The Intuitive-Connections Network

Current Update as of November 23, 2006 

Inspired by The Edgar Cayce Institute for Intuitive Studies

Edited by HENRY REED, Ph.D.

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The Ultimate Time Machine

The Ultimate Time Machine

(Hampton Roads Publishing)

Book Summary by Jed Bendix
Atlantic University

Time and Future Vision

   Joseph McMoneagle was one of the first to be trained in the U.S. Army’s top secret psychic spy program. At its beginning in 1978, this top secret program was called GRILLFLAME; later it was changed to CENTER LANE and eventually STARGATE.

The program was terminated in November of 1995. There were many scientific committees as well government agencies that kept tabs on the program. Moreover, many government agencies such as the CIA and DIA used the remote viewers in their investigations. Additionally, there was a period when the CIA and DIA took control of the STARGATE program.

   Over time “Protocols” were developed by those involved in remote viewing research. According to Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary a protocol is a “detailed plan of a scientific or medical experiment, treatment, or procedure.” Protocols are not officially recognized unless they are part of a published study and made available to other researchers for review and subject to their evaluation.

Remote viewing protocols must meet the following guidelines:

   1) There is no known way for the remote viewer to know what the target is.

   2) The target is unknown to the monitor or person in the room with the remote viewer.

   3) The person judging the results of the remote viewing session must not have participated in any other part of the session.

   4) Individuals who choose the targets cannot partake in any part of the remote viewing experiment such as, after the session collect the data.

A fifth protocol should be added that does not allow the same monitor who is leading many viewers, all viewing the same target.

   Human beings do not communicate by voice alone, a quiver in a voice, a tense looking eye, or body movement can lead to subtle clues. For this reason and others the previously mentioned protocols were put into place to help eliminate fraud. Everyone involved in remote viewing has the responsibility of eliminating fraud. Just one damaging revelation of a case of fraud can cast doubt on years of research.

Different kinds of remote viewing protocols exist:

Outbounder Targeting: in this protocol an individual (the outbounder) travels to a target site and interacts with it. At the same time, and at another location, the remote viewer tries to describe the surroundings of the outbounder.

Coordinate Remote Viewing is the use of map grids like latitude and longitude, or other geographic identifiers.

Sealed Envelope is just as it sounds. Descriptive phrases, photos, or address are put into an opaque sealed envelope.

Numeric/alphabetic keys, here a random set of digits or character are chosen to identify a target. One of the drawbacks to this protocol is that a list needs to be kept which, matches the random digits to a given target.

Historical Viewing

   One obstacle to remote viewing historical events can be the unrelenting criticism from anthropologist, archeologists, and theologians. When a remote viewer challenges a long held belief in their respective field negative reaction towards psychic materiel is sure to follow.

Dealing with their criticism is an ongoing struggle within the parapsychology field. Each remote viewer will have their own unique way in handling the emotional and mental negativism directed towards them.

   A second obstacle to remote viewing is boredom. Studies show when a viewer becomes bored psychic functioning decreases. Generally boredom is caused when the remote viewer is viewing the same target material over and over.

   Lastly, “overlay” can be an obstacle. Overlay is when a viewer is asked to view over an over again similar targets such as, a series of technology targets. After working several targets that are similar in concept, the viewer may start to describe aspects not relating to the current active target being worked but other targets previously worked. This description may lead to aspects of an ink jet printer from a past session being incorporated into the present working target of a radio.

   The question then arises, “How do I go about eliminating boredom and overlay?” The answer is to simply have the individual who is in charge of target pools periodically change one or several of the targets. And if the target pool is on a specific topic simply place within the pool a “mystery” target that is removed in concept from the rest of the pool.

   McMoneagle describes how he worked one of these mystery targets that had been put into the pool to eliminate overlay. Because he had been working a pool on technology for some time he had developed a “feel” for the targets within the pool. This “feel” created a form of “overlay,” which was producing problems for him. His viewing of the mystery target took place in 1980 and historical significance.

   After going through a half an hour “cool-down” period, McMoneagle surprised himself and the monitor by making contact with the mystery target. He received the impression of a large placid lake. Within the lake were two very large rafts carrying men and large blocks of stones.

   Joe’s description of the target fascinated the monitor, who also knew nothing about the target. This fascination was probably due to the information McMoneagle was giving in that it differed completely from the previous worked targets. The monitor then asked Joe to, “collect his thoughts and readdress the target.” McMoneagle then states, “I tried very hard to blank my mind and do what the monitor suggested.”

   Once again, Joe received impressions of these two large rafts filled with men and large stone blocks. He then followed the rafts to a place where the stones where being cut out of a large quarry. Intense fires where burning at the quarry in an attempt to crack and remove large stone blocks.

The process of removing the stone blocks from the cliff of the quarry involved heating the stone then quickly cooling it with water and repeating the process until the stone separated. This is a watered down version of Joe’s mystery session. J

oe and the monitor both thought the session was a failure, until they were allowed to open the target envelope for feedback. They were astonished, the target read, “Describe how the Great Pyramid of Giza was constructed.”

