Introducing Lorrie
Kazan, Our New Associate Editor
Kazan is a psychic and an intuition trainer from the
Los Angeles area where she regularly teaches classes
and has an active telephone consulting service. She
has herself trained in several of the Edgar Cayce Institute
programs and is one of the "Participating Psychics"
at the Edgar Cayce Center in Virginia Beach, headquarters
of the Association for Research and Enlightenment. She
has written several book digests for our webazine and
is at work on more.

showed so much enthusiasm for our webazine, and was
making so many suggestions for possible articles and
features, we invited her to become our "Associate
Editor." Her responsibilities include developing
some special feature articles, soliciting and developing
articles from other domains, and searching out educational
web sites that combine intuition and spirituality. Some
of her special assignments currently involve working
on a project to understand the potential role of spirituality
in remote viewing and investigating the intuition development
themes within Judaism and Islam.
has a web site at
She can be reached via e-mail at
first recruited article is by Diane Elliot, on the Torah
of the Body
Content Delivery: Some Options
may have noticed that starting with the previous update,
we have developed a new design and layout of Intuitive-Connections
Network. The "front page" shows the new articles.
The design of each new page has a double menu at the
top, leading to two different sets of content areas.
We also have incorporated's search engine,
so that you can search the entire web site for material
of interest.
of you may browse the webazine only infrequently. By
looking at the archive section, you can find all the
new articles that have appeared since your last visit.
Or you can search the webazine, either by exploring
the content buttons or by using the search engine.
webazine functions in two ways: As a news service, providing
information as we gather it, updating the information
available on a regular basis. As this information accumulates,
the webazine also grows into an archived website, becoming
an increasingly valuable reference tool for anyone interested
in intuition development.
that we have the benefit of this new design, we are
contemplating some changes in how we deliver new content.
The main concern has been information overload. Although
we are in the process of creating the most comprehensive
website on the Internet concerning intuition development,
we don't want you to be overwhelmed by the information
that becomes available to you. We have been moving to
more frequent updates, with fewer new pieces with each
would like to hear from you as to your preferences,
as to how often you would like to be notified of an
update and how many articles would you prefer each update
to contain. The more frequent the notices of updates,
the fewer new pieces of information would be in each
notice. For example, we conceivably could send out an
update notice each day of the week, adding one new article
each time. At the other extreme, we can send out updates
once every two months, giving several new articles in
each update. This delivery cycle was in effect when
we first began, and operated for the first three issues.
Currently we are delivering notices of updates once
a month, with several new items for each update. We
are contemplating moving to once a week, with a couple
of new items.
upside of more frequent updates with fewer items is
that is it is easier to briefly focus on what is new,
decide if it interests you, read it if it does, and
move on. The down side, for people who are trying to
minimize the number of e-mails that they have to sort
through, is that you get more e-mails to deal with.
The upside of less frequent e-mails is that you don't
get so many to deal with, but the downside is that there
are a lot more articles and such to look through.
would appreciate hearing your comments.
we started Intuitive-Connections Network, we chose
to be the subscription/newsletter server, as several
other high level newsletters had used their services.
Over time, however, it became clear to us that many
of our subscribers were unhappy with this service.
one thing, the subscription process was confusing, and
often resulted in our readers subscribing to
as well as our newsletter, only to receive unwanted
"spam" or unsolicited, commercial e-mails
For another, some Internet service providers, becoming
increasingly intolerant of, were blocking
e-mails from that service, making it difficult for us
to communicate with our subscribers.
a result, we have moved our service over to another
program, one that gives us more control over the use
of the subscriber notification process. Current subscribers
may have noticed a couple of "test e-mails"
as we made sure the program worked. It is working. Current
subscribers need do nothing, as they are "on the
list" with our new program. New subscribers will
find a revised subscription page with instructions and
explanations. This process has been worked out by Hipis,
our webmaster, who has a few words of explanation about
the new system.