Your Immortal Reality
By Gary Renard

Book Review by Sidney Goodwin
I just completed my reading of Renard's latest book, Your
Immortal Reality: How to Break the Cycle of Birth and Death
(Hay House), with his two ascended Master Teachers, Arten and
Pusah. I had read his first book The Disappearance of the Universe
and was interested to see what new information he would reveal
from his sources. Now, I must admit that I had not even purchased
A Course in Miracles before I read Gary Renard's first
book, but I have remedied that problem since.
Your Immortal Reality much like The Disappearance
of the Universe attempts to explain A Course in Miracles
from the "good old common man" approach. Gary says
that he is just a common guy, not all that bright, who just
happen to have his future self, who wrote the Gospel of
Thomas in a previous life, and a partner appear as physical
forms in his living room and give him sage advice on spiritual
principles to living in everyday life. Their banter adds color
and some humor to the exchange that presses the message of A
Course in Miracles that forgiveness is the key to awaken
us from the dream of this world.
Outside of a few edited verses of the Gospel of Thomas,
there was nothing really new that is not in A Course in
Miracles or from other spiritual sources that applies to
spiritual progress. However, there were some other interesting
comments that I had not expected coming from such "high"
spiritual teaching and lead me to question the "True"
intent behind the writing of this book.
Mr. Renard seemed to have a lot of ego attachments for someone
who is teaching others to escape the ego, which doesn't really
exist. First, he was concerned with the book sales of The
Disappearance of the Universe and why it was not on certain
lists to gain notoriety. I can understand a person wanting to
get the information out to the public, but that could have been
done freely over the Internet, if that was the major concern.
Of course, he would not have made any money that way, but money
doesn't really exist anyway. The two ascended masters tell Renard
that they would not appear to anyone but him, so if anyone should
claim that they did they would of course be stating a falsehood.
Interesting, I have studied several channeled sources and they
all seem to indicate that it is possible for anyone to contact
them, even if in a slightly different form.
The last two chapters get nice and dicey. They attack other
spiritual authors, especially David Hawkins and his kinesiology
testing of consciousness. I wonder why Mr. Renard is be concerned
with a test to "Truthfulness" at the subconscious
level that can be performed by many people. I am not sure why
the author and his "masters" were so dogmatic about
"this way" being the "best way." Even claiming
that Buddha was not truly ascended, but had to reincarnate yet
again. This sounds a lot like conservative Christian Religions
to me. This of course alerted me to re-examine this whole concept
and his books.
Why have the duality presence of human forms appearing and
the maintaining of personalities? I was under the impression
that with enlightenment we would be more of a Higher Self that
is more of a collective of consciousness. Between the two books,
we have more details of incarnations, life coming to Earth from
Mars, but not a good explanation about how this fits in the
dream. They claim that God is not aware of the actions in the
dream and yet the Ascended Masters know everything. Are they
working incognito? Where is the Oneness in this?
I found good information and insight in both books; granted,
I find the same core text in A Course in Miracles as
well. However, I am concerned with the validity and integrity
of Mr. Renard's books because, he frankly does not pass the
test taught to me by my instructors at Atlantic University for
channeled sources. In fact everything points to just a good
imaginative story that got a guy out of debt. I mean really,
you take a core book on spirituality; you add a couple of colorful
characters that add the mystical touch and boom you have a hit.
You go from dead broke to a wealthy in demand speaker, flying
all around the world.
I hope I am wrong about Mr. Renard. He might have just been
corrupted by "spiritual ego." But if I were visited
by two Ascended Masters, I hope that I would have the spiritual
integrity to put the book on an Internet website to be freely
downloaded. If, I allow the direction to be by Self, the big
"I," that attracts me toward true enlightenment, I
would do it anonymously. But what do I know, I am just a humble
student or spirituality.
It is all right though. I forgive him and his masters for
being in my dream.
To order a copy of Your Immortal Reality from,