The Intuitive-Connections Network

Current Update as of November 23, 2006 

Inspired by The Edgar Cayce Institute for Intuitive Studies

Edited by HENRY REED, Ph.D.

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Applied Remote Viewing: Project Blind Awareness

Jenna Ludwig

   In 1968, my best friend’s father and youngest brother were in an automobile accident that claimed both their lives. Just days before the tragic event, the deceased man’s wife, Mary, had witnessed the scene during a dream that included the names of the streets at the intersection at which it would occur!

I can only guess that her vision was innocently ignored as “merely a dream.” What if my friend’s father had heeded the warning of his wife to avoid driving that specific route home from the location of the family business? Might this particular tragedy have been avoided?

Or was it this man and his son’s “fate” to die that way? Those that knew the family have voiced both opinions. Some firmly believe that the vision was a premonition to be used as a warning so that the accident might be averted.

Others have argued just as strongly that the event was predestined, and the dream’s purpose was solely to help Mary and other family survivors to prepare for the inevitable. In retrospect, the dream seems to exemplify an incidence of precognitive clairvoyance, or seeing something that actually “happened” in the future.

   The ability to see people, places, and things at a distance and events happening in the past or future has been known and recorded anecdotally throughout recorded history. In the modern age, clairvoyance has been viewed guardedly in the west – often with suspicion - as a part of the overarching class of psychic abilities and events known as extrasensory perception (ESP).

Today, scientists use the less-emotionally charged term remote viewing to describe clairvoyance. During remote viewing, a person uses the mind to “see” events or locations – past, present, or future – that are blocked from what we consider to be the “normal” five senses.

The expression was first coined in 1973 during paranormal science investigations (psi) conducted by physicists Hal Puthoff and Russell Targ at the then Stanford Research Institute (SRI). Because of the impeccable, scientific nature of the experiments that were conducted over a twenty year period by the team at SRI and other researchers at different locations, remote viewing has become established as a viable human skill.

It is interesting to note that most remote viewing research teams were operating with federal funds, in partnership with government and military undercover operations during the “Cold War” years. To those in the military and CIA who believed in remote viewing (there were skeptics among the ranks who did not) it was not only a possible skill, but a valuable tool to spy on the “enemy.”

   Since the veil of secrecy was lifted from federally-funded psi research in 1995, many of those involved in the early research have speculated on ways that remote viewing might be used to move past a “spy” mentality to explore the full range of our human potential.

A psychic teaches the blind to “see”

   Another kind of psi venture, akin to the military’s in the understanding that human sight can be developed by the mind to go beyond physical limitations, was already underway in 1971. It was the kind of self-actualization project that is being talked about today in remote viewing circles. It became a pilot program in 1973, and was spearheaded by a gifted Intuitive by the name of Carol Ann Liaros. It had nothing to do with either government or the spy industry.

The main focus of the undertaking was to teach forms of clairvoyance – including what Ms Liaros calls mind travel in place of remote viewing - and other psychic skills to teams of volunteers, who then trained groups of blind individuals to perform the same applications. This seminal work in the practical application of psychic skills to enhance the lives of blind individuals became known as Project Blind Awareness.

   During a recent discussion I had with Ms Liaros in Lily Dale, N.Y., she agreed, ruefully, that in 1973, teaching the blind to see with their brains instead of their eyes was a concept ahead of it’s time in terms of far-reaching, cultural understanding and acceptance. But lately, public interest in remote viewing has been piqued.

This is due in large part to the information contained in lectures and books by remote viewing icons such as Targ and Puthoff, Joseph McMoneagle, “Skip” Atwater, Ingo Swann, Dean Radin, Stephan Schwartz, Paul H. Smith, David Morehouse, Ed Dames, and Robert Monroe. Books such as Don’t Kiss Them Good-Bye, by medium Allison Dubois, describing the author’s crime scene, remote viewing experiences have been made popular by the highly rated television series Medium.

Sections devoted to remote viewing, complete with instructions for “seeing” at a distance have been included in Dr. Judith Orloff’s latest book, Intuitive Healing. In the 1990’s there were a handful of Internet sites containing information about remote viewing. Today there are over 17,400,000 “hits” in response to a remote viewing Google search. It would appear that the idea of the blind using mind travel to move about more confidently in the world is one whose time has finally arrived.

Science supports the concept of mind traveling

   During the early psi experiments, researchers at SRI sought to study ESP under a strict scientific protocol. Once the remote viewing studies began in earnest in those first months of research, Targ and Puthoff quickly established what is known in scientific circles as the double blind experimental method to allay entrenched, cultural fears of fraud as it relates to psychic research.

