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![]() Current Update as of October 18, 2005 Inspired by The Edgar Cayce Institute for Intuitive Studies Edited by HENRY REED, Ph.D. |
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Pocket Books)
Book Summary by Denise Dahl
the late 1960s the U.S. intelligence community became aware that Russia
and other Eastern bloc countries were using psychics who could use their
mental abilities to obtain information about a target located anywhere
in the world by accessing their subconscious mind.
As a result of this information, a small group within the U.S. intelligence community began to explore the idea of psychic spying. They approached Dr. Hal Puthoff, director of the Stanford Research Institute (SRI), and Ingo Swann, a gifted psychic, about the feasibility of psychic spying and asked them to develop a scientific remote viewing program. Puthoff and Swann developed a methodology called Coordinate [later called Controlled] Remote Viewing (CRV) which allows viewers to describe and experience a person, place, or thing even though they are separated from the target by distance, time, or some other factor. A CRV session is usually carried out by a viewer and a monitor who helps the viewer get impressions and sensory information about the target from the subconscious mind. This methodology assumes that the subconscious mind is the source of psychic information and that this information is available to everyone. However, this information rarely reaches outer consciousness because the subconscious mind and the conscious mind speak a different language and can't communicate. Another factor that interferes with the transfer of information from the subconscious to the conscious mind is called "mental noise." Mental noise is caused by memories, fears, anxieties, etc. that prevent or interfere with the transfer of information from the subconscious to the conscious mind. CRV employs techniques and exercises that work to enhance the viewer's ability to (1) open a line of communication between the subconscious and conscious minds; (2) control or separate the information coming from the subconscious mind from the mental noise; (3) enhance the ability to perceive sensory impressions from a target by honing the five physical senses and the sixth sense of ambience; and (4) expanding the viewer's vocabulary. The following topics explain how the CRV method employs various techniques and exercises in each of these four areas and how these skills work together to provide information that can't be obtained by traditional methods. (1) The first part of CRV training is to teach the conscious and subconscious minds how to communicate by opening new pathways. Most of the time, the pathways from the subconscious to the conscious mind are inefficient and as a result, information from the subconscious mind rarely makes its way to outer awareness. If it does, it is usually contaminated by any number of factors that can change the original content of the information provided by the subconscious. CRV training teaches the subconscious to communicate with the conscious mind by using physical movement - the autonomic nervous system and the central nervous system collectively called the body mind - as the interpreter between the subconscious and conscious minds. The idea is that the body and the mind are not separate; the body receives and understands messages sent to it by the conscious mind and it also understands messages sent to it by the subconscious mind. Heartbeat, respiration, digestion, elimination functions, etc. as well as muscle movements are all carried out on a subconscious level by the autonomic nervous system and the central nervous system without any help from the conscious mind. The CRV methodology trains the body to be the translator between the subconscious and the conscious minds. The ideogram (idea graph) drill is one of the exercises developed to establish this communication. This exercise allows the body to become the translator between the subconscious and conscious minds. A language made up of physical movements is established so this communication can take place. A basic set of words and a drawing that depicts each of the words is learned by the viewer. For example, a straight line might represent land; a wavy line water, and an up down drawing might represent a mountain. Once the viewer has a basic set of these ideograms, a person randomly calls out the different words and the viewer sketches the ideogram that represents that word. This goes on and on until the viewer becomes so bored with this physical activity that the conscious mind stops paying attention and the subconscious mind takes over and performs the activity. This means the subconscious mind is now learning and practicing the new language and during CRV sessions will be able to pass information via the body mind to the conscious mind and report it by drawing the ideogram that best represents what the viewer perceives at the target site. (2) The CRV method recognizes that there are many factors that can interfere with getting accurate information from the subconscious even after the efficient pathways have been set up between the subconscious and conscious minds. The following are just a few examples of how information can be influenced. The monitor (the person who assists the viewer during the session) or someone else gives the viewer the assignment using words that are not neutral. For example, using words such as criminal vs. person; child vs. person; duty/job/task vs. activity, etc. Loaded words may have emotional, political, or other material that leads the viewer to form an inaccurate perception. The namer and the guesser (NAG) part of the mind that wants to identify a