1. Don’t worry about what other people
think. Don’t worry about fitting in. (Chances are you don’t fit in;
but remember that other people don’t necessarily hear or see the
amount of things you do.)
2. Stay connected to a higher power. Connect with Source. Practice the
Presence. (This is where our information comes from and what
ultimately makes the difference and keeps us sane.)
3. Spend time in nature. It will keep you connected with higher
vibrations and right priorities and help you remember who you are and
what you are. It keeps connection to Source alive and real. (And
remember, if you have a high level of sensitivity, you are constantly
processing so much information of which you may not even be
consciously aware.)
4. Don’t worry about being right. Simply tune in and express what you
get. Things don't always make sense in the moment and are proven out
over time.
5. Meditate: Withdraw from group speak and connect deeply with higher
vibration. Sensitive people sometimes lose their focus around too much
noise. This is another reason for spending time in nature. Nature has
a sound but it's more restorative than degenerative.
6. Don’t force information on people who haven’t asked. It wears you
both out. You can't give someone something they don't want. People
used to get angry at me for the same information they now pay me for.
7. Have patience.
8. Practice kindness.
9. Sleep is restorative. Record your dreams.
10. Process or interact with your dreams. Taking an active part in
your inner life helps develop and nurture a true sense of self. We do
NOT want to be projecting our issues onto others. There's a big
difference between projecting and sharing.
11. Be amused.
12. Feed your senses with art, literature, music, earth and trees.
It’s hard to extend your senses if they’re undernourished. You can’t
give from an empty or anorexic cup. Imagine an overflow.
Lorrie Kazan 2006