The Intuitive-Connections Network

Current Update as of January 04, 2004

Inspired by The Edgar Cayce Institute for Intuitive Studies

Edited by HENRY REED, Ph.D.

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An Invitation to a Dream Quest

An Invitation to a Dream Quest

By Henry Reed

Dreams are a natural, intuitive resource of creative and healing perspectives on how we are handling our lives. We know that. But how do we get a handle on their meaning? I’ve told my personal story of how I came to realize how dreams have such a special personal healing touch. I’ve come to believe that dreams provide us with the experiences we need to modify our approach to life; they are like a virtual reality for learning life’s lessons.

Edgar Cayce suggested that coming to understand dreams is a process that is best realized while trying to apply your dream insights toward some project in life improvement. That is, choose an area of life in which you’d like to make some advancement, improvement or innovation. Prepare to take some action and then turn to your dreams for comment.

Perhaps you’d like to get along better with your boss, or you’d like to overcome your tendency toward pessimism when approaching new relationships. Whatever your goal, decide upon a little step you might take toward improving that situation, and begin to work on that step. In the meantime, turn toward your dreams to obtain guidance on how to proceed. However you might go about it, develop some insight from your dreams about a better way to proceed and try it out.

It is this process of testing tentative ideas from your dreams, the actual application of dream insights, that stimulates our capacity to grow into understanding of our dreams. Use them and come to understand them. "In the application comes the awareness" was Cayce’s favorite dictum, an attitude that can be traced to the roots of Judaism, by the way.

Dream Solutions, Dream Realizations

A few years back I developed a workbook that was designed to show the non-professional, the ordinary dreamer, that they can make constructive use of their dreams, especially when used for life improvement.

This workbook, now in its seventh edition and cumbersomely entitled Dream Solutions, Dream Realizations: The Original Dream Quest Guide Book: Discover Intuitive Guidance in your Dreams, guides the dreamer through the creative discovery process, cycling between goal setting, strategy design and implementation, dream recall, dream interpretation, using the interpretation to re-design strategy, to goal completion.

In an article I published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology, I showed evidence that persons using this workbook experienced increased dream recall and improved intuitive understanding of their dreams.

Both of these skills showed advancement following a day that included meditation, but they showed specially great advancement following a day in which a person actually did something to apply a dream insight. This result seems important.

Dreams seem to watch us as to whether or not we are paying attention. If we are, and we are doing something about it, dreams seem to reward us with information that is easier to grasp.

How to Get Help from Dreams

In the years since the development and validation of this tool, I have created a personal mentoring process that helps insure that the person gets the most out of their Dream Solutions! Dream quest experience.

I invite you to give it a try. My "Home Study Mentored Dream Quest" provides a person with several tools, the Dream Solutions! Workbook, a textbook on "How to Get Help from Dreams" and a special interactive video, unique in its format, the "Dream Interpretation Workout Video."

This video alone gives a person lots of practice at using dream interpretation skills.

Dream Interpretation Workout Video

My personal mentoring involves our having several phone conversations during the five week Dream Quest process. The focus of these conversations is on helping the person improve their skills at using the tools and on keeping a workable focus upon the goal of their dream quest. I also paint a special dream mandala for the person, to serve as a focal point for the energetic support I make available to the person during the time of their quest.


During the five weeks of dream processing and "questing" after the desired life improvement, people make progress in a number of ways, including both greater insights into how the achievement of their life goals evolve naturally from their perceptions of opportunities, and discoveries about how to elicit intuitive insights from dreams. Several of these dreamers have gone on to write stories about their experiences, stories which we have published here on our webazine. Margaret Dwyer wrote about her experience improving her relationship with her daughter as part of her own process of re-evaluating her professional goals. Joan Gravallese wrote about her experiences getting a handle on "time management" by learning to trust her feelings. Jinna van Vliet writes of her experiences working through a relationship issue with her husband, a process that required her to face some buried issues within herself. Noreen Wessling, who has used the Dream Solutions process many times in her life, has written quite humorously about the various types of experiences she has had while doing the Dream Quest, and has many hints on how to get the most out of it.

As a special opportunity, I am inviting you to experience the Dream Solutions! process. I am making the Home Study, Mentored Dream Quest available to ICN readers at a reduced cost for a limited time. Those persons who complete a registration during the month of January, 2004 can do so for $100 less than the usual tuition—about 1/3 off. These persons can then pursue with me their dream quest at any time later in the future, when that person is ready to do so.

The Mentored Dream Quest is a tremendously constructive experience. It is something that I recommend with enthusiasm and without reservation. I welcome the opportunity of discussing it with anyone who cares to write (STARBUCK@LS.NET) or call me (1-800-398-1370).

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