
Summary by Susie Pedigo
author personally witnessed more than 55 of Edgar Cayce's trance readings.
As a graduate student of Divinity School of the University of Chicago,
he was initially worried when his mother became involved with Cayce. As
he investigated Cayce, Bro grew to understand that Cayce's psychic experiences
were strongly connected to the Christian faith.
After he reached the midpoint of his career Cayce kept records of everything
he did. These records included transcripts of more than 14,000 of his
trances. Cayce opened the records to investigations by scholars from Harvard
and Duke and other schools.
Cayce made no attempt to explain his psychic abilities. It was not based
on communication with the dead. He considered himself a "psychic
diagnostician". Through observation he learned that his psi abilities
operated best when he kept close to the traditional Christian faith.
Cayce was psychic in three different states and three levels within each
Awake on the natural level he sensed moods and thoughts of people around
him. He anticipated letters and phone calls. On the enhanced level he
could describe the physical appearance and location of a stranger whose
letter he held, and could send for others to come to him.
Elevated psi occurred only rarely in the awakened state. He sometimes
thought he had visual and vocal contact with the master and in praying
with a group he could establish the atmosphere of peace and goodness.
During the sleeping state the natural level of psi included sleep-learning,
the ability to speed his own healing and predictive dreams. The enhanced
state included the ability to preview a process, and picturing detailed
scenes of ancient times, which he thought, might be connected to his past
His dreams also included encounters with cherished friends and relative
who were dead. Elevated dreams included receiving instructions from another
dimension and experiencing eating and talking with Christ.
During the trance state the natural level of psi appears to have been
the ability to pick up traces of what ah individual been or done from
thin air. These traces were often expressing casual almost slangy asides
during the trance.
The enhanced state was the most common state during trance and was recognizable
by the shift to a more formal language. Rhythmic breathing was also a
characteristic of this state.
He seemed to have access to absolutely any knowledge that was needed to
the individual for whom the reading was performed. However trances often
began with the warning that not everything would be revealed. Only what
the listeners could use would be revealed.
In this state Cayce would diagnose the state of every organ within the
individual, describe the structure and organization of an individual's
character, outline the Judaic prophetic schools, or analyze the causes
of the Depression.
The elevated state contained even more formal language, and explained
or added to Biblical passages and predicted the fate of nations. In his
twice-daily trance sessions Cayce was unconscious and frequently used
poetic language.
At times he was difficult to rouse from trance and observers feared for
his life. Cayce and those who observed him in a trance often called him
a channel. They also used this term for any person who fulfilled his own
In trance Cayce connected psychic perception to creativity. Soon after
the creation of the cosmos, man as soul roamed freely, playing creatively
with the rest of the cosmos. Earth was tumbling around the cosmos involved
in its own evolution when some of the exploring souls discovered it.
Millions and millions of souls became entrapped in physical bodies on
earth. The way to freedom, to becoming once more co creators with God
is re through successive reincarnations alternating with periods in other
The source of evolution is the creative force, which emerged with mind
and matter from the one force. Some souls will repeatedly reject the One's
ways and as a result be absorbed into the One and lose consciousness and
self-awareness. Growth in psychic powers is automatically growth in spirituality
, in God's creativity. The major question of spirituality is "What
have I done with what I have?"
Every human soul has psychic ability. Need, opportunity and intent must
be in place before psychic phenomena occurs. So psychic ability has to
be more than a kit of useful tools; it must include the awareness the
way things are and a desire to work with the way things are.
This is part of the Christ consciousness given to every man.
All material objects are fields of atoms vibrating in patterns established
by the One force. Psychic phenomena occur when the human soul is in phase
with the vibrations of the field. If an individual attempts a service
that is life enhancing and creative with trained abilities psychic phenomena
will result.
Cayce explained the physiology of the phenomena by describing Kundalini
yoga's beliefs about energy. So whatever affected the endocrine system
affected Kundalini energy, affected psychic ability. Balance of rest and
activity, emotional balance, diet, force fields of gems and any number
of other things could influence psychic ability.
Creativity as being discussed here is not cleverness or inventiveness
but the connection to God Creator. Human souls cause events, which result
in other events, which work to fulfill the design for human unity.
Thus psychic ability is another name for love. The search for this creativity
must recur with each generation, with each reincarnation of each soul.
Through his trance readings Cayce revealed the basic requirements that
must be met for creativity to occur. Daily prayer and meditation are essential.
One must guard one's tongue, search for the good in others and sort out
one's ideals.
Communication with the dead is the first area of concern. Cayce did admit
to seeing unknown people invisible to others. He usually saw them at places
where devout people studied and worshipped together. The dead needed the
energy of the livings prayers to find their ways, or to learn something.
He became interested in life after death and adopted Ouspensky's term
"fourth dimensional" as a name for it. Many organizations and
people besides Cayce have explored the possibility of life after death
and the nearness of the dead to the living.
