leap to the next energy level of consciousness or meme.

Super Symmetry: Chakras, Music & Memes

The symmetry of chakras, music and memes reflects the passage of civilization. The matching symmetry of the 12 chakra faces with the memes of Spiral Dynamics and the notes of an octave, reflect the passage of civilization in an upward progression of memes related to the chakra system. Discovering how these coordinate allows the possibility of predicting future characteristics of societal memes, even those as yet unknown.

A Glimpse Into the Future

In the future, memes 8-12 in the second tier will be compelling the leading edge thinkers to respond to an enormous movement, fostering creativity and beauty. Enlightened wisdom follows in memes 10 and 11, with 12 being the ultimate state of human consciousness.   

The Rise of Civilization

We can look at how mankind has progressed through memes from the chakra perspective.

1.  Instinctual (root) Chakra: Survival: Meme one: basic survival mode was quickly replaced by meme two.

2. Emotional receptive chakra: Clans: Eventually the adventurous ones explored beyond the clan and community to discover what lay beyond.

4. Intellectual receptive chakra: Ordered Purpose: Leaders arose who created order and rules for all to follow, with punishment for those who didn't. The stage was set for the Age of Reason.

5. Intellectual and Active Chakra--Achievement: With intellectual reasoning comes the notion of expanded possibilities; and a newfound work ethic assures an Industrial Revolution.

6. Holistic--Receptive Chakra: Caring Community: We realize the revolution of industrial growth cannot sustain the planet. Environmental repercussion becomes apparent. The heart chakra opens to expand awareness for the good of the community.

7. Holistic--Active Chakra: Responsible Freedom: Clare Graves called reaching this stage (the beginning of the second tier of consciousness) a quantum leap through The Shift into the New Reality.

The 6th chakra relates to heart-centered, holistic consciousness and the seventh focuses on the expression of that heart power out into the world. When enough people reach this heart-powered, active stage, the "100th Monkey" effect (as described by author Ken Keyes) will shift society away from competition and toward cooperation.

How the 100th Monkey Effect Works

When enough of a core group picks up a new behavior, a critical point is eventually reached and the majority of the culture leaps to that behavior. Cultures now moving through The Shift will suddenly take that leap to the New Reality consciousness.

This phenomenon was first reported in 1980 by biologist Lyall Watson in his book Lifetide  in a 1950s study of Japanese Macaque monkeys. Then in 1981 Ken Keyes developed the Hundredth Monkey Effect theory in regard to the Cold War. Monkey tribes that learned to wash sweet potatoes passed this behavior along, as would be expected. But an unusual phenomenon took place when, a few years later, the same behavior was observed in a different tribe of monkeys (Koshima).

Keyes proposed that 99 monkeys learned the new behavior, then when the 100th learned it, that added energy effected a breakthrough that carried that habit instantly to the monkey across the seas (Takasakiyama) as if mind to mind.  This phenomenon was called the 100th Monkey Effect to illustrate how just one more person picking up an awareness can create enough energy to transfer this awareness to others across the globe--through a similar resonance of consciousness.

An example is when inventors create the same thing at the same time without ever being in contact with each other. Possibly those setting the trend resonate at a higher frequency of consciousness, thus having more influence.

You are Changing the World

David Hawkins in his book Power vs Force: The Hidden Determinants in Human Behavior, creates a map of human consciousness. A psychiatrist, Hawkins discovered that the science of kinesiology, and getting answers from the subconscious via simple muscle testing, thus bypassing the conscious mind.

John Diamond, M.D., in observing left/right brain activities found that when the analytical left brain and the intuitive right brain work in concert, a person displays creativity. Hawkins described attractor fields in the subconscious, which Carl Jung called archetypes. Hawkins went on to research the potential kinesiology, proving that, as physicists were beginning to discover--all is connected in the universe and if an answer to a question is out there, it will be yours.

Hawkins also developed a system of calibrating consciousness levels, discovering that the 200 level is critical to sustain life on the planet, and that level has been increasing ever since the 1980s. He wondered about the number of people of higher consciousness compensating for those below 200, noting that 500 is the bottom level (the consciousness of despair) and that millions of people still find themselves there. 

You can help by raising your consciousness…then contributing your spiritual awareness to the global mind, which is the greatest service you can do for humanity.

The 200 level is an empowerment level--out of victim orientation. The 300 level rises above conflict and judgment, counterbalancing 90,000 others below 200. The 400 level (acceptance and forgiveness) is reached by those in higher education and the professions, counterbalancing 400,000 below the 200 level.

In order to reach 500, a person must be spiritually conscious--the level of unconditional love and forgiveness. At this point, one person can counterbalance 750,000 below 200. A person meditating enough to reach level 600 can counterbalance 10 million others below 200.

Is there a more compelling reason to advance your inner consciousness? By being yourself, and the best self you can be, you can support the world through your actions… a world starved for spiritual thought and energy.

