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![]() Current Update as of October 11, 2002 Inspired by The Edgar Cayce Institute for Intuitive Studies Edited by HENRY REED, Ph.D. |
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Book Summary by Alice Dexter
What would it be like to grow up with not just a famous father, but a father who was to become recognized as perhaps one of the greatest psychic seers of all time. Hugh Lynn Cayce, and his younger brother Edgar Evans Cayce, in their book, The Outer Limits of Edgar Cayce's Power (HarperCollins), takes the reader on a journey to a lesser-known side of Edgar Cayce. With refreshing honesty, Hugh Lynn recounts, in Chapter 1, an incident from 1934 when his father failed to give a requested reading. On a normal February day, Edgar Cayce lay down and prepared to give what should have been just another reading for a client in another city. He was given the suggestion regarding the reading by his wife Gertrude, as she had done many times before. This time though she had to give it five times. Then they waited. In fact, they all waited for over an hour--while Edgar Cayce slept. The reading never happened that day. It had to be rescheduled for another day. Was there something wrong with Edgar Cayce? Did he ever make mistakes? According to Hugh Lynn, questions such as these could be a basis for further psychic research. He noted that "the search for understanding one's self and one's relation to God and one's fellow man will lead to the greatest treasure of all. This was the major focus of the vast majority of the Edgar Cayce readings." But what was every day life like with Edgar Cayce. Chapter 2 gives the reader a peak at that every day life. We are given glimpses through memories such as helping to develop photographs that Edgar Cayce had taken in his studio in Selma, Alabama. Hugh Lynn recounts briefly for the reader the steps needed to take a photograph from a blank piece of photographic paper to a momentary view of someone's life. You can almost see the picture coming to life in the development tray as he remembers that incident. We know that Edgar Cayce enjoyed playing games with his sons such as checkers, Parcheesi and rook with Hugh Lynn, dominoes, and carom with Edgar Evans. The reader is also allowed to experience briefly what it was like to live in that studio apartment above the wholesale drugs and wholesale grocery stores. Hugh Lynn talks of the "war on rats" that he and his father waged when Edgar Evans was young. It seems that rats would come in the grocery store downstairs where they would eat their fill, then go through the drugstore walls and up into the Cayces' apartment where Hugh Lynn and his father had to trap them and sometimes fight them. Then the reader journeys to Virginia Beach, Virginia with the Cayce family where we learn more about Edgar Cayce the man. We learn about his love of growing things (at one time there were over 15 fruit and flowering trees at their Virginia Beach home, according to Hugh Lynn), and building things with hammer, nail and saw such as room additions and a new garage. In addition, we are there when Hugh Lynn discovers something even he did not know about his father---he was a water dowser. He talks of the time when he, Hugh Lynn, was involved in scouting and the troop needed a source of water for a new cabin they were building on Linkhorn Bay. He mentioned this need to his father. Edgar Cayce asked his son to take him to the location. On the way there, he had Hugh Lynn stop so he could acquire a Y-shaped branch from a peach tree. Using this branch while walking across the area where the cabin was to be built, Edgar Cayce was able to locate an area for them to dig in search of water. He told Hugh Lynn that they should find water about 32 feet down. They found water at 32½ feet. Hugh Lynn shares excerpts from personal letters written to him and to his brother Edgar Evans by their father while they were away at college and later when they were both in the army. By doing this he allows the reader to understand even more about the man Edgar Cayce, and the way he lived his life. A good example of this is found in a letter written to Edgar Evans on February 13, 1942. In it, Edgar Cayce tells his younger son, "...So my message to you during these trying hours is to live as not to be ashamed ever to meet thy maker. There will be much to be done when this war is over. More of those who have His purpose in mind will be saved than others----or there is a purging, that we as individuals and as a nation may bear better fruit in the work of the Lord." By the time Edgar Cayce died in January 1945, he had given over 14,000 readings. All but 523 of these readings were given between 1923 and 1944. In Chapter 3, we are told that all the readings given after 1923 were stenographically recorded. As of the publication of The Outer Limits of Edgar Cayces Power in 1971, 14,246 readings had been cataloged. Among these readings, 8,976 were physical readings including what were referred to as first readings and check readings or follow-up readings. Often