   Impressed with the session’s data Joe went to SRI’s Egyptology lab and “was laughed out of the room.” However, the last laugh appears to be Joe’s, for in 1994 researchers found an ancient 8 mile long road in the middle of the dessert.

Following the ancient road the researchers were astonished to find at its end an ancient quay or man-made harbor. After studying the areas geographic location, the researchers discovered that several thousand years ago, during the time period of the building of the pyramids, the area was part of a large lake that formed with the annual flooding of the Nile.

Now researchers believe the ancient Egyptians used this flooded lake to haul large stones on rafts used in the construction of the pyramids.

Conceptualizing the Future

   When remote viewing the future certain things have to be taken into account. One of these is conceptualization. The following illustration helps to understand how conceptualization plays a role in remote viewing the future.

   Let’s say in 1890 there is a Lapland tribe in Siberia who asks their Shaman to view the future of the area they are presently in. One of his fellow Laplanders picks up a drum and starts to hammer it, producing a steady rhythm of 205 beats per minute. Several of the women start a monotone chant while another shakes a rattle. This induces the Shaman into an alter-state from where he glimpses the future.

   Weaving back an forth the Shaman describes to the tribe a vehicle that has aerodynamic wings on each side of its fuselage, is propelled by twin 1200 horse power engines, with each engine driving a propeller, which when rotated to a certain revolution per minute causes enough air to pass under the vehicle’s wings, giving it lift to fly off the ground and into the sky.

   Stunned by the Shaman’s description of the future the tribe begins to think he has lost his ability to accurately see the future. We today would know the Shaman gave an accurate description of a twin engine airplane. However, during that time period the Laplander tribe had no way to conceptualize what an airplane was.

Even though in 1890, there were several industrialized nations that possessed the parts to build an airplane, they did not have the concept to build an airplane. This is where the problem lies in remote viewing the future, conceptualization.

   Even though the remote viewing of a future target may be flawless, conceptualizing it may require a lot of work. Patience is required to let the information to sit and “jell.” Over time, with patience, hidden concepts will start to emerge.

   Not only are we limited by the elements of how something may work or why some event may occur, we may be held back by our beliefs in how the universe works, like destiny, free will, and God.

   Years ago, Dr. Dean Radin asked McMoneagle to participate in an experiment to remote view a future machine that was currently not in existence. The group was able to bring back elements which worked. However, to this day, they still are unable to completely conceptualize how the machine works.

Forward Targeting

   Any method for any remote viewing, including the future, needs to be free of “front-loading”. Front-loading is when some detail of information about the target is given prior to the session to the remote viewer.

Example, the target is a battle ship; the monitor tells the remote viewer at the beginning of the session that the target is an unknown ocean going vessel.

The remote viewer is left to his psychic abilities at describing what type of vessel it is. However, scientists and government agencies never use front-loading, simply because it violates remote viewing protocol.

   When working alone an individual has to develop personal methods to insure there is no front-loading and remote viewing protocol is followed. To do this McMoneagle wrote the target dates along with a descriptive phrase on a 3-by-5 card then enclosed the card in an opaque envelope. Next the envelope containing the

   3-by-5 card is placed in a bag. This bag contains other opaque envelopes; these envelopes also have within them 3-by-5 target cards. The bag is then stirred and shaken to mix the envelopes.

Examples of some descriptive phrases on the 3-by-5 cards are as follows:

  • Describe changes in environmental laws for years 2030 – 2060.
  • Describe the primary energy source for the years 2070 – 2100.

Unless otherwise noted the target within the envelope pertains to the United States.

   To do a remote viewing, reach into the bag and randomly draw out an envelope. Lay the envelope down without opening it. Then repeat this phrase of McMoneagle’s to yourself, “I will be completely open to whatever information is required to appropriately answer the question contained within the current selected envelope.”

Meditate for a while, relaxing into an altered state. After a few minutes information about the target starts to arrive.

   There are several ways to collect the information: writing the information down on a piece of paper, using a tape recorder or enter it onto a computer. Once the material stops coming, open the envelope and see if it agrees or not with the target phrase.

   If the material agrees or somewhat agrees save the data and rip up the 3-by-5 card. If it does not agree place the 3-by-5 card back into an opaque envelope and place it back into the bag.

Always keep enough target envelopes in the bag to keep front-loading from interfering.

   Remote viewing information generally arrives out of order and in bits and pieces. This can make understanding or conceptualizing the information difficult. One way to help in understanding the information is to re-target the target as many times as it takes in order for a concept or pattern to emerge.

The Future

   As a guide to remote view the future, McMoneagle used the lay out of a system developed by Philip Kotler. Kolter’s system of tracking six different categories helps businesses trace trajectories in economics and commerce.

McMoneagle uses six categories:

  • Demographics – Population, religions, lifestyle changes, ethnic groups.
  • Economics – Advertising, financial.
  • Environmental – Geology, highways, land, weather, biology.
  • Governments – Crime, military, taxes, politics.
  • Social – Anthropology, education, families, sex, general social.
  • Technology – Computers, engineering, weapons, transportation, communication.