Under the double-blind remote viewing method, neither the subject nor the person conducting the experiment was privy to the whereabouts of the target location until after the viewing session was over and materials from the lab and target site had been exchanged. The first remote viewing subject at SRI (and later co-researcher) was an artist and psychic by the name of Ingo Swann.

The project was dubbed SCANATE, because Swann began by scanning – with his mind - distant locations, knowing nothing more than the geographical coordinates. The successes were phenomenal and submitted in a professional paper to a respected scientific journal of the times.

Does everyone have inherent remote viewing skills?

   As experimentation continued, Targ and Puthoff began to recruit remote viewing subjects, some from the very Doubting Thomases that sought to debunk SRI’s mounting positive results. Much to their own surprise, many of the erstwhile skeptics themselves proved to be talented remote viewers.

Talent notwithstanding, none of the subjects failed at demonstrating basic remote viewing skills under the tutelage and training of the SRI research team. The overall successes led the SRI team to conclude that remote viewing is an innate and dispersed perceptual skill.

Furthermore, since these experiments were of the highest double-blind quality and no selective reporting occurred when publishing original and unedited data, conclusions about the inherent quality of remote viewing were considered valid and replicable.

   A phenomenon that that one of the early researchers, F. Holmes “Skip” Atwater - author and Director of The Monroe Institute (TMI), founded by Robert Monroe - eventually became aware of is that everyone is capable of exhibiting remote viewing skill to some extent. He also believed that certain people are gifted - much like a great concert pianist is gifted beyond a normal person’s ability to play the piano.

Practice doesn't necessarily make one a great remote viewer without this inherent giftedness in Atwater’s opinion. But he agreed with other researchers that the potential does exist in everyone. But self-discipline must be used in practicing remote viewing to see if the viewer is gifted in the first place.

Carol Ann’s discovery and use of her psychic talents

   Through a series of synchronous events, that followed a “dark night of the soul” period in Carol Ann’s life, she suddenly discovered her own latent psychic abilities at the age of 29. Although she had not focused her attention on these extraordinary talents for most of her life, a lecture given by Hugh Lynn Cayce, son of Edgar Cayce, at Rosary Hill College, located in Buffalo, N.Y., changed all that.

A desire to understand her own abilities in relation to those of Cayce - immortalized by author Jess Stearn as the “sleeping prophet” - guided her to ask many questions of his son that evening over 30 years ago. This exchange prompted Hugh Lynn to invite Carol Ann to have tea with him after the lecture.

That meeting led to her eventual participation as a research subject in an experiment on the effects that psychic healers have on enzyme activity, being conducted at Rosary Hill. Sr. M. Justa Smith, O.S. F., then Chairman of Rosary Hill’s Chemistry Department, was to develop the experiments.

What began as a two-week, research venture, ended up with Carol Ann staying for eight years as both a subject and a later trainer at the college’s Human Dimensions Institute - founded by Rosary Hill Board Alumni, Jeanne Pontious Rindge. During the enzyme project, Carol Ann gave intuitive medical readings in one room while an energy healer did the healing experiments in another.

   True to what Skip Atwater had found in his own experimentation with gifted remote viewers, Carol Ann’s abilities were not exceptional in the beginning. Over time, she became quite adept at psychically discerning diagnoses at a distance. These were verified by doctors on the medical team taking part in the research.

Her abilities began to draw the attention of other psychic researchers and parapsychological authorities visiting the institute. One of the visitors and author of Breakthrough to Creativity, Dr. Shafica Karagula, taught the young psychic to be extremely observant when measuring her own intuitive impressions, thoughts, feelings, and sensations during events of paranormal functioning.

Because of this, Carol Ann learned to join the right-brain activity of intuition with the left brain process of analytical observation - a skill that has served her well throughout the years, particularly when training others to access and observe their own psychic skills.

PSI: Carol Ann style

   We now know that the left hemisphere is the center of language and analysis and that the right hemisphere is the center of intuition and recognition of patterns in the world at large. The left relates to logic and linear reasoning. The right relates to whole systems such as direct insight, or the intuiting of solutions that bypasses step by step reasoning. The left proceeds sequentially over time. The right covers vast ground in space. The left stores memory in form of language. The right stores memory as images.

In her book, Intuition Technologies, Ms Liaros writes that “neither hemisphere of the brain is smarter or more advanced than the other.”1 Because most people tend to show an affinity for one side of the brain or the other, she gives examples in the book of ways to connect the two hemispheres.

These include “relaxation and meditation, concentration, creative imagery, intuition, and laughter.”2 The balancing of the brain helps an individual to function more fully in every area of life from the personal to the professional. In Ms Liaros’ opinion, connecting the two sides of the brain can also lead to being more tuned in to extrasensory information that can be practically applied in dealing with life’s everyday challenges.