these check readings were as long as the first readings. Approximately 2,500 life readings were given, including first and check readings. Of these readings, 156 were noted as having been given for young people under the age of 15. Business readings, usually about projects, numbered 799, while dream interpretation readings totaled 667. Mental and spiritual question readings showed a total of 401. As Edgar Cayce was interested in securing funds with which to build and run his hospital, 223 readings were given regarding land and 76 readings regarding buried treasure. The first group to study spiritual laws received 130 readings. The Search for God books were based on these readings. Another 65 readings were done for a group interested in spiritual healing. Work readings (those given for Edgar Cayce himself or people working to develop the Association for Research and Enlightenment) comprised an additional 116 readings. Aura chart readings added another 35 readings. Then there was the group of readings on historical subjects including 6 on prehistoric Egypt, 16 on Jesus, 1 on the Mayan civilization, and 13 on the general history of Atlantis. Of the remaining 107 readings, 24 were on home and marriage, 3 on reincarnation, 28 on world affairs, 14 on spiritualism, 1 on sunspots, 3 on sleep, 2 on the solar system, 1 on numerology, 6 on psychic sources, 12 on missing persons, 3 on child training, 6 on gynecology, and 4 on a book titled Psychic Phenomenon Through the Subliminal which was never submitted for publication. Were all these readings really from some source other than Edgar Cayces own mind, or had he perpetrated the worlds greatest hoax? This question is posed in Chapter 4. If it was all a hoax, then how was Edgar Cayce able to enlist the help of over 5,000 individuals and still keep it all a secret for over 43 years? Based on their own observations, they felt very strongly that what their father gave through his readings was coming from a source other than Edgar Cayces own mind. And with an 85% rate of accuracy, based on a random survey they conducted on all the readings, this seems a reasonable assumption. Chapter 5 briefly examines readings Edgar Cayce gave on missing persons, a total of 12 readings. It was evident from what they found in these readings that not only the missing person, but also the person requesting the reading, affected what Edgar Cayce was able to receive about the missing person and his/her location. For example, a reading was requested regarding the whereabouts of a young woman who had gone missing on July 7, 1920 from a rest home in Alabama. Edgar Cayce was able to locate her indicating that she had given a message to someone to post for her but it had been delayed. The message was telling her family that she was on her way home. They were further advised that she and the message would arrive on the same day. Later a family member confirmed that this was all correct. Another reading covered a span of almost 2 months when a son called Edgar Cayce for help when his father went missing with a loaded gun. The first reading, given on April 19, 1934, seemed to have been more a spiritual lesson for the family than an attempt to locate the missing father. It appears that Edgar Cayce was telling the family to not judge the reasons for this mans departure from his family. God was working this out with him directly. A letter received from his family on October 1, 1934 confirmed that the man had decided against suicide and had returned to his family. The man who was the subject of these readings lived until 1960. Readings were also given regarding the disappearances of Amelia Earhart and the Lindberghs infant son. Both readings were requested by friends of the families, rather than by the families themselves. This may have affected the readings in both cases. In a reading dated August 1, 1937, Edgar Cayce indicated that Amelia Earhart had died on July 21 from heat and exposure. This was quite different from what others have claimed caused her death. Regarding the Lindbergh baby, Edgar Cayce gave readings indicating that several people were involved in the childs disappearance. Locations were given as to where the child was over a 26-day period. But even with this information they were not able to locate the child alive. What if the person were dead or dying at the time of the reading? Did Edgar Cayce know this or did he give the reading as if the person was still alive? Chapter 6 briefly examines this question. According to Hugh Lynn, only five cases were found where the person had actually died before the reading was given or was dying at the time of the reading. As these five readings are examined, it is very evident that Edgar Cayce did know about the persons condition. In one reading, he noted too late in the application of these things for material benefits in this present experience. He went on to advise the family that they should be aware that life continues after death. And, that although their loved one had died, she continued to exist on the other side with Jesus and with God. Two other