Barbara Marciniak claims to be the spokesperson
for the Pleiadians, spirit beings who are on Earth in order to help
humanity with spiritual transformation. Pleiadians are able to travel
through time and multiple dimensions in search of answers to the mysteries
of life.
Their focus is on the years from 1987-2012, a period which Marciniak
refers to as the Nanosecond. The Pleiadians believe that since 1987,
cosmic energies have become greater and greater and caused everything
to move faster and faster. Each year this energy accelerates.
The cosmic energy is now increased tenfold from the years 1987 - 1996,
and after 1997 it accelerated one hundred-fold each year. Beginning
in 2007, it will accelerate one hundred thousand-fold each year.
The world is getting ready for multi dimensional interactions with other
forms of intelligence. The restlessness we are experiencing on earth
today indicates that energy is stirring, which is often an indicator
that change is pending.
How we deal with what's happening now can prepare us for what is ahead.
Transformation of consciousness is happening worldwide.
During this era of change, the collective intent of humanity has tremendous
opportunity for spiritual growth. The winter solstice of 2012 (if the
sages are correct) is a time when the world as we now know it is going
to be completely changed.
The Pleiadians are here to share their perspective, offer suggestions
and give us support.
Our thoughts, feelings and desires are the raw materials we use in order
to create our world.
The Pleiadians believe, however, that there is Cosmic Intelligence and
what happens in one place in the cosmic network affects what happens
in the others, that the choices we make for our earthly realities affect
many other realities.
Consciousness operates in both physical and non-physical. Life is an
agreement between many realities for the purpose of discovery and exploration.
Our world shares time and space with other realities.
The spiritual self exists in the human body so that we can experience
physical reality. Each of us can empower our own life by expanding our
conscious awareness.
"Awareness is the ability to observe and make use of information
presented for the purpose of expanding your perceptions of reality."
Empowerment is crucial so that we can set clear boundaries and enhance
our perceptions. By certain changes in attitude we can change our lives
and the lives of others. Empowerment comes when we hone our physical,
mental and spiritual abilities.
We are in constant contact with the higher power of the cosmic mind
through energy. Since we are comprised of energy and since everything
else is also energy, it is our responsibility to use it wisely.
The most important source of energy is the sun. Energy sends information
throughout the universe as well as throughout each of our bodies.
Everything in existence is based on frequency. Frequencies of energy
are what cause beta, alpha, theta and delta brainwaves.
We are making frequencies all the time though thinking, feeling, saying,
doing, dreaming, intending, wishing and being. Beliefs and attitudes
affect the cellular functions of the body.
Attention is energy. Where we place our attention affects everything
in our lives. Part of empowerment is realizing that in the imagination
all thoughts are real.
Within our mind we can at any time create the life and the peace we
want. We can also change physical reality through imagination, intention,
energy and action.
The things that happen in our lives happen for reasons. Energy has unlimited
potential and can be directed into any form. Some energy frequencies
travel through time and space.
Because issues of war and peace are escalating in the nanosecond, people
must learn who to trust and rely more upon their own intuition. If we
keep open our chakras (the energy centers of the body), energy will
flow in and out of us.
If we are encountering life or health issues, we should pay attention
to which chakra is giving us trouble. That will tell where the problem
lies. The fifth (throat) chakra is especially important because through
it we learn the power of words.
It is through speech that we express our ideas. One should keep the
jaw loose and relaxed in order to keep this chakra open.
In addition to the five body chakras, there are five more that are located
well beyond our physical form. These are cosmic chakras and aid us in
perceiving who we are in relationship to existence. Every person exists
in cooperation with a collective purpose.
There is also an eleventh, or galactic, chakra. By moving this energy
center anywhere within the Milky Way, our consciousness can explore
the galaxy and open our consciousness to understanding how clusters
of light really function.
A twelfth chakra offers us access to the expanse of the universe. It
also serves as a door to the past. The reason time appears to move backwards
in the universe is because of our current perceptions about light and
But the universe is part of the multiverse, where layers of existence
are linked through simultaneous time. Multiple realities share the same
The accelerated energy that is now taking place means the time is now
shortened between thinking and manifestation. During this time in which
we are living, everything manifests with much greater speed.