Now, for the future as McMoneagle sees it.

   Demographics: The world population will increase rapidly until the year 2050 reaching nearly 10 billion people. However, by the year 3000 the world’s population will decrease to under a billion. Religion will see a decrease in the number of main stream groups i.e. Catholic, Baptist and Lutherans. Pentecostals will see an increase. Divisiveness between religious leaders and nonsectarian groups will develop to near hostility. By 2015, a four day work week will be common place.

   Economics: In the future when you see an advertisement to buy a product from company Q it is because they are saying they offer something their competitor Z does not offer. Company Z when it advertises will say it offers something company Q does not offer.

However, what you do not know is that company Q and Z are the same company. By 2030, there will only be four major banks within the USA. There will be a long slide in the stock market starting in September of 2001.

   Environmental: By 2050 scrubbers will be manufactured to clean the air. However, storage of the waste collected by the scrubbers will become another problem. Sometime around 2015, there will be a large scale effort to “green” the planet; this will be accomplished by planting lots of trees.

By 2025 there will be new groups of genetically altered mammals and birds. By 2025, many cities along the coast will be threatened by rising ocean tides. In December of 2004 a volcanic eruption in Indonesia will kill over 100,000 people. (Note: in December of 2004 an earthquake off the coast of Indonesia resulted in a tsunami killing over 200,000 people.)

   Government: By 2030, victims of crimes will become more of the focus rather than the perpetrator. If someone is a victim of a crime, losses will be the responsibility of society. Furthermore, the criminal will be dealt with in a humane manner. Two more states will be admitted to the USA by 2050. By 2050, the only guns allowed will be “smart guns”, which will only be able to be fired by the owner.

By 2008, Libya will have the ability to produce weapons’ grade uranium; these production facilities will be underground. (Note, after the start of the Iraq war, Libya admitted to these underground uranium facilities. Libya made an agreement with the USA and Britain to cease production in turn for economic benefits.)

By 2022, high school courses will be unrecognizable from what they are today. By 2021, college will be tremendously expensive. As a result half of all college students in the USA will be foreigners here on visas. A second war with Iraq will start between 1998 and 2003. Following the Iraq war there is the possibility of war with Iran and Syria. There will not be stability in the Middle East until the year 2030.

One of the single greatest threats to security in the USA will be a terrorist attack using a weapon of mass destruction some time between 1998 and 2004. This weapon could be biological in nature. (Note: recall the anthrax mail attacks that followed 9-11.) (Also note, the middle date of 1998 and 2004 is July 2001.)

   Social: Within three years a scientist will discover, at the front left paw of the Egyptian Sphinx, a sealed vault. However, the great treasure-trove that everyone believes is buried near the Sphinx is actually buried near Alexandria and will not be uncovered until the year 2033. Atlantis will be discovered in the Aegean Sea between 2012 and 2014, near Piraeus, Greece. By 2006, a television that hangs from the wall will be available and will range in size from 35 to 90 inches, diagonally.

   By 2075, there will be no actors they all will be computer generated. By 2030, nearly all books will be electronic. In 2030, extended families will be common place, what is meant by this is that several families will live together in one home. By 2075, world-wide, English will have replaced nearly all other languages. By 2015, treasure hunts will be one of the most popular TV sport shows.

   Technology: By 2008, the standard RAM in a computer will be 256 MB (Note: it is 2006 and the laptop used to write this essay has 1024.) By 2025, all computers will be voice activated, eliminating the need for keyboards. Between 1998 and 2008 a cure for some cancers will be found. (Note: in September 2006, an article in USA Today announced a new cancer breakthrough.

This discovery showed a certain protein, which can be used to kill cancer cells.) Alternative medicine will be increasingly and widely used. However, it will be used mostly as preventative medicine because traditional medicine will become extremely costly. By 2030, new nuclear weapon using anti-matter will be developed.

A terrorist group will obtain a suitcase size nuclear weapon. The weapon will be discovered in Europe on its way to be used in the USA. This will take place between 2009 and 2011. By 2050, the first space ship to Mars will be constructed in orbit and with its pulse-drive engine make the trip in less than four months.

By 2075, a permanent man station will be on the surface of Mars. We will discover life on another stellar world using radio waves; this will be in the year 2018. The first formal contact with another stellar civilization will take place around 2075.

   These are but a few of McMoneagle’s remote viewings of the future. In some cases he is right on, other instances he is off. However, in my opinion, his overall predictions to date are very successful. As time distances itself from the period he did his future remote viewings, it will be interesting to see if there are changes in his overall rate of accuracy.

Or if at some point the future diverges from his predictions. This divergence possibly triggered by some man-made event like when Libya admitted to its underground nuclear facilities. Moreover, the Libya incident hints at what can be accomplished by changing “destiny” by “free will” thereby not only giving humanity hope for the future but also joy at the knowledge that we can make it better.

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