perception instead of describe it. For example, it may perceive something red, round, and rubbery at a target site and immediately jump to the conclusion that it is a red ball when that is not the case at all. It will pollute the rest of the session if that idea can't be set aside by the viewer. Subconscious transference of recollections, anxieties, and yearnings to consciously accessible thought. These impressions are from the viewer's own memories, fears, desires, or imagination but the viewer is unable to tell if they are personal or true psychic perceptions. A wrong choice of word to describe an impression perceived by the viewer at the target site. Subsequent word choices will tend to match the first word and taint the rest of the viewer's perceptions. The inability to come up with a word to describe a perception. Studies show that how a person thinks and the way they think is determined by the words they use. If something is perceived on a subconscious level it will never reach the conscious level of thought if there isn't a word to describe it. It remains something vague and nameless that can't be worked with on the mental or logical level of the mind. It will come into consciousness if a name can be ascribed to it. These are just a few of the occurrences that can interfere with a viewer's ability to get information from the subconscious to the conscious mind without changing the original content. Puthoff and Swann developed a strict set of protocols to be observed during a session that help overcome these interferences. For example, one of the procedures is called "set aside." A set aside is employed when the viewer is working a target and gets sidetracked by something that either becomes an attraction or distraction to the viewer. After identifying the problem and finding the cause, the viewer makes an agreement with the subconscious mind that the offending thoughts will be set aside but dealt with after the job is finished. Promises made by the conscious mind to the subconscious must be kept or the next time the subconscious may not agree to a set aside procedure. Honesty as well as clarity is important when asking the subconscious for cooperation or information. For example, the monitor may want the viewer to move back in time to the first day a hostage is captured but if the monitor says, "move back to the beginning," the viewer's subconscious mind may move to the time period when the earth was formed. The subconscious mind can move back or forward in time easily but the conscious mind can't. When the subconscious mind is asked to go back to another time period, all tasks addressed to the conscious mind should be worded in the present tense. For example, if the subconscious mind's task is to go back four hundred years, the monitor might ask the conscious mind to "tell me what's happening now," not "tell me what was happening then." There are many other protocols within the CRV methodology that help manage incoming data by keeping the line of communication between the conscious and subconscious minds open and helping the viewer deal with stray thoughts, imaginings, and the tendency to analyze. (3) Most people can't describe the room they are sitting in using their five physical senses much less a remote viewing target on the other side of the world. CRV training works on honing the five physical senses so accurate descriptions of one's immediate surroundings can be given in great detail. This helps the viewer describe sensory information at a target site during the CRV session. However, a great deal of time is spent on training the viewer to develop their sixth sense which is not psychic ability but the sense of ambience (psychic ability is the seventh sense). In fact, the author believes that the sense of ambience is the key that allows CRV to operate as a scientific method because this sense, unlike psychic ability, is dependable, reliable, and repeatable. Ambience is an aspect of awareness that most people do not use. It is often mistaken for psychic ability. Actors and comedians use this ability when they "read the room" just as police do when they "read the crime scene." It is a heightened sense of awareness that can be used to pick up on subtle tones and nuances that give information not usually noticed by others. Ambience is the overall sense felt in the immediate environment. Sudden changes in ambience are easy to notice but small, gradual changes are not. An example of ambience is the sense of reverence you feel in a church or cathedral or the sense of pending danger when the body reacts by tensing the muscles. Ambience training is the most important part of CRV training because remote viewing involves moving the mind from one environment to another and the ability to pick up on minor changes in the surrounding environment is essential to become a good viewer. Most people can pick up on large changes of ambience such as leaving a safe room and walking into a dangerous room, but small changes are less noticeable. Training exercises include having students stop before crossing the threshold into another room to notice the ambience and then cross the threshold into the next room and pause to notice and detect any changes in ambience. A well-developed sense of ambience can give a person the feeling that they have been asleep all of their life. They become more aware of the world around them and others may think they have become psychic. (4) Having an adequate vocabulary is important for the reasons previously mentioned i.e., the mind's inability to think about something if it can't objectify it by giving it a name and the inability to accurately describe a perception due to a limited vocabulary. In addition, the larger the vocabulary, the more accurate the description