A Romp through the Quantum Field:

Interviews with Gregg Braden and Dr. Bruce Lipton
By Meryl Ann Butler
Miraculously, the baseball-sized tumor visible on
the sonogram began to shrink as the practitioners1 surrounding
the patient chanted a simple phrase. In just under three
minutes, the "inoperable, terminal, incurable"
cancer had simply disappeared.
A miracle? Or simply a technology we don't yet understand?
As one might expect, this was not a scene from Western
medical care. The rare video showed a routine healing
in a medicine-less hospital formerly active in Beijing.
Presented during a joint conference in Phoenix2 by N.Y.
Times best-selling author Gregg Braden and renowned cellular
biologist, Dr. Bruce H. Lipton, it offered the captivated
audience a taste of the secrets of the Quantum Field.
Braden and Lipton's research in their respective scientific
disciplines has resulted in a pair of treasure maps leading
to the same chest of spiritual riches. The deepest mysteries
of religion and spirituality have, for the most part,
eluded Western seekers. But in a surprise ending, it is
science that comes to the rescue.
Braden notes that we are an "intentional species"
unbound by the laws of physics or biology. "We have
been taught that emotions and belief don't have much power
in our lives, but nothing could be further from the Truth
We have the power to heal our bodies, we have the power
to alter reality, we have the power to choose peace where
there wasn't peace 24 hours ago."
And the prospect of learning how to heal ourselves comes
in the nick of time, considering the insufficiency of
health insurance and more importantly, in light of studies
showing allopathic medicine itself is the leading cause
of death in the USA.3
We have the power to heal our environment as well. "Global
warming is just the Earth's fever trying to kill off the
organisms interfering with it," notes Lipton. "It's
time for us to take our power back and recreate the garden
that used to be here."
Our own thought processes provide the key to this transformation.
"Your thoughts are not contained in your head -
they are a part of the Quantum Field," Lipton continues.
"When playing through your nervous system, the thoughts
generate a vibratory field similar to that of a tuning
fork. Thought vibrations interact and entangle with harmonically-resonant
structures in the Field. Simply, we activate and bring
into our lives the things that we think about the most.
Psychologists reveal that over 70% of our thoughts are
negative and redundant. Do the math!"
The secrets of our deepest empowerment can be discovered
by unlocking the door to our relationship to the Quantum
Field, and Lipton and Braden offer us the keys in their
interviews with Awareness Magazine.
Meryl Ann Butler: Thank you, Gregg, for sharing
your thoughts with us. Will you explain more about this
Field of energy?
Gregg Braden: Thank you for inviting me. Yes, scientists
have not yet agreed on a term for it but they agree it
has three distinct qualities: it is everywhere always,
it has been here from the beginning, and it has an intelligence
that responds to human emotion. It sounds a lot like God!
Lynne McTaggart calls it the Field.4 Others
call it a Quantum Hologram, or the Mind of God. I call
it the Divine Matrix5 in my upcoming book.
This Field is the stuff of which our bodies and our world
are made.
Academic and research organizations have demonstrated
the fact - and it is accepted as fact now, not just as
theory - that this Field exists. It holds the blueprint
of all possibilities we will ever know or experience in
our world, everything from perfect health, longevity,
peace, abundance, successful careers and loving relationships
to the blackest moments of the darkest prophecies, the
most horrible diseases, or the greatest destruction we
could ever imagine.
All those experiences exist as possibilities, as unrealized
potential in this Quantum Essence. The choices that we
make in each moment are what breathe life into these energetic
MAB: How can we unleash this powerful force?
GB: Once Western science acknowledged the existence of
the Field, the scientists started asking 'what do we do
with it' And this is where ancient spiritual traditions
become so valuable, because many of them begin at the
place where our science has just now arrived.
Spiritual traditions of the past are born of the understanding
that we are all connected by spiritual energy, and what
one person does in one place has an effect on what is
happening in other parts of the world. That is a fundamental
premise of the ancient traditions, whether from the native
North American or the aboriginal traditions, the Quechua
traditions in the Andes, the Tibetan or traditional Buddhist
traditions, or the ancient Essenes who believed to be
the authors of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
As different as they appear to be from one another, all
of these sacred traditions say that we are all connected
through a Divine Matrix or Essence. And through this field
we are each part of one another, part of our world and
part of a greater existence they call God. So this Essence
is where the marriage of science and spirituality brings
us to a greater wisdom, more than science or spiritual
traditions can offer alone.