Further more, individuals who develop their psychic skills in a positive direction experience a more balanced reality, because they are enhancing their lives with information drawn from both the physical and intuitive senses.

The sometimes grueling paces Dr. Karagula put her through in the form of endless questioning sessions during the observation psychic processing paid off in Carol Ann’s deeper understanding of the nature of intuition. Thanks to this method of scientific discernment, Carol Ann developed the ability to communicate how psychic processes worked within her own mind and body and to later teach them to others.

She began to understand how to open up and shut down her ESP to avoid feeling drained during her healing work and to protect her personal boundaries when working with negative energy patterns that belonged to others – both valuable intuitive skills.

Some of the talents she explored were feeling the energy fields, known as the aura, around a body or object; perceiving the colors that are associated with the different energies in the aura; telepathy - mind reading; psychometry - object reading; energy healing; and clairvoyance, or mind travel - all inherent abilities that Liaros and trained volunteers taught receptive blind individuals to access during Project Blind Awareness.

Project Blind Awareness: a practical application

   In 1971, Ms Liaros and Professor E. Douglas Dean, parapsychologist and computer specialist from Newark (NJ) College of Engineering, were teaching a class on ESP at the Batavia, New York YWCA. After a session in which the human aura was discussed, a gentleman and his wife approached Carol Ann.

The man exclaimed that although he had been totally blind for over 41 years since the age of four, he could see the auras of those around him during the lecture. This led Carol Ann to consider the prospect of teaching the blind to “see” through the use of their psychic abilities.

   In 1973, after much planning and special techniques for working with the blind were developed, Project Blind Awareness was born. Dr. Sean Zieler, a clinical psychologist, and Samuel Lentine, a blind physicist, assisted. Dr. Zieler created a questionnaire for recruitment. Part of the questionnaire focused on the reason and length of blindness, dream recall, and psychic experiences.

Since prejudice against psychic phenomena was still quite prevalent in the 1970’s, references to them were replaced with more accepted concepts for the pilot (e.g. the word aura was replaced with energy). The classes were taught once a week in a small church in Amherst, N.Y. Each student worked with a trained volunteer.

All participants were taught advanced relaxation and concentration techniques by Carol Ann and the volunteers to help them become sensitive to the energy fields all around them. All sessions were recorded and painstakingly documented to stay as close to a scientific atmosphere as possible.

   A baseline, consisting of Standard Deviation Units, was obtained by running series of tests 100 times each with the 20 blind individuals prior to training. At the end of the eight weeks, after extensive training, the trials were repeated. Significant improvement across all fields was measured. Professor Dean ran the statistical analysis of the tests.

It showed that blind students were able to distinguish correctly between black and white sheets of paper by merely running their hands above it (not touching it) 65 percent of the time in over 2,000 attempts, and between red and green sheets 70 percent of the time in the same amount of tries.

The probability of those percentages happening by chance is greater than 10,000 to one.3 According to Dr. Zieler, “There was no way they could have been faking. At the start, it seemed like pure chance – only 50-50 results. But, the more they did it, the better they performed – 65 to 70 per cent accuracy, with some getting perfect scores.”4

Mind traveling for greater freedom and mobility

   Of all the skills that individuals taking part in Project Blind Awareness developed, the most useful and popular, was mind traveling. Ms Liaros describes getting started with the technique by simply “taking an imaginary trip to a place you have never seen or visited before, and then making up a story about what you found there.”5 Although her description is at odds with both Targ and Atwater’s assessment that imagination hinders the actual remote viewing process, many of the blind participants developed verifiable mind traveling skills.

   One young participant’s skills attracted the attention of the then popular television show That’s Incredible, and her accurate mind traveling journey was filmed as she, firmly planted in New York, explored a target site in California while cameras filmed and documented the event from both locations. From the perspective of the blind participants, their mind traveling skills were developed for more than fun and games.

Mind traveling gives a blind person greater freedom and mobility and less anxiety in the daily challenge of moving about the world – near or far. One blind man reported that he could walk down the street without a cane, because he could see windows, lamp posts and other markers “out of the side of my forehead.”6 One friend of Carol Ann, a woman by the name of Lola, who had been blind for over 25 years, “explored” from her home in Buffalo, N.Y. the hotel and the room she would be staying in that was located in Washington, D.C.

She did this rather than canceling her travel plans for an upcoming business trip when circumstances prevented her husband, who was not blind, from accompanying her as he normally did when she traveled. After a distant viewing of the hotel and the room that included color scheme and position of doorways, closets and furniture, she felt secure enough to make the trip alone. But upon arriving at the hotel, Lola realized that she was being shown the wrong room.