readings also noted that the persons for whom the readings were given were either dead or dying, and only spiritual guidance was given to help the families. The fourth reading they found, where the person was dying, was for a child who was dying of leukemia. Although the child had died the day before the reading was given, Edgar Cayce never mentioned this fact during the reading. Questions were later raised about this omission. When asked about this, Edgar Cayce stated that the desires of those that were present at the time of the reading influenced what he received regarding the child and her condition. He went on to say that what he received in the way of treatment for the illness, if it was too late to help this patient, might be able to help another in the future. In this case, it appears that the reading for the child was affected by the mindset of the person who requested the reading. Since she was not a relative of the child, and had clearly stated who was to get a copy of the reading and who was not, this affected the readings outcome. When the reading was received after the death of the child, the requestor wrote back to Edgar Cayce, stating, I had hoped to be able to do something worth while for your work, but it was not to be. Perhaps this attitude for personal gain, rather than the unconditional concern for the childs welfare, was a contributing factor in the reading received. The last reading, that was found to have been given for a person who was already dead at the time of the reading, appears to have been affected by the fact that the person, for whom it was done, was unaware a reading had been requested. Also, at the time of the reading, Edgar Cayce had lost his close friend, Dr. House, who oversaw the hospital in Virginia Beach, VA. Yet the reading was given as if the person was still alive and able to undergo treatment. They speculated that all these factors might also have affected this last reading. Yet the question still remains, where did this information come from? How did Edgar Cayce, or any psychic for that matter, come by the information that was related to the client seeking the information. Admitting that the answers to these questions may not be simple or easy to acquire, five possible sources a psychic, including their father Edgar Cayce, may use, as he/she attempts to provide answers for the client are examined in Chapter 7. As Edgar Cayce was the psychic they knew best, the discussions revolve around the ways he may have used any or all of these five sources. Did the psychics own unconscious memory or mind come into play when giving a reading? If so, how could it work if the client was in another location at the time of the reading? Their answer, at least regarding Edgar Cayce, was no to the unconscious memory or mind. If not an unconscious memory, could it have been some type of clairvoyant observation. This was a possibility as many of the readings they looked at, that were given for a client at another location, made mention of surroundings or events that Edgar Cayce would have had no way of knowing. One reading noted that there had been an automobile accident in the street outside of the clients location. Another indicated that the client was not fully dressed. But just how did Edgar Cayce see these things? Was he seeing them through the clients eyes or through his own, as in an out-of-body experience (OBE)? They speculated it was an out-of-body experience since the records showed that Edgar Cayce would stop during a reading almost as if he had been interrupted, when an object was passed over his reclining body. When he was asked about this, he compared it to a hens egg that, if broken before hatching, would never produce a live chick. Asked if there was any special way to learn how to do this (OBE), he said we all do it when we sleep. It was part of being human. Did Edgar Cayce have some sort of telepathic link with the person he was reading? This was another strong possibility. He did seem to be able to communicate with souls, both living and dead, as evidenced by several readings. Edgar Cayce did note in one reading that both the channel and the seeker must be of a clear mind if the most benefit was to be achieved by the reading. So it does appear that he was able to make some kind of a connection. If any party to the reading were doing it for selfish reasons, it would distort the information received. When Edgar Cayce was asked specifically about communicating with the dead, he answered that for a time the soul remained close to the physical world of the living. But once the soul was ready to move on in its development, it could not be connected to as easily, if at all. He went on to say that that contact could only be made if the right suggestion was made to him while he was in trance. Also those present at the time of the reading affected what was received by their own attitudes. They further explained that this was possibly due to the level of consciousness that the individual (both the person asking the questions and the person answering the questions) had reached. This level of