MAB: So, would you say this union creates
something greater than the sum of its parts?
GB: Precisely. When we ask ourselves who we are in the
world, our greatest sources of knowledge come from science,
spirituality and culture. So when we marry all of those
ways of knowing into a greater wisdom, it empowers us
to participate. I am using that word intentionally.
This is not about control or manipulation of our world.
This is about participating in the outcome of the healing
of our bodies, healing of our families, the peace in our
communities and peace between nations, because they are
all linked through this Essence, they are all part of
the same Field of energy.
MAB: Is that what you are referring to when
you ask the question, "Are you a passive observer
or a powerful creator?"
GB: Well, quantum physicists have arrived at the understanding
that there are no observers - it is impossible for anyone
to simply observe the world around them. If we are watching
something and we have thoughts, feelings, emotions and
beliefs about it, which we all will, then by virtue of
this Field, we have become part of what we are watching.
And this is what is showing up in the laboratory experiments.
MAB: Are you saying that we are basically
always creating, whether it is by intention or by default?
GB: Yes, if we define intention as the act of observing
our world with an expectation of an outcome. We are always
creating, even when we are not aware of what we are creating.
We can't not create! Everywhere we look,
consciousness will put something there for us to see.
If you are awake and conscious, you are creating. So,
what does it mean when you are trained to look for something
you don't want? What does it mean to keep looking for
a lump in a breast?
Intentionality is where we can tip the scales in our
MAB: Does everyone on the planet need to
learn the language of the Quantum Field in order to create
a better world?
GB: Each one of us already knows this language. It is
a nonverbal language; there are no words or other outward
expressions. Everyone has everything they need to create
joy and abundance and health in their lives every day.
What scientists are finding is precisely what ancient
texts tell us, the language this Field recognizes is the
language of human feeling and human emotion. It does not
take every person in the world expressing the same feeling
to create an effect.
The studies show that a relatively few number of people
with a focused intention have tremendous leverage in terms
of affecting how our reality is responding, both in our
bodies and in our world. One famous example was a research
project done during the Israeli-Lebanese war in the early
1980's.6 In this study, people who had been trained to
feel the feeling of peace in their bodies were positioned
in war-torn areas in the Middle East.
When they were intentionally feeling peace during specific
windows of time, it changed the level of violence happening
in the area around them in statistically significant ways.
Crime, hospital emergency room activity, and traffic accidents
declined, and terrorist activities stopped altogether.
And when the practitioners stopped, then all those activities
reversed. Since these practitioners had been trained
by Maharishi7 in TM techniques, this phenomenon became
known as the Maharishi Effect.
And the results were so clear-cut that the researchers
were able to determine the exact percentage of a population
needed to create this effect. That amount is the square
root of 1% of a given population. So, when that critical
mass of practitioners participated, the threshold opened
up and we began to see the effects. Obviously, the more
people who participate, the faster we are going to see
those effects.
The square root of 1% is just 100 people per million,
or only about 8,000 in the current world population of
6.5 billion. That is all it takes to make the difference.Whether
we are talking about one woman's healing in the video
of the dissolving tumor, or about healing between nations
- as different as they seem from one another - the principal
and the effect are the same.
MAB: At the Phoenix workshop you mentioned
you were on the edge of some exciting new research developments.
GB: Yes, this is the 20th year I have offered this work
in one form or another, but as different as the various
aspects of my work appear, they are all focused and directed
at empowering us to become better people and creating
a better world.
The God Code8 research is ongoing and we are working
with researchers in other parts of the world in translating
the human genome into the languages and the letters of
alphabets that can be read like the pages of a book. We
hope to have more information to share about the deeper
layers of these translations before the end of this year.
What we are talking about is another aspect of that work.
We now know from the first layer of these translations,
as I discussed in The God Code, that we are an intentional
species, we know we are no fluke of nature, we are not
an accident of biology, we are here on purpose and appear
to be wired to create in our world.