In addition to understanding the chakras, we also need to learn control
of the breath. Focusing on the breath can stabilize us and enhance our
immune system and can also lead us into higher states of consciousness.
At the present time, fear is running rampant on Earth. The purpose of
the nanosecond is to rid us of fear, which carries energy patterns of
pain and separation.
Our encounters with the outer world reflect our inner reality. If fear
becomes a habit, the mind can't think straight.
It is crucial to acknowledge feelings and deal with them. If attitudes
are changed, experiences will be changed.
Over thousands of years, historical events from the past have been rewritten
and edited, particularly by the media and the military.
This has led us into the fear we are experiencing. We should not believe
everything we read. War causes disempowerment through emotional repression.
Humanity seems to harbor a collective fear of remembering the past.
This often causes history to repeat itself, due to lessons unlearned
on the first go-round. We are over-exposed to electronic images and
the printed word but we are advised by the Pleiadians not to buy into
escape and denial.
We cultivate our creativity through our own personal transformation.
We must become intimate with our minds and our beliefs.
If we are in balance with our values and our intuition, peace of mind
and happiness are present and we will always be in the right place at
the right time.
We must empower ourselves, because neediness is based on wanting someone
else to control our destiny.
There are numerous ways for us to empower ourselves. Our first responsibility
is to love and take care of our own bodies. We can keep our nervous
systems in balance by finding time to quiet our minds.
Next we can develop clear intentions about what we want and then establish
healthy boundaries. We can respect the boundaries of others.
We also need to learn to live a calm, centered life, spend time in nature,
and withdraw more from television and electronics.
We must trust ourselves and believe in a safe existence. One of the
most important points of mastery of energy is figuring out how your
body operates in conjunction with cosmic law.
Anger and hatred are the most damaging emotions and block the flow of
energy to the body.
Restrictive beliefs reduce the quality of life. Also, great pain experienced
by many people will cause a restriction. Love given and received is
the key to all healing.
The absence of love is at the root of all pain. The body is designed
as a self-healing system. If you will do the work, everything can be
Healing can also be helped through dreams if, before sleep, you place
an intention to work out the solution during sleep.
It also helps to remember that like attracts like. Joining with like-minded
individuals increases energy and helps aid change.
Empowerment can also be gained through risk. Risk is an essential part
of living a life of freedom. Good posture and bodywork therapies also
If we realize that we are here to experience exactly what we're experiencing
and that we have free choice, this gives us empowerment.
Our creativity has no limits. We must rid ourselves of the fear of becoming
a powerful being.
"Conscious awareness is the key to unraveling the mysteries of
the multiverse."
Symbols play a big part in our lives because the human mind responds
to them. Actually, everything is a symbol, even us and our life.
Major changes are occurring beyond our solar system. The sun has experienced
an increase in brightness. There have been magnetic pole shifts. There
have been more comets, meteors, steroids and sightings of UFOs.
Numerous extraterrestrial races have been interacting with us and with
Earth for a very long time. Marciniak says it is crucial we realize
that our heritage is from the stars.
Each one of us on Earth during this nanosecond is here because we have
chosen to be here at this particular time. Before this incarnation,
we knew of the strange events which were going to transpire.
Marciniak tells us that humans weren't the first intelligent life in
the solar system because even billions of years ago, intelligent life
forms were observing earth from the sky as well as from below the earth's
The outcome of the nanosecond depends on all of us - how we live and
the thoughts we think.
As a result of the nanosecond, many heroes and leaders will fall from
grace. Marciniak suggests that we focus our intent, connect our hearts
to the Pleiades, then to the Galactic Center, then to the core of Earth,
all the while transmitting love.
The central challenge of us living our destiny is realizing that we
are multilayered and multidimensional. The light and dark forces of
the multiverse require constant balance.
Accepting responsibility for our lives is our first and most essential
act of empowerment.
The Pleiadians are here to teach about "embodying cosmic law to
overcome a tyranny of destructive behavior."
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