consciousness was likened to a funnel with the narrow area at the bottom being the conscious or physical body, the middle area the subconscious or real/astral body, and the upper area the superconscious or spiritual body. According to Edgar Cayce we are all three, but many of us only access the lower part. As we begin to access the upper levels, our abilities to see and understand increase. What level we are using when alive does not change when we die. Understanding this helps to explain why it was so important that suggestions given during a reading be given with as open and non-judgmental a mind as possible. Edgar Cayce seemed to have been able to access all three levels while in trance. Yet what answers he was able to bring back depended on what level his source had reached. This was to become evident when he was asked to give information concerning readings about buried treasures and oil well locations. Could he have been accessing thought forms? This was seen as the fifth possible source of information for Edgar Cayce. He considered thoughts to be things that have made an impression upon the skein of time and space. As such, they can be read, or heard, or seen by someone who is open to their message. This is no different than how we communicate in the physical world. He went on to note that when we dream we are accessing this thought world. Would there, perhaps, be a way to reach into this thought world and receive answers about buried treasures or even the location of pools of black goldoil? If so, just how accurate would this information be? These were questions that Hugh Lynn and Edgar Evans asked themselves in Chapter 8 as they recounted their attempts to find the elusive treasure of White Hill. Over the years, Edgar Cayce had given readings on buried treasure, but only after much thought and the hope that some of the found treasures would be used to further his own work. The first reading for buried treasure was given on April 9, 1931, shortly after the closing of the hospital in Virginia Beach and the now infamous stock market crash of 1929. As is typical of many towns that border the Atlantic Ocean, Virginia Beach has its numerous pirate legends, complete with buried treasure locations. One of these legends claimed that Blackbeard the pirate had buried a treasure on or near the area known as White Hill, or White Horse Hill. On that April day in 1931, Edgar Cayce was persuaded to give the first of several readings on any treasure that may have been buried in that area and where they might find it. The gentleman who asked for the reading was a known wheeler-dealer in the area. Among the questions asked that day was what type of equipment they should use to locate the treasures that had been described to them. Should they use the electrical seeking device, what we would now consider a primitive metal detector? He told them that it would aid them if they would pay attention to the information it gave them. But no one is sure if they really knew how to use it, or just what information it gave. Edgar Cayce had earlier remarked that there areand have beentreasures, or moneys, jewels, papers and such, that (had) been put in this vicinity. But he also warned that consideration had to be given as to the underlying reasons these individuals were seeking the treasures. When he was asked how much treasure could be found there, he stated that it would be worth more than a million . He also made note of the fact that there were treasures buried in that area by different groups over a considerable span of time. There was even an Indian burial ground located there. When asked for a more definite description of the location, Edgar Cayce told them that there were four areas of treasure, some as close as 10 feet down, others as deep as 26 feet. But in all cases he kept stressing that the treasures would only be located if the reasons for seeking them were the right ones. Nothing was found in 1931 as the men involved chose not to expend the time or energy on treasures that could not be easily found. But in 1951 Edgar Evans decided he would try to find the lost treasures buried on White Horse Hill. There would be one minor detail that he would have to work around before he could begin to dig. White Horse Hill was now a state park, which meant that any excavation work would require permission and permits. Or he could do the digging on the sly and hope no one caught on to what he was doing and why. Working from the information his father had given as to one possible location of the treasure, he set out to search for it. To this end he started looking for a metal detector that would be able to detect metal objects as deep as 25 feet. He found several that claimed to be able to work to that depth, but the object would have had to be as large as a car. Over the next several months he tried different metal detectors and other methods including augers that could dig down to 25 feet. Nothing, absolutely noting was foundexcept more sand. He thought of using a bulldozer but that would attract too much attention from the park authorities. Then