Through the work Dr. Bruce Lipton, my colleagues, and
I are doing, we are finding that we are not bound by the
laws of physics and biology that, in the past, we believed
were limiting us. That work is ongoing, continuing to
reveal new expressions of freedom. If we are not bound
by the laws of physics, and if we are not bound by the
laws of biology, then suddenly we become tremendously
powerful beings!
And if we are free of those laws, it means we are free
of the limits we believe are imposed by our DNA and space
and time and distance and aging and longevity, and all
the implications that go with that! So all of these are
married together into a very exciting and empowering way
of looking at ourselves and our world. And the key is
that we are a part of everything we see and experience
rather than separate from it.
If we are part of that Divine Matrix, we are given the
gift, the ability and the blessing that allow us to transform
our bodies and our world into life-affirming expressions
of that connection rather than life-denying expressions.
To me, that is the exciting thing about our new discoveries
and where this work is going!
MAB: How did the two of you end up sharing
this workshop?
GB: I was a fan of Dr. Bruce Lipton's work before we
ever met. We both began our work in the mid-80's, our
paths had crossed a number of times and we became friends.
Our work seemed so different, but we were always looking
for a way we could share it together.
I came from the perspective of studying the physical
world of our external reality, and Bruce from the biological
world of our internal reality
and as Bruce's work
evolved into the biology of belief and my work evolved
into the Divine Matrix and the power of belief to change
and alter our reality, suddenly our respective work connected
in a very natural fit.
We first presented a workshop together as an experiment
at the ARE/Edgar Cayce Headquarters9 in 2003.
Then we took that workshop to Australia and now across
the U.S. It has been a wonderful window of opportunity
to marry our messages into what I believe is a very potent,
powerful understanding of who we are in the world.
What we believe and how we feel about ourselves and our
world is actually the code that allows us the power to
create and heal and bring joy and peace into our lives.
That is the message Bruce and I have come together to
offer. And within the context of what we are seeing on
the six o'clock news, I think now it is perhaps more timely
than ever.
MAB: This has been so very enlightening,
thank you, Gregg!
GB: Thanks for inviting me.
MAB: Bruce, the merging of your and Gregg
Braden's work is so exciting! Thank you for your willingness
to share some of your thoughts with us.
Dr. Bruce H. Lipton: Thanks, I'm happy
to participate!
MAB: The premise of your book "The Biology
of Belief" is that humans are not, as was previously
believed, victims of our genes, but that the environment
has a direct effect on our DNA. Would you elaborate?
BL: Sure. Until recently, it was thought
that genes were self-actualizing, meaning genes could
turn themselves on and off. As a result, most people today
believe they are genetic automatons, and that their genes
control their lives.
But my research introduces a radical new understanding
of cell science. The new biology reveals that we 'control'
our genome rather than being controlled by it. It is now
recognized that the environment, and more specifically,
our perception or interpretation of the environment directly
controls the activity of our genes. This explains why
people can have spontaneous remissions or recover from
injuries deemed to be permanent disabilities.
MAB: Then it really is about "mind over
BL: Yes, this new perspective of human
biology does not view the body as just a mechanical device,
but rather incorporates the role of a mind and spirit.
This breakthrough is fundamental in all healing because
it recognizes that when we change our perception or beliefs
we send totally different messages to our cells, causing
a reprogramming of their _expression.
This new science is called epigenetics. It's been around
for about 16 years, but it's just now being introduced
to the general public. For example, The American Cancer
Society is an organization that has been looking for cancer
genes for the last 50 years or so.
But they've found that only about 5 percent of cancer
has genetic linkage, leaving 95% that is not genetically
linked. Recently the American Cancer Society released
a statistic that said 60 percent of cancer is avoidable
by changing lifestyle and diet. So now they are telling
us, "It's the way you live, it's not your genes."
MAB: So the long sought-after "Fountain
of Youth" could be right inside ourselves?