Part III: What it Means to be Living in the New Reality

Wholeness as the First Step into the New Reality

At meme six, people enter the passive heart awareness phase, leading to consciousness of environment and community. Then, at meme seven, the active heart chakra awareness begins transforming from the heart feeling self to heart empowered. This shift from meme six to seven finds people thinking on a more expanded scale and acting in a wider world.

Wholeness is the hallmark of New Reality consciousness. The Old reality concepts of "should" or "try to" are moving into the  heart-centered frequency of unconditional love. It comes naturally, and life around you reflects this higher reality of your integrated self.

Old Reality meant separation, but in the New Reality, we find that is an illusion, as are time and space. All is connected, with you not only connected to the Creator, but being an aspect of the Creator, and offering your unique perspective of the universe. The Old Reality was filled with the drama of separation from the Creator. In the New Reality, there is a new frequency of consciousness, and when you are in tune with it, you are no longer striving to be separative.

The New Reality is heart-centered and heart-powered. Fear is an illusion when you operate from an open heart, expressing unconditional love and respect for yourself and others. Wholeness arrives with the shift into this love energy.

Twelve Principles for the New Reality

The New Reality requires applications of its principles powering you toward manifesting your potential. The ultimate reality or universal consciousness can be called Infinite Being.  Infinite = All That Is. Being =Fundamental Awareness of God or the Absolute.

1. Infinite Being is All That Is. Nothing exists outside of it.

The universe, the physical world, and we exist in the consciousness of Infinite Being.

2. We Are Infinite Being

The nature of creation being holographic means that the one exists within the all, as a tree in an acorn. You are both the consciousness of Infinite Being and Infinite Being.

3. Purpose in Life

Your life purpose is to experience life from your own unique perspective, as one expression of Infinite Being. As a soul, you planned the themes of your life, your parents and the setting in which you would explore the themes you chose. People and places will feel familiar, as if you've known them before, or previewed them before, but can't remember…most likely in pre-life planning, or a dream state.

4. Free will enables you to explore your true potential.

It is most productive to use your free will to explore your potential through the study of your life themes.

5. Reincarnation

Life skills are gained through the reincarnation experience, and you find again the spiritual connection within you.

6. Life after 'death.'

Death does not affect your true, inner personality. You step out of your well-worn suit into the spirit realm, to find joy and healing and begin working on unresolved issues. You also meet your soul families.

7. Life reflects what you project.

Life mirrors your perspective on reality. When you change that, you allow a new reflection to manifest within your body's aura or subtle magnetic field. Surrounded now by this magnetic potential, circumstances of the new reality move into the realm of manifestation. Happiness is mirrored back to you, when you become a happy person.

8.Abundance is natural

Abundance flows from following your joy and doing the work you love. Synchronicity begins to flow, as the universe affirms your path. Things and people click into place exactly as they should.

9. Love is the only reality.

Unconditional love is the bottom line when it comes to life's challenges. Love and acceptance of the inner essence of a person. It is this kind of love that will heal the world.

10. Self-responsibility

Your life is your responsibility, from the plans you had for it.

11.Truth is Everywhere.

You will find truth ultimately resides within you. Use your intuition to guide you to what you need to study.

12. Inner connection and insight.

Intuition  gives you insight into your life circumstances. Daily meditation connects you to your spiritual source to aid the development of intuitive insight.

The Ultimate Meditation

Peace comes from within as you unwind and focus on the peace of your inner being and reaching the deepest state of consciousness known as Infinite Being.

The Infinite Being Meditation

You may affirm your infinite consciousness by repeating the words "I am." "I am Infinite Being" is a powerful affirmation, reflecting your oneness with the life source.

When you feel unworthy of this, relax and let those feelings go, and focus once again on that phrase, "I am Infinite Being." Concentrate on your breathing, allowing it to flow slowly, repeating "I am Infinite Being" on the in-breath and be attentive to the even slower out-breath.

Life energy (etheric) exists in the etheric column of the spine, and is dispersed to the body through the subtle nervous system. It is best to sit straight to enhance this natural flow of energy. Gently put distracting thoughts aside. Try to sit in a non-metallic chair, so the life energy will not flow away from you. Having a small clock, wearing clean, light clothing, and showering or bathing before meditation helps cleanse impurities from your energy body.

Make the Time for This to Happen
Twenty minutes is the optimum time investment for daily meditation, especially first thing in the day.
The Aims of the infinite Being Meditation

This type of meditation quiets brain activity, while affirming your connection to a high state of awareness and infusing life energy through your breathing.

How You as a Soul Planned Your Life

Your conscious mind may not recall your life plan, but your soul remembers. Your inner self has its own guidance system, providing you with hunches to assist you in your life exploration. There are generally one or two spirit guides available to you, which may be members of your soul family.

You may tune in to your  inner self (your complete self) through meditation. In turn, you'll discover synchronicity will come into play, and you'll find all sorts of meetings of people and events unfolding to support your life purpose. Your soul family members have loved you for thousands of years…and we usually choose those from the same soul family.