someone suggested a water pump. They could wash the sand away with a jet of water. As luck would have it, a friend of one of the treasure hunters worked for Willis-Jeep who had just brought on the market a small auxiliary fire pump engine. After some persuading, they were able to arrange a demonstration of the pump in the area of White Hill that they just happened to be working. Getting it to that area was no problem. Getting it down to the beach was another thing altogether. Three hours later they were ready to try it out. It worked okay, but they soon realized that they would need a more powerful pump if they were to be successful. They then had to get the pump they had been using back up that hill. The next phase (using a larger pump) would have to take a different tack if they were to succeed. Approaching a friendly politician, they were able to secure a permit to look for Indian artifacts in the State park. Their permit would allow for minor excavations. They found a more powerful pump and tried again. But digging in the dark (literally and figuratively) only gave them a large hole in the sand. There had to be another way. And that would include getting more specific information as to the exact location of the treasure than what Edgar Cayce had given 20 years before. So Edgar Evans started looking around for another psychic he felt met the necessary qualifications. A book by Kenneth Roberts about the dowsing abilities of Henry Gross was to open the door to the next step in this search for buried treasure. It seemed that Henry Gross could work with his dowsing rod not only while walking the land, but also by using a map of an area without actually being in the area. A letter was sent to Mr. Roberts and Mr. Gross explaining briefly what Edgar Evans was attempting to do at White Hill. He offered to send t hem maps and photographs of the area for Mr. Gross to use. Over a several month period, letters went back and forth regarding where they might find the treasures. In one of the letters from Mr. Gross he confirmed that there were four separate treasures in the area. July 11, 1952 found Edgar Evans, Hugh Lynn, and Mr. Gross in White Hill Park just after dawn. Mr. Gross got reactions from his dowsing rod in two specific locations. Using this information, the brothers and their friends set to work. By the time the sun set, all they had to show for their efforts were tired and sore bodies. No treasure was found. Would Edgar Evans do this again? Maybe .maybe. What about Civil War treasure? Would that be easier to locate? After all, it would not have been buried as long and possibly not as deep. A reading given on April 18, 1931 (for the same man who requested the reading on the White Hill treasure) talked about a washing tub full of gold and silver. There was a story that had been around the Washington D.C. area for years about a Union Army payroll that had been buried at Kellys Ford. The story went that the paymaster, L. N. George, had just received the payroll earlier in the evening (September 23, 1863). Just after dawn the Confederate army attacked Kellys Ford. To protect the payroll, it was buried near the paymasters tent and the cook fire nearby. But just where was that location? In Chapter 9, the reader is allowed to peak over Edgar Cayces shoulder as he examines questions asked about this treasure, both in personal letters and readings given. These readings and letters started on February 17, 1929 when Edgar Cayce responded to a letter requesting information about the treasures location that had been given in a reading several years before. A search was made for that reading, but it could not be located. So on March 3, 1929 another reading was done. That reading stated that the treasure was a washtub filled with twenty-dollar gold pieces and that its location was just above the ford. Additional information was not requested for another 21 months. At that time, Edgar Cayce wrote back that the incident in question had occurred on September 24, 1863 in an area then known as Brandywine Ford. Another reading was given on December 20, 1930 with hopes of securing more specific information. A second reading was given four days later when the treasure was not located. In this reading Edgar Cayce questioned the true motives of those who sought the treasure. Over the next eight months several more readings were given and letters written back and forth regarding the treasure. In one, Edgar Cayce told them they were digging in the wrong area. They were digging south and west of where the treasure could be found. And they were told that in the correct location the treasure was no more than three and a half (3 ½) feet below ground. They still could not find the treasure. More than once, they were advised that each person looking for the treasure must examine his real reasons for seeking it. Edgar Cayce reminded them that to be successful they needed to be of one mind. The treasure is still there, near Kellys Ford. But if you are thinking of trying your hand at looking for this Civil War booty, bear in mind what Edgar Evans noted at