BL: Within every one of our bodies at
this very moment, there are billions of stem cells, embryonic
cells designed to repair or replace damaged tissues and
organs. However, the activity and fate of these regenerative
cells are epigenetically controlled. That means they are
profoundly influenced by our thoughts and perceptions
about the environment. Hence our beliefs about aging can
either interfere with or enhance stem cell function, causing
our physiological regeneration or decline.
MAB: What part does evolution play in this?
BL: Well, as it turns out, Darwin was
wrong. Current science overrides Darwin's theories emphasizing
competition and struggle, but this information can take
years to get into the textbooks. Cooperation and community
are actually the underlying principles of evolution, as
well as the underlying principles of cell biology. The
human body represents the cooperative effort of a community
of fifty-trillion single cells. A community, by definition,
is an organization of individuals committed to supporting
a shared vision.
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck had it right fifty years before
Darwin. In 1809, Lamarck wrote the problems that will
beset humanity will come from separating ourselves from
nature, and that will lead to the dissolution of society.
His understanding of evolution was that an organism and
its environment create a cooperative interaction.
If you want to understand the fate of an organism, you
have to understand its relationship to the environment.
He recognized that separating ourselves from our environment
cuts us off from our source. He was right.
And when you understand the nature of epigenetics, you
see his theory is now substantiated. With no mechanism
to make sense of his theory before, and especially since
we bought the concept of neo-Darwinian biologists who
said the human body was subject to genetic control, Lamarck
looked stupid. But guess what? New leading-edge science
reveals he was right, after all.
MAB: So, how does this play out on the cellular
BL: Information from the environment
is transferred to the cell via the cell membrane. We used
to think that the cell nucleus was the brain of the cell.
But in 1985 I discovered that the membrane is actually
the brain of the cell. The nucleus, as it turns out, is
actually the reproductive center.
The cell membrane (mem-brain!) monitors the condition
of the environment and then sends signals to the genes
to engage cellular mechanisms, which in turn, provide
for its survival. In the human body, the brain sends messages
to the cell's membrane to control its behavior and genetic
activity. This is how the mind, via the brain, controls
our biology.
For example, an important discipline in the health sciences
is referred to as psychoneuroimmunology. Literally this
term means: the mind (psycho-) controls the brain (neuro-)
which, in turn, controls the immune system (immunology).
This is how the placebo effect works!
When the mind perceives that the environment is safe
and supportive, the cells focus on growth. Cells need
growth in order to maintain the body's healthy functioning.
However, when confronted by stress, cells adopt a defensive
protection posture. When that happens, the body's energy
resources, normally used to sustain growth, are diverted
to systems that provide protection. The result is that
growth processes are restricted or suspended in a stressed
While our systems can accommodate periods of acute (brief)
stress, prolonged or chronic stress is debilitating because
the body's energy demands interfere with the maintenance
it requires, and this is what leads to dysfunction and
For example, the fear that has been propagated in the
United States since 9-11 has had a profoundly destructive
effect upon the health of our citizens. Every time the
government advertises concerns of more terror attacks,
the fear alone causes stress hormones to shut down our
biology and engage in a protection response.
Since the World Trade Center attack, the health of the
country has plummeted and the pharmaceutical companies'
profits have skyrocketed (with a 100% increase in less
than five years!)
Our color-coded terror alert system has also been responsible
for another serious consequence. In a state of fear, stress
hormones change the flow of blood in the brain. Under
normal, healthy situations, blood flow in the brain is
preferentially focused in the forebrain, the site of conscious
However, in stress, the forebrain blood vessels constrict,
forcing the blood to the hindbrain, the center of subconscious
reflex control. Simply, in fear mode we become more reactive
and less intelligent.
MAB: In your workshop, you talked about how
we receive stress information. Would you elaborate on
BL: Sure. The principle source of stress
signals is the system's central voice, the mind. The mind
is like the driver of a vehicle.
If we employ good driving skills in managing our behaviors
and dealing with our emotions, then we should anticipate
a long, happy and productive life. In contrast, ineffective
behaviors and dysfunctional emotional management, like
a bad driver, stress the cellular vehicle, interfering
with its performance and provoking a breakdown.