Auras are one of the most familiar experiences of psychics. Auras may
be seen as shapes or colors oar both surrounding an individual. Some psychics
appear to be able to perceive the give and take of energy between chakras
or what Cayce called centers. Some can diagnose disease from the state
of the auras.
Cayce groups encourage the attempt to see auras as a first step in practicing
psychic ability. The person looking must look to see what is really there
with openness and receptivity. Some times the seeing of auras is aligned
to the maturity of conscience. One must look at individuals and care about
them before they light up.
Automatic speech and quickening Cayce defined as his psychic meeting with
a field, force or spirit greater than his own. The meeting shifted his
consciousness. He remained fully7 conscious, but his vocal chords formed
phrases without his volition.
It is kin to glossolalia and automatic writing. Some psychic like Arthur
Ford suggest that anyone may attempt automation safely after doing an
inventory of his problems and attitudes.
In Out-of-body experiences Cayce's source had warned him to be careful
about. In particular it said that while he was in a trance no one should
be allowed to pass a hand over his solar plexus because it might cause
his death by separating his body and some part of him that had left his
body to see information.
Such experiences have occurred to others in the state of hypnosis or dreams.
Growth in the ability to accept others would help him develop the ability
to have out-of-the-body experiences.
Precognition is the ability to know the future. Cayce usually experienced
it in dreams. Different individuals see different aspects of the future,
different kinds of events, different spans of time.
The subconscious was focused on what the individual worked on it the conscious
state. The precognitive psychic must learn to distinguish between a symbol
that says pay attention and one that says do something.
Retrocognition is a memory flash of past experience, which could not have
happened in this life: Cayce saw it as evidence of reincarnation and previous
lives. In the orient a Buddhist monk would expect to receive material
from past lives as part of his training.
Hypnotists have attempted to use age regression as a means of uncovering
past lives. Cayce's source recommended dream work to recover such experiences.
It should be undertaken only to help with problems in the present life.
To develop any of these abilities the individual must work to develop
sound relationships with others, a value system, commitment to action,
acceptance of others, patience in times of stress, and a desire to be
useful to society.
In addition a constant study of the Bible, meditation and prayer are essential.
Thus the connection to Christianity or other religion is essential in
the correct development of psychic skills.
Psychic abilities on the enhanced and elevated levels include prophesying,
miracle working, guiding and healing.
Prophecy to observers often feels like a negative judgment or warning.
In a trance Cayce's prophesy included statements that indicated Russian
communism would save the world, and that the League of Nations was the
right way to go for America.
He also indicated that those who lived good lives would be warned of natural
catastrophes. His trances contained a sense of opportunity to work with
God. The content can be political, religious, psychological or aesthetic.
Cayce's source spoke of Biblical miracles as wonderworking that actually
occurred. Cayce avoided wonderworking that affected objects or people
because he had abused that ability in a different life.
Cayce's readings often involved giving direction or guidance. There seemed
to be two restrictions on his ability to give psychic guidance: he himself
had to be rested peaceful and healthy, and the seeker ad to be able to
use the information to help others, or himself without taking advantage
of others.
Cayce's source indicated anyone could do the same for their own lives
in dreams, prayer, meditation, kindness and good judgment. Cayce cold
do it for anyone.
Healing was always a major focus for Cayce's readings. His healing abilities
were limited. He could diagnose, He could inspect to obtain needed medical
facts. He could determine complete medical histories for clients.
He could explain a sickness and its progress step by step in medical terms
for an attending physician. He could prescribe a series of treatments.
However he did not heal through prayer. If prayer was part of the course
of treatment he might join with others in group prayers for healing, but
he felt that his talent in this area was limited and he did not practice
the laying on of hands.
Bhakti Hinduism, Hasidic Judaism, and Sufi Islam express interest in religious
or spiritual means of healing. Cayce's source consistently reported that
prayer and meditation especially by groups aided the normal healing process.
Occasionally the source said an individual would be healed by psychic
intervention alone, but not every ill person so treated would live. Those
who died had also received a healing.
Sometimes the ill individual would be brought to the point of recognizing
how his own emotions were causing the illness and then would have to choose
to live or die by deciding to give up the emotion or to keep it.
The source warned that some of those who attempt psychic healing do so
because productivity is blocked in some area of their lives. Those who
are divorced or business failures must first bring their own love and
work into order before attempting psychic healing.
Suffering of any kind may aid in making an individual more sensitive to
the suffering of others and more desirous of helping others. Healing depends
largely on the ability to love.
To develop any of the elevated or enhanced abilities the individual must
practice meditation regularly, develop the ability to sacrifice his will
to God's, work to unite the conscious with the subconscious and above
all, love.
Cayce's source described love as a cleansing, healing blessing force.
It is not a feeling but an inherent characteristic of the soul. As a force
it has the capacity to change energy fields.
Those who seek to use love to help others cannot work alone. In addition,
those that attempted these higher psychic acts, must conquer the problem
first in themselves before attempting to help others.
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