the end of the chapter. If you should find the general location of the gully that emptied into the Brandywine near the old bridge abutment at what was known as Kellys Ford, you might shave off the ground with a bulldozer a foot at a time checking the area with a metal locator. When you come to rocks, logs, and ashes you might look more carefully. But in an area like that there were a lot of campfires. Be sure you dig into the right one. Buried treasure is not confined to the East Coast or Civil War battlefields. One of the most famous in North America is the Lost Dutchman Mine. Legend says that around 1848 a Spanish prospector named Don Miguel Peralta discovered what was reputed to be one of the richest veins of gold in the Superstition Mountains of Arizona not far from a local landmark known as Weavers Needle. He was said to have worked the vein with a group of miners until they were attacked and killed by Apaches. Then in 1857, Jacob Walz, a wandering desert prospector, found Peraltas mine. Although he worked the mine alone, he never filed a claim. Those who knew him claimed this was because he would have had to disclose the actual location of the fabled mine. Walz died in 1891, never revealing to anyone the location of his mine. To this day it is still somewhere out there in the Superstition Mountains. But why? Why has no one found it in the last 100 plus years since Walz died? A request for a reading as to the location of the mine was made of Edgar Cayce. He stated at the beginning of the reading that a decision would have to be made as to whether the information he received regarding the location was based on descriptions that apply to the time the mine was being worked (1848 or 1857-1891) or the present time. Edgar Cayce also noted that the area where the mine was alleged to be was considered sacred grounds by different groups who had inhabited the area over the years before and after the mine was first discovered. Could they have changed the landmarks to keep outsiders away? But who or what was giving Edgar Cayce the information as to finding the fabled Lost Dutchman Mine? What we do know is that the man who requested the reading never found the mine. Was it because he could not follow the directions given? Or because he just did not look for it? We will never know the answer. Years before Edgar Cayce gave these readings on buried treasure, he gave readings on black goldoil. Chapter 11 opens with a telegram that was sent to Edgar Cayce on October 12, 1920. It noted that a well that had been drilled near Desdemona, Texas was producing 600 plus barrels a day. They had thought the location was going to be a dry well when they had gotten down to 3500 feet and had not found oil. Edgar Cayce had advised them to plug around 3000, shoot and would produce oil. The telegram said they shot at 2980 feet and had hit oil. Over the next three years, Edgar Cayce would journey to Texas, Kentucky, Georgia, Pennsylvania, New York, and Ohio giving readings on gas and oil wells, raising money, and acquiring oil leases. He wanted very much to raise money for the hospital he dreamed of building in Virginia Beach. Many of the wells he did readings on hit oil or gas. But more showed nothing or only traces of oil. In many cases either money or the leases ran out before they had dug the wells far enough down. In the county of San Saba, Texas an oil well was located that, according to Edgar Cayce, would be the largest oil well in the state. According to a reading given on March 31, 1921 this well was expected to produce 40,000 barrels at 2600 feet. They dug not once, not twice, but four times for this well. Yet none of the wells dug ever produced oil. Traces of oil were found in the surrounding sands. But funds ran out before they could reach the depth Cayce noted in his reading. The Cayce Petroleum Company of Texas owned the leases. The area of exploration was in a section known as Rocky Pasture. Letters and readings went back and forth regarding this area over a three-year period. While reviewing the information on file regarding this episode, Edgar Evans found information that caused him to wonder if some of the information Edgar Cayce had given in the letters and readings might have come from Edgar Cayces own unconscious mind and information he had given about the area in 1920. Edgar Evans questioned just how accurate the information washow much came from Edgar Cayce the man and how much came from other sources. Time and time again readings were requested as to the best location to drill in the Rocky Pasture area. One of the last readings given for the Rocky Pasture drilling was given on January 20, 1927 and it noted that the well was now predicted to produce 50,000 to 75,000 barrels a day. But was the source of the information correct or exaggerating? Why the jump from the original prediction in 1920 of 40,000 barrels a day to possibly 75,000 barrels a day? Still the well showed no evidence of producing anything. It was now December 1927. In February, 1928 the gentleman (known as Mr. W), who was doing the drilling, wrote that the drilling