Stress information can come to the cell from the two
separate minds that create the body's controlling central
The (self-) conscious mind is the thinking you; it is
the creative mind that expresses free will. It's the equivalent
of a 40-bit processor in that it can handle the input
from about 40 nerves per second. In contrast, the subconscious
mind is a super computer loaded with a database of pre-programmed
It is a powerful 40-million-bit processor, interpreting
and responding to over 40 million nerve impulses every
second. Some programs are derived from genetics: these
are our instincts. However, the vast majority of the subconscious
programs are acquired through our developmental learning
The subconscious mind is not a seat of reasoning or creative
consciousness, it is strictly a stimulus-response "play-back"
device. When an environmental signal is perceived, the
subconscious mind reflexively activates a previously-stored
behavioral response - no thinking required!
The insidious part of the autopilot mechanism is that
subconscious behaviors are programmed to engage without
the control of, or the observation by, the conscious self.
Neuroscientists have revealed that 95%-99% of our behavior
is under the control of the subconscious mind. Consequently,
we rarely observe these behaviors or much less know that
they are even engaged.
While your conscious mind perceives that you are a good
driver, it is the unconscious mind that has its hands
on the wheel most of the time. And the unconscious mind
may be driving you down the road to ruin.
We have been led to believe that by using willpower,
we can override the negative programs of our subconscious
mind. Unfortunately, to do that, one must keep a constant
vigil on one's own behavior.
There is no observing entity in the subconscious mind
reviewing the behavioral tapes. The subconscious is strictly
a record-playback machine. Consequently, there is no discernment
as to whether a subconscious behavioral program is good
or bad, it is just a tape. The moment you lapse in consciousness,
the subconscious mind will automatically engage and play
its previously-recorded, experience-based programs.
MAB: How did we get our subconscious programming
in the first place?
BL: The prenatal and neonatal brain
operates predominantly in delta and theta EEG frequencies
through the first six years of our lives. This low level
of brain activity is referred to as the hypnagogic state.
While in this hypnotic trance, a child does not have
to be actively coached into specific behaviors. She obtains
her behavioral programming simply by observing parents,
siblings, peers and teachers.
In addition, a child's subconscious mind also downloads
beliefs relating to self. When a parent or teacher tells
a young child he is sickly, stupid, bad or undeserving,
this too is downloaded as a fact into the youngster's
subconscious mind. These acquired beliefs constitute the
central voice that controls the fate of the body's cellular
MAB: That's pretty sobering! It seems to
me that our subconscious mind is like a chunk of green
kryptonite from Superman's home planet, the one thing
that could strip him of his superpowers.
The kryptonite is analogous to the rocky
foundations of childhood. As you indicated earlier, the
subconscious isn't evil by nature - and neither is the
kryptonite. Yet it's through these avenues that the programming
of our childhood come back to plague us as adults, and
- from what you are saying - rob us of our own superpowers!
Many people feel so stuck, ineffective and
victimized, in spite of the fact that their conscious
intentions are focused upon success. So we come to the
ultimate question, how can the subconscious mind be reprogrammed?
BL: To change a behavioral tape, you
have to push the record button and then re-record the
program incorporating the desired changes. There are several
ways to do this with the subconscious mind.
First, we can become more self-conscious, and rely less
on automated subconscious programs. By being fully conscious,
we become the masters of our fates rather than the victims
of our programs. This path is similar to Buddhist mindfulness.
Secondly, clinical hypnotherapy directly addresses the
issue at the hypnagogic state.
In addition, we can use a variety of new energy psychology
modalities that enable a rapid and profound reprogramming
of limiting subconscious beliefs. These are forms of Superlearning
that open and integrate both hemispheres of the brain
at the same time, allowing us to re-write our subconscious
Using these processes that are mechanistically similar
to pushing the record program on the subconscious mind's
tape player, we are able to release the limiting perceptions,
beliefs and self-sabotaging behaviors.
Energy psychology modalities include Psych-K, Holographic
Repatterning, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), EMDR
(Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) and BodyTalk.
MAB: As a labyrinth builder, I find many
people report physical sensations of profound well-being
and peace as a result of walking a labyrinth, as well
as sense of timelessness, such as in an altered or hypnagogic
state. Many spontaneous healings seem to be a direct result
of labyrinth walking, and I myself have experienced healings
and a sense of extraordinary wellness. Do you see this
modality as a way to reprogram the subconscious as well?
