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![]() Current Update as of August 13, 2006 Inspired by The Edgar Cayce Institute for Intuitive Studies Edited by HENRY REED, Ph.D. |
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published 1930
Republished in 2001 by Hampton Roads) Book
Summary by Jed Bendix
Atlantic University
Sinclair became first aware of the supernatural as a young man when
he met a Unitarian minister who claimed to be able to talk to ghost.
Several years later, Upton's wife, Mary Craig Kimbrough, persuaded
Upton to research the paranormal. As a result, from 1928 to 1930,
Upton and Mary did over 300 hundred telepathic experiments. Within Mental Radio the Sinclairs focus on several areas: First, the experimental method used, 2) Marys own method for achieving a receptive telepathic state, 3) other psychic observations, 4) Dr. Walter Princes publication of the Uptons work. Interesting, the preface was written by Albert Einstein. Einstein attests to the honesty and integrity of the both Upton and Mary. Indeed Upton who was already famous at the time of writing Mental Radio was taking a risk of negative publicity by publishing it. Upton and Marys circle of friends also included, Charlie Chaplin and Jack London. How did they conduct their experiments? Mary was always the telepathic receiver. Over the two years, two people acted as senders. For the first set of telepathic trials, Marys brother, Robert Irwin. For the majority of the trials, Upton acted as sender. Upton
and Mary lived in Long Beach California. Robert Irwin, who lived
forty miles away in Pasadena for the first telepathic trials, acted
as the sender. Mary and Robert set aside a certain time each day
to conduct their experiment. Robert would draw a picture of some
random object. Obviously cheating would have been difficult for Mary due to the distance between her and Robert. However, Robert had suffered for years from tuberculosis, consequently his health failed and he died. Upton who up to this point had been an observer of Mary and her brothers telepathic experiments now found it upon himself to assist her. Of the 290 target drawings Upton did with Mary, he drew 252 of the target drawings himself, while he had his secretary draw 38 of the targets. Their conclusions showed that 65 or 23% were successful. The numbers that were partially successful was 155, or 53%. The number of failures was 70, or 24% of the total. A
typical session would involve Upton retiring to his study room and
closing the door. He then would make a random drawing of some object.
Mary would be laying on a couch either upstairs or in her study
room located some thirty feet away from Uptons study room.
Sometimes Upton would not be in his study when doing a drawing. On one occasion, he tiptoed to a cupboard in a downstairs room and took from the shelf a red electric light bulb to draw as a target. Amazingly, his wife drew and described a colored round glass with an upside down V covering it. Upton drew whatever came to his mind. Sometimes he drew drawings in advance of the session. One time he drew out nine drawings in advance of future sessions. When putting a drawing in an envelope he would wrap the drawing in a sheet of green paper making it invisible. Then he would put the wrapped drawing into a sealed envelope. Midway
through the telepathic trials, Upton became tired of going through
the process of wrapping the targets in green paper and then sealing
them in envelopes. Mary for her part also grew tired of having to
unseal the envelopes each time. Mary learned from a psychic named Jan how to achieve a receptive state of telepathy and how to distinguish between true psychic impressions versus normal everyday thoughts. Years earlier, Jan had traveled to India to learn the secrets of concentration and hypnotism. It took some time before Jan warmed up to the idea of teaching Mary his secret art. Jan taught Mary how to concentrate and relax both at the same time. Marys description of how to concentrate is to put the attention on one object, or one uncomplicated thought, such as joy, or peace, and holding it there steadily. It isnt thinking; it is inhibiting thought, except for one thought, one object in thought. For Mary to enter this deep state of concentration it was necessary too completely relax. To enter this deep relaxation an individual has to first: Give
yourself a suggestion to the effect that you will relax your mind
and your body, making the body insensitive and the mind a blank
, and reserving the power to break the concentration in a short
time. By making the body insensitive, I mean simply to relax completely