of sensory and dimensional information will be relayed from the subconscious to the conscious mind. Another reason for the stress on an expanded vocabulary is that the English language does not contain a lot of words to describe ambience. Practice in describing what one feels as the overall sense of ambience as well as learning more ambience descriptive words is helpful. Some of the above skills take a long time to develop; for example, there are twenty levels of ambience training that take many years to master. However, even beginning viewers can have immediate success with remote viewing with the help of an experienced monitor and by just following the protocols of the CRV structure. The following is a short description of the various phases of a CRV session. A beginner may just use the first phase while an intermediate or advanced viewer may go through all six of the phases. Phase 1 - Perception of the basic, overall nature of the target site (major gestalt). Examples may be land, water, mountain, etc. Phase 2 - Basic sensory perceptions - tastes, sounds, colors, qualities of light, textures, temperatures, etc. Phase 3 - Perception of the target site's dimensional qualities such as height, breadth, width, depth, etc. The viewer makes sketches of perceptions at this phase. Phase 4 - Perception of increasingly complex and abstract perceptions about the target site. Phase 5 - Increasingly complex details come through from interviewing the subconscious and reporting the details. These details are explored more fully. Phase 6 - Allows further sketching and three-dimensional modeling or sculpting of aspects of the target site, while acquiring further details. At the end of the session a summary and report are completed by the viewer. The CRV method was originally developed for the U.S. Army's remote viewing unit in Fort Meade, Maryland in the early 1980s. This unit started out with viewers that had a natural psychic ability but because of pressure from the federal agencies that were providing funding for the program, the CRV scientific method for remote viewing was employed. This remote viewing unit was in existence for almost twenty years. The unit had the highest accuracy rating of any of the intelligence community's vast array of intelligence gathering tools. This includes the spy in the sky satellite, aerial photography, and on-site agents. Much of the military's RV work is still classified but here are some examples of the type of work done by the unit. Locating hostages and reporting their physical and mental condition. This included working on the 1981 kidnapping of General Dozier, a senior military officer at NATO headquarters in Italy; the 1984 kidnapping of William Buckley, the CIA station chief in Beirut, Lebanon; and the 1988 kidnapping of Colonel Rich Higgins by Iranian-backed Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon. Tracking the health and welfare of the sixty-six U.S. embassy employees who were being held hostage by followers of Iranian leader Ayatollah Khomeini. Predicting major events such as the nuclear power plant disaster in Chernobyl, Russia. Examining every piece of luggage aboard Pan Am Flight 103 in an effort to find the bomb that exploded over Lockerbie, Scotland so the perpetrators could be tracked down. Mentally accessing foreign leaders to get information about upcoming decisions, battle plans, and political aspirations. Despite its success, the RV unit was officially disbanded in 1995 and some of the remote viewing information was declassified. Some of the former members of the unit are now using their skills to provide information to clients that cannot be obtained in a traditional manner and some also teach CRV or some form of remote viewing to others. The author established Problems Solutions Innovations (PSI), a data analysis company that uses CRV to help clients with business applications such as executive decision making, forecasting, product design or accessing information for the client that can't be gained by other means. PSI also uses CRV for medical diagnostics and to help law enforcement agencies get information about unsolved cases. Those who wish to study the CRV method as taught by PSI, are warned in advance that CRV is a physical and mental process that, like any martial art, takes years of dedication and practice. PSI offers training courses that focus on developing skills that will help the student in the following areas. Better communication between the subconscious and conscious minds with the body mind acting as the interpreter. A heightened sense of ambience and awareness to one's immediate surroundings. An expanded vocabulary so the viewer has access to words that accurately describe their impressions and perceptions. Enhanced sensory input from the five physical senses that contribute to increased awareness. Increase attention to details. Efficient reporting - clear, concise communication. CRV training expands awareness and increases the student's sensitivity which can bring about life altering changes. The subconscious and the conscious minds make peace with each other and students sometimes report that they have grown personally and spiritually because of the training. PSI does not advocate CRV training for those only interested in personal and spiritual growth but does acknowledge that this is one of the benefits of the training. CRV has many benefits but the author believes that its greatest contribution is that it raises an individual's level of self-awareness and by doing so also raises, at least a little, the consciousness of all mankind. To read a commentary on this book by Henry Reed, click here! To order a copy of this book from Amazon.com, click here! |
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