BL: I believe any process that expands
self-consciousness and allows us to observe and interact
with our subconscious minds will open the gateway for
change. With conscious awareness, we can actively transform
our lives so they are filled with love, health and prosperity.
The use of these new "rewrite" modalities provides
a way to communicate with the cells of your body and is
the link to transformative biology as well as psychology.
MAB: This was wonderful, thanks, Bruce, for
sharing your insights!
BL: Thank you, I enjoyed it!
Gregg Braden and Bruce Lipton are blazing the trails
of awareness of our interconnection with the Quantum Field,
guiding us toward new and exciting understandings. Even
this dynamic duo's presentation style is significant -
these guys live the co-operation they preach! Braden and
Lipton offer their material in an integrated dance of
perfectly-timed synergy, as their two distinctive arms
of science converge, fittingly, at the heart.
A Romp through the Quantum Field with Gregg
Braden and Dr. Bruce Lipton is reprinted
here with permission of the author and Awareness magazine,
which serves over 200,000 readers in Southern California.
It was originally published as a two-part article in the
Sept/Oct and Nov/Dec issues in 2006, and can also be accessed
at www.awarenessmag.com.
It was recently translated into Italian and reprinted
as a 10-page article in Scienza e Conoscenza magazine.
Meryl Ann Butler is a modern day Renaissance woman. A
professional artist since 1974, she is also a writer,
labyrinth builder, workshop facilitator, traditional drawing
and painting teacher, intuitive reader, contemporary fiber
artist and mother of a daughter and seven stepchildren.
Over 100 articles by and about her have appeared in magazines
and newspapers in the U.S. and abroad. She was the featured
expert on the Edgar Cayce New Millennium TV series show
on creativity.
She is best known in the A.R.E. community as the creatrix
of the quilted fiber art that hangs in the main auditorium
and as the bringer of the labyrinth. Her artwork, "Vortices
of Light: Spirit Descending Into Matter," is based
on Edgar Cayce's famous dream.
Meryl Ann offered the first public labyrinth walk at
the A.R.E. in September, 1992 in the main auditorium,
on her cloth labyrinth. She continued to facilitate labyrinth
walks for many years, notably at the New Years Conferences
and at many Congresses. In 1998, at Keith von der Ohe's
invitation, she designed a labyrinth for the A.R.E.'s
In meditation, she received direction in how to construct
it, and was guided to place the entrance of the labyrinth
facing east as a symbol of walking toward the vision of
the future. She constructed and painted this 48-foot diameter
labyrinth on the A.R.E. patio with a group of volunteers,
completing it on April 30, 1998. Its presence for a cycle
of just over 7 years, and its listing in various labyrinth
locators, brought labyrinth walkers to the A.R.E. from
far and wide.
Meryl Ann's artwork is in collections around the world,
including those of His Holiness, the late Swami Satchidananda,
the Hon. Nelson Mandela, Dr. Caroline Myss, Dr. Barbara
King, Dr. Norman Shealy, the Hon. and Mrs. Dennis Kucinich
and the University of Peace in Costa Rica.
Meryl Ann's daughter Rainbow is a student at Virginia
Tech, and after "The Event", as the Virginia
Tech Hokies now refer to April 16, 2007, Meryl Ann made
a "Hokie Comfort" quilt for her daughter and
a wallhanging for the school entitled "Hugs for Hokies:
Hearts and Hands Reach Out to Virginia Tech."
Meryl Ann Butler with the lap quilt she made for her
daughter, Rainbow, a 2nd year student at Virginia
Tech's Virginia College of Oesteopathic medicine. Hokie
Comfort was made using the techniques in
her book, 90-Minute Quilts: 15+ Projects You
Can Stitch in an Afternoon. It was complete,
and serving it's purpose as a "comforter" less
than a week after the shootings at the university. Photo
credit: Theresa Locke

Meryl Ann holds Hugs for Hokies: Hearts and
Hands Reach Out to Virginia Tech, crafted
from over 450 separate pieces of fabric in VT school colors.