was hard and costing a fortune. A reading six days later again stated that oil would be found at 2600 feet. Mr. W claimed he was down to 1946 feet on April 15, 1928. He went on to state that the leases expired on October 1, 1928 and wondered if the drilling would be completed by then. By September 29 he had gotten the leases extended another year. The last reading for this well was given on January 23, 1929, still promising success. Yet the well never produced any oil before it was shut down due to lack of funds. In September 1950 Hugh Lynn received a letter from Mr. R, a friend of Edgar Cayce. He had gone to San Saba, Texas to see if he could find the location of the well in Rocky Pasture. By October he had leased some land and was working on a deal to drill for oil. When he asked for any logs that reported drilling history in that area, he received one for a well drilled June 19, 1921 by Cayce Petroleum Company of Texas. It stated that they had dug down to a depth of 1626 feet. It would be another 10 months before Mr. R was able to raise the required venture capital. Over the next 16 months drilling proceeded and for the most part, verified information given by Edgar Cayce back in 1921. By October 7, 1952 they were only able to drill down two feet a day. By December 31, 1952 the drilling had stopped for good. The fourth and final try to find oil in that area was over. Mr. R tried, in his final comments about this well, to determine what had gone wrong in the attempts to find producing oil wells. Could Edgar Cayces own subconscious mind, his own ego, have affected the information he received regarding the wells and their possible locations? Was it due to the reasons that the requestors (those who asked for the readings) held in their own minds? Or was it the source that Edgar Cayce tapped into for the information? He also stated that these problems were not exclusive to Edgar Cayce, but applied to all psychics. He did note in closing that in fact, his (Edgar Cayce) accuracy (had) been estimated by medical researchers to be in the neighborhood of 85% to 90%. The last case of buried treasure that is examined appears to have been requested by someone on the other side. Late in the afternoon of April 27, 1925, after giving a reading concerning an oil well in Texas, Edgar Cayce gave a spontaneous reading regarding a buried treasure in Washington County, Arkansas, near Boston Mountain. He said an Indian, and a relative of those who had buried the treasure, had requested the reading. According to the source, the treasure had been buried some 60 odd years before, approximately two and a half (2 ½) feet down, and consisted of approximately $200,000 in gold and silver. At the conclusion of the reading Edgar Cayce stated, Give this to Jones. We are through . When the reading was forwarded to Mr. Jones, who lived in Texas, it turned out that his father knew exactly what the reading was talking about and where the camp was located. Mr. Jones, his father, and his brother left Texas on June 30, 1925 for Washington County, Arkansas. Edgar Cayce received a telegram on July 6, 1925 requesting directions to the treasure based on a stake Mr. Jones had driven in the ground at the camp. In the reading that followed, Edgar Cayce told him that the stake was thirty and one-tenth (30 1/10) yards to the south and east of the treasure$200,000 in bullion and precious stones. Apparently the directions were not specific enough because three days later another telegram was received stating a second stake had been driven. Would Edgar Cayce please send more directions using these two stakes as markers. Another reading was done. Using only the second stake, he told Mr. Jones that the treasure laid the length of Mr. Jones body south by east from the stakefive feet, nine and one-quarter inches (5 feet, 9 ¼ inches). Again, how much more specific could the directions be? It seems not clear at all. Mr. Jones and his party returned to Texas on August 1, 1925 empty handed. The question remains, why? This was not a reading that Mr. Jones had asked for, so, at least at the beginning, there were no personal motives involved, not on Mr. Jones part. Could the problem have lain with the source of the information? Possibly. Then again, Edgar Cayce never gave specific directions in degrees. As Edgar Evans and Hugh Lynn noted, an error of even 3 degrees would make a difference of approximately 6 feet in 100 feet. What about changes in the area caused by landslides, floods, and earthquakes? Were these taken into account? We will never know. This brings us back to the beginning. Was there something wrong with Edgar Cayce? Was this why he either failed to give correct information or get any information at all sometimes? The answer is--not necessarily. We all have abilities, some more highly developed than others. As we learn more about them, especially the ones outside our normal five senses, we will learn more about ourselves and about the man we knew as Edgar Cayce. We will come to know the outer limits of our power. To
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