your mental hold of, or awareness of, all bodily sensation. Moreover, Mary says, the way to relax is to let go. Let go of every tense muscle, every tense spot, in the body. This deep relaxation is important for if the body is tense it affects the thoughts in the mind. Likewise, if the mind is full of thoughts it will tense the body. Mary gives an excellent description of how to produce within the mind's eye a telepathic vision. First, there must be a target for the individual to concentrate on. It is essential to keep the target hidden from view and for the contents to be unknown. In addition, at the end of the session, the participant will have some way to verify his results against that of the actual target. For the second step, turn off the lights and get into a relaxed state of mind as mentioned before. With your eyes closed, again make your mind a complete blank and hold it blank. Do not think of anything. Thoughts will come. Inhibit them. Refuse to think. Do this for several moments. Third, give a gentle order from the mind to tell the unconscious mind to visualize or describe to you what the target is. Give this suggestion with as little exertion as possible. One must give this suggestion as clearly and positively, that is with concentration on it. Repeat, as if talking directly to another self: I want to see what is the target. (p. 107) Fourth, this step can be described as seeing what is there. Marys description is as follows: relax into blankness again and hold blankness a few moments, then try gently, without straining, to see whatever forms may appear on the void into which you look with closed eyes. Do not try to conjure up something to see; just wait expectantly and let something come. (p. 107) Mary states her, experience is that fragments or forms appear first. For example, a curved line, or a straight one, or two lines of a triangle. But sometimes the complete object appears; swiftly, lightly, dimly-drawn, as on a moving picture film. These mental visions appear and disappear with lighting rapidity, never standing still unless quickly fixed by a deliberate effort of consciousness. (p. 107) These visions are more like, light drawn sketches and rarely with heavy lines. Many times these visions are so dim the viewer only gets only a notion of how they look before they vanish. Fifth, is to hold the mind blank again and gently ask again if the previous image is the correct one, if so let it reappear. Do this several times if the first vision comes back repeatedly then accept it as the correct one. Sixth, is to recall this dim vague image and record it before forgetting it. If not recorded immediately the mind will not only forget this vague image but also start to guess what it thinks the target maybe. Do not omit the smallest detail. During this step, analyzing or guessing as to what the target may be is a mistake. Rather, one should leave as is the image in the minds eye. The following is a partial list that Mary made regarding what one may encounter or observe when practicing her form of telepathy. Sometimes when the eyes are first closed, what one just viewed from the surrounding environment will play out in the minds eye. Many times images will appear in fragments. The percentage of successful hits falls sharply, after working three or more targets in a given day. The image in the minds eye from the previous target may carry over when working a new target. Periodically,
Mary would use her psychic powers to observe what friends and family
members may be doing or to find out where they are. On one occasion
Mary by clairvoyance followed the movements of her mentor Jan, as
he traveled around the city of Long Beach, California. When performing a telepathic trial with her brother Robert, Mary demonstrates her ability for obtaining a clear image of a distant person and place. I
saw Bob sitting at a dining room table, a dish or some small object
in front of him. I try to see the object on the table, I see white
something at last. I cant decide what it is so I concentrate
on seeing his drawing on a green paper. I think he has made his
drawing. For the trial, Robert drew a chair Mary drew two chairs. Another
promising area of telepathy that showed surprising results was in
the area of diagnosing illness. On July 1, 1928, Mary was attempting
to receive a telepathic drawing from her brother Robert; however,
the image she kept receiving was that of a black spot of blood.
In 1932, Dr. Walter Franklin Prince of the Boston Society for Psychic Research published a positive report of the Sinclairs work. Dr. Princes research showed a similar percentage of successful targets hits, partial success, and failures. Prince also makes the assertion that Upton and Mary had even better examples to publish than the ones they did choose to publish. One
of Dr. Princes objectives in his research was to figure the
odds of making a successful hit of a target. He had to look beyond
the normal odds or percentages to obtain one that was more scientific.
He realized that Upton and Robert drew whatever came into their
mind for a target. To
help further his research, Dr. Prince enlisted the help of ten women
to help in gathering test data to compare Marys telepathic
abilities against that of guessing. The women had no prior knowledge
as to the drawings of the target set. Dr. Prince used thirteen drawings,
which Upton had drawn as targets on February 15, 1929. In conclusion, Upton and Marys work demonstrates how well thought-out independent research can contribute to the knowledge of humanity. Marys persistence and attention to details can only lead one to believe not only in her integrity but also in her love and devotion to understanding human consciousness. To order this book from Amazon.com, click here! |
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