
A Field Guide to Nonphysical Reality For the Out of Body Traveler

By Kurt Leland

Summary by Marjorie Nevins


This book is for the experienced and the inexperienced non-physical reality travelers.

The author includes first person accounts of individuals with powerful imaginations, who are skilled in creating symbols, words and pictures to define nonphysical reality.

Other states of consciousness can be translated and used to assist in building visuals, as well as charts, to help describe the nonphysical world in physical terminology for yourself and can be useful for helping others experience the feeling of being out of the body.

To overcome fear of the unknown is to become familiar with experiences of others by their descriptions of what it is like to be out-of-the body.  It is a good idea to have a good teacher or guide before going out into the unknown realms of the Mind of non-physical reality.  The teacher and experienced traveler to non-physical reality will let you know the type of journeys you can expect, depending on your state of mind.  Staying calm, mentally focused, and physically comfortable, will allow you to have a memorial out-of-the body experience. 

When we have any discomfort mentally, emotionally or physically, it is best to postpone the experience.  This is because intentions trigger and influence the reality that is manifested by our thought forms consciously or unconsciously. 

Our imagination creates pictures, feelings and experiences in our non-physical world that some times feel more real than physical reality.

Some of the methods used to reach non-physical reality are meditation, hypnosis, drugs, shamanism, out-of-body experiences, near death experiences and lucid dreaming.  There can be advantages and disadvantages to each of these methods.  Without conscious control, planning and awareness, bizarre realities can be manifested from the thoughts of the non-physical world traveler.

Tuning into different sound vibrations through music and toning can bring you into an altered state of awareness.  This allows an intentional shift and allows for you to expand your consciousness. 

Training is available in supervised environments on how to safely experience non-physical reality.  A technique of split consciousness allows you to travel and remember the journey to the unknown realms. 

Explorations in non-physical reality are created by our thoughts. We could experience beings full of unconditional love, or, we could enter a vibration that includes self-punishment due to unconscious anger, fear, regret, guilt, shame, lust and self-pity.

We can set our intent to be escorted by a guide or teacher in our out-of-body journeys.  A facilitator will aid in getting answers to questions in non-physical reality. Guides can help identify your location in the non-physical reality. 

The Out-of-Body Training Program in Chapter 2 is a great reminder for a successful out-of-a body experience.

  1. Thinking: freeing the mind of mental distress and uncertainty with meditation.
  2. Feeling intense emotions can send you into disturbing experiences of non-physical reality. It is important to remove fear of unknown. 
  3. Sensing: Keep your surroundings free from distractions, comfortable, quiet, peaceful, and safe. Eat lightly and empty the bladder.
  4.  Intuiting: is helpful for control while in the body or while out of the body. 

The author uses this example for checking to see if you are ready for the out-of-body experience. 

"Imagine a control panel with four levers, for the above four functions."

Outer left lever for thinking, left inside for feeling, right inside for sensing and, the outer right lever for intuiting.

Use these imaginary levers to balance each lever, visualizing each lever setting in the center.  If any are at top of scale or bottom of the scale, work to position each one with your minds eye so that each rests in the center. Once the adjustments are set, use a favorite Induction technique for your out-of-body experience.  It is important to practice, practice, practice, until you have mastered the technique.

Using orientation, becoming familiar with the non-physical experience, and, communicating with others about the out-of-body experience, helps to build a table of pictures, words and symbols of the unknown. Immersion, representation, description, and interpretation, while in non-physical reality, will help you write about your experience. It will make non-verbal experiences to come to life. This can be used later to chart and build translation tables.  It is amazing the wisdom gained from this writing experience. 

Writing about the out-of-body experience helps define patterns for building an error free translation table. 

Translation Tables can be for sharing with the public, and private tables can be for personal use.  A table can be built using definitions from myths, religions, your life experiences and the life experiences of others. Some examples the author uses from his translation table are shades (souls), shadows, guides, facilitators (teachers), angels, gods, aliens, gatekeepers, sleepers, rangers, facilitators, alchemists, harvesters, exhumers, and, overseers.

The author designed this chart for testing your awareness.

1. When you are in a dream state without memories of dreams.

2. When in the dream state you know you dreamed but have no memory of the     dream.

3. You watch yourself in the dream and participate only as an observer, instead of becoming a participant.

4. You become an active participant interacting in the dream state.

5. The plots in the dream become long and involved.

6. You are aware of the surroundings and they appear in color, and are activated with sound.

7.  All your senses become functional during the dream state.

8.  You can think rationally and can solve problems while in the dream state.

9.  You can utilize your powers while in the dream state.

10. Waking consciousness is fully present while in a dream state.  

The lucid dream state can be used to enter non-physical reality. The author uses first person accounts of journeys to other worlds. These include Gateways into Non-physical worlds, Shadow worlds, Dream worlds. 

Alternate Was worlds, Alternate Is worlds, Alternate Will Be worlds and Grand Tours of non-human worlds.

The author is told, while in non-physical reality, that it is important the Soul of the individual find and accomplish his life mission.  He was shown examples of the possibility of purification stages a Soul may experience after death. He is told lusts, fears, and the desire to control, can keep us from reaching our life purpose if they are not managed in a healthy manner. According to the author, over indulgence in any of these, can lead to sickness, even death.

Here are five reactions that can keep you from entering some of the non-physical worlds according to the author.

  1. An individual may not believe in Overseers.
  2. An individual can have a passive and unquestioning acceptance of difficulties in life.
  3. Anger and resentment at the unfairness and injustice in the physical world may be experienced.
  4. Depression is a deep sympathy and understanding of human suffering with a sense of hopelessness to do anything about it.
  5. Individuals feel life has no purpose and that any action is pointless.


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