It has a border of outstretched hands reaching toward
the central logo in gestures of support for the school.
The quilted wallhanging is embellished with many tiny
heart buttons, to remind the university community of the
love being sent to them from around the world. The candles
at three corners of the quilt were inspired by the Hokies'
candlelight vigil. As she watched it on TV, Meryl Ann
was reminded of Eleanor Roosevelt's famous adage, "It
is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."
The fourth corner is embroidered with the uplifting refrain,
"Let's Go, Hokies!" Contribute to the Hokie
Spirit fund at www.vt.edu.
Photo credit: Theresa Locke
After decades of structured time and space, Meryl Ann
has enjoyed the freedom of gypsy life in the Southwest
for the last several years, while writing two books and
dancing in the moonbeams of joy. There are signs from
the Universe that indicate that she might actually settle
down a bit in the near future.
Find out more about her recently published book, which
she playfully categorizes as "applied quantum physics"
See more of her artwork at www.merylannbutler.com
Amuse yourself by reading her blogs at
If you enjoyed this article, you might also enjoy these
by Meryl Ann:
Cayce, Kucinich and Spiritual Politics: The Search for
the Missing Peace
Matriotic Musings on Jefferson, Kucinich and The Divine
Gregg Braden is a former Senior
Aerospace Systems Designer turned New York Times best-selling
author. His books include "Walking Between the Worlds",
"Awakening to Zero Point", "The Isaiah
Effect", "The God Code", "Secrets
of the Lost Mode of Prayer", and "The Divine
Matrix". He offers seminars and guides inter-national
tours in search of the sacred. (www.greggbraden.com)
Dr. Bruce H. Lipton is author
of the Los Angeles Times best-selling book, "The
Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness,
Matter and Miracles". A cellular biologist, he is
a former Associate Professor at the University of Wisconsin's
School of Medicine and former research scientist at Stanford
University's School of Medicine. He offers workshops throughout
the U.S. and internationally.
FOOTNOTES 1. These practitioners were
trained in techniques of energy work called Chilel, a
form of Qigong
2. Bodies of Earth, Cells of God: Molecules, Miracles,
Passion and the Unity Field conference with Gregg Braden
& Bruce Lipton, July 14-16, 2006, Phoenix, AZ, and
Oct 6-8, 2006, Irvine, CA
3. Death by Medicine. Gary Null PhD, Carolyn Dean MD,
ND, Martin Feldman MD, Debora Rasio MD November 2003.
Annually, over a quarter of a million deaths are caused
by medicine (iatrogenic illness). This is more than cardiovascular
disease (the second leading cause of death) and cancer
(the third) www.NutritionInstituteOfAmerica.org
4. The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe
by Lynne McTaggart, HarperCollins 2002
5. The Divine Matrix: Bridging Time, Space, Miracles,
and Beliefs by Gregg Braden, Hay House, January 2007
6. The Effect of the Maharishi Technology of the Unified
Field on the war in Lebanon: A time series analysis of
the influence of international and national coherence
creating assemblies. Findings: Improved quality of national
- Increased progress towards peaceful resolution of
conflict and decreased war intensity?
- Decreased war deaths and war injuries (Lebanon, 1983-1984)
- Increased confidence and economic prosperity: improved
foreign exchange rate
(Lebanon, 1984)Alexander, C. N.; Abou Nader, T. M.;
Cavanaugh, K. L.; Davies, J. L.; Dillbeck, M. C.; Kfoury,
R. J.; And Orme-Johnson, D. W. The effect of the Maharishi
Technology of the Unified Field on the war in Lebanon:
A time series analysis of the influence of international
and national coherence creating assemblies. Maharishi
University of Management, Fairfield, Iowa, U.S.A., and
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts,
U.S.A., 1984. Collected Papers v4.335
Published in the Journal of Conflict Resolution, Vol.
32, No. 4, December 1988, pgs. 776-812
7. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is the creator of Transcendental
Meditation (TM) and leader of the Transcendental Meditation
8. The God Code by Gregg Braden, Hay House 2004
9. www.edgarcayce.org
Mathematical consulting services were provided by Los
Angeles-based tutor, Paul Davis. www.davistutor.com