She knew right away that the colors and layout of the room were different from what she had viewed during her mind traveling experience several weeks ago. She relayed the mix-up to bell person showing her the room. Upon checking, he found, to his surprise, she had, indeed, been given a room on the wrong floor.

He must have certainly wondered how a blind woman could see colors and the furniture layout of her room! Once the mistake was corrected and Lola was taken to the right room, she regained her confidence at being in the place that she had become familiar with while mind traveling back in Buffalo.

Developing mind traveling/remote viewing skills

   If you are interested in developing the ability to mind travel, or remote view, as the case may be, Ms Liaros suggests you begin by exploring at a distance a few rooms in your own home. This can be done by sitting comfortably in a chair and relaxing as thoroughly as you can.

Close your eyes and explore each of the rooms separately. Take careful note of all details to observe as though through your normal, five senses. For instance, look at the room’s shape and size? What are the colors in the room? How does the room smell?

Describe the light coming through the windows as it plays on objects in the room. Feel the texture and size of the objects. Feel the floor against your feet. What are the sounds in the room? So far, you have used two important tools to intuitively remotely view your own home: your memory and imagination.

   Later, as you feel confident, you can work with a partner to mind travel to a location that you have never actually seen before. A local restaurant, park, or public building that you have not been to in the past is ideal for this exercise. Using a location that is within your own community will allow you to get immediate feedback as to the accuracy of your mind traveling session.

Better yet, have your partner go to the building or place you will be viewing and stay there for the specified length of the remote viewing session. The first thing that Ms Liaros suggests to do once you have achieved a state of relaxation is to imagine a duplicate of yourself, standing at your side. When this has been accomplished, project the image as your traveling “mind” out to explore the location in question.

Go through the viewing steps as if you are actually going out to eat or visiting the location through your partner’s eyes. Use your five senses as you did with the home viewing exercise. During mind travel, write down and/or draw your impressions to the best of your ability.

At the end of the session, compare notes with your partner to check the validity of your impressions and visit the target location. Be sure to relax and have fun with the process, and you will be amazed at what you actually “see” during your mind traveling!

What will you do with it?

   According to Ms Liaros, psychic ability is neither inherently good, nor bad. Like electricity, it just is.7 She believes that it can be used for purposes of manipulation, self-aggrandizement, parlor games, or for human empowerment and spirituality.

During her research and training over the years, Carol Ann has found that developing one’s intuition increases creativity, strengthens decision-making, deepens concentration, promotes goal-setting, and helps people feel closer to one another.8 Her own skills became evident rather suddenly during a serious crisis in her life. Wanting to spare others that hard road, she became a teacher.

She is of the opinion, like those involved in remote viewing research, that extrasensory perception is, indeed, an innate human skill, but that practice is essential to its full development. Carol Ann has always been interested in the practical application of her own and other’s psychic abilities for the purpose of developing the full range of human potential.

The primary questions she would ask of a person wanting to learn any psychic skill would be, “What does it have to do with tomorrow and your life? How will you take this skill, that we all have, and apply it in a useful way in your life to make it better, to make it easier?”9


1 C.A. Liaros, Intuition Technologies: A STEP BY STEP Guide for Developing Your Intuitive Potential (Buffalo, N.Y.: Liaros, Polvino & Associates) 6.
2 Ibid.
3 B.E. Stearn, “Sixth Sense Awareness for the Sightless,” in The Courier-Express Magazine (March, 1977).
4 Ibid.
5 C.A. Liaros, Intuition Technologies, 81.
6 A.P. Tutko, “Teaching the Blind to See,” in Fate Magazine (May, 1975) from website at Creative Community Institute, Inc. (Project Blind Awareness link).
7 H. Reed, “Interview with Carol Ann,” Atlantic University, Virginia Beach, VA, 2005.
8 C.A. Liaros, Intuitive Technologies, 5.
9 H. Reed, “Interview with Carol Ann.”

Jenna Ludwig

Jenna Ludwig Bio
Remote Viewing/Project Blind Awareness

   The author is a free-lance writer, currently enrolled in Atlantic University’s Master’s of Transpersonal Studies Program with a focus in Spiritual Mentoring. Alternative health, dream studies, psychic phenomena and the work of Edgar Cayce have been of special interest to the author throughout her life. She may be reached at

Contact Information:

Jenna Ludwig
4043 8th Avenue North
St. Petersburg, FL 33713
727-322-2264 home
727-422-5301 mobile

Carol Ann Liaros is Senior Trainer for the Edgar Cayce Institute for Intuitive Studies. You may see some of her offerings at


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