Before the Veil of Birth

Your experiences in this lifetime are set by your choices of several alternatives, parents and relationships that will nudge you in the direction you wish to explore, and the scenario which you selected before you were born. Like a stage play, the drama unfolds throughout your lifetime, as your soul inspires you to be at the right place at the right time.

Themes, Issues, Adventures

There will be personal themes as well as themes of your soul family…. cultural and global themes…such as rebounding from our longtime patriarchal society and shifting from a consciousness of separation to a consciousness of integration…both in our outer and inner worlds.  The idea is to do the work you love, while having fun and transforming reality at the same time.

What is Real?

The purpose of our life experience is to discover what is real. One thing that never changes is our inner observer, our inner self. It is always with us. Beyond that comes the awareness of just "being"--described in two words: "I am."

The All-Pervasive, 'I Am' Presence

The Great I Am, the all-embracing Infinite Being, is the consciousness of All That Is and it is there to hold on to…unchanging…awareness…potential. Infinite Being just is. Daily meditation becomes a habit that builds that inner bridge of reality, to empower your potential and help society shift into the New Reality.

Being as Well as Doing

Core Cultural Creatives have a nagging suspicion that they are to be doing something to help humanity, but can't determine what it is they should be doing. Beingness often gets overlooked in our society. It makes a difference what your state of being is because it affects the global consciousness of the world.  There is power in being. By being yourself, you help support millions of people on the planet by virtue of your higher state of consciousness.

Through your chakra system, you receive energy from the universe and from the environment around you. As that energy passes through you, you condition that life energy… receiving and transmitting…much like a radio station.

By operating at the upper frequencies of the chakras and the second tier of memes, you offer your greatest spiritual service to the world. By simply being who you are and contributing your unique perspective and dreams, you influence the global mind…so hungry for spiritual light.

Your Nine-Point New Reality Plan

When you arrive at the level of New Reality Consciousness, you experience expanded awareness and creativity. Your heart expresses its inner joy.

The Nine-Point New Reality Plan follows the same formula of Infinite Being when creating the universe. Infinite Being used imagination and thought to express the love that permeates the universe. The formula is "Thought and Feeling in Action."  Our life experiences come from thought and feeling working together in action to create these experiences.

In nature, the triad (three elements acting as one) is very common. The Nine-Point Reality Plan is made up of three groups, based on that formula. Each group has its own triad within. With three triads making up one triad, the power of Creation is working for you, multiplied to the power of three, and from that miracles may be expected.

From thought and intellect in the first group of three to matters of the heart (feeling) in the second group, comes the manifestation through the third group…carrying out inspired action to the world.


The Nine-Point Reality Plan may be outlined as:

1.Thought: Learning, health awareness, skills development.

2. Feeling: Inner connection as a conscious decision, meditation, feeling inner joy,

3. Action: Being creative in your work, practicing gratitude, helping others.

Detailed Descriptions: Learning, Health, Skills

First: The Triad of Thought is self-empowering.

  1. Learning: Knowledge may be obtained through schooling, and especially that which is self-directed. You owe yourself the opportunity of self-education in the areas you love.

  2. Health:  Self-education in the field of health, nutrition and self-care is essential… using your intuition and daily meditation to provide yourself with the best health possible.

  3. Skills: You will enjoy life more, the more skills you develop, especially creative skills. This makes you more valuable to others.

Second: The Triad of Feeling: connecting to your inner resources

  1. Connection: Become first aware of the presence within you at the place where New Reality Consciousness vibrates at the heart level of consciousness. The heart becomes the doorway for your creative throat chakra, the consciousness level where your soul exists. Be aware of hunches.

  2. Meditation: In meditation, emotional blockages may arise, to be healed and released. Meditation helps work through these issues.

  3. Joy: You cultivate joy by consciously connecting through regular meditation and tuning in to the resonance at the heart chakra level. There you will discover heart-powered consciousness.

Third: The Triad of Action

Joy manifests through action

  1. Creativity:  Being creative in your work, finding solutions, discovering music and art.

  2. Gratitude: Expressing thanks with a grateful heart is a beautiful secret in the life of spirit. Gratitude is an aspect of love, the love that created the universe. Allow your heart to open to this flow of love and accept the gratitude that flows with it.

  3. Service:  Right action entails service, springing from your spiritual heart and self. This path of right action for you depends upon the inner joy your feel in expressing it. You amplify your ability to serve others.

Follow your heart. Your joy will benefit humanity through your unique service. Doing work that you love is your inspiration for great accomplishments.

It's a Great Time to be Alive!

The Shift moves humanity into the second tier of consciousness where hearts bloom with service representing their highest joy. Unconditional love and hope are the hallmarks of the New Reality. It is heart felt and heart powered. It's a place of expanded potential and a place where all things are beautiful.

The New Reality consciousness brings awareness that all things are possible.  It means following your heart to new levels of creativity…and realizing the joy of being yourself, as you contribute your unique gifts to the world.

Susan Parcheta is a writer. Her website is

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