(Yale University Press)
of Psychology, Hope College. Holland, Michigan
Its powers and perils is a new book that is an easy,
entertaining, and informative read on both the positive
and negative aspects of intuition. The author reviews but
rejects evidence for a psychic component of intuition; nevertheless
he has many stories and accounts of research experiments
that will be of interest to our readers. The section of
his website devoted to this book contains chapter extracts
as well as many links to other sites of interest for each
Has anyone ever told you that "you are amazing"?
Well, you are. You process vast amounts of information
off screen. You effortlessly delegate most of your thinking
and decision making to the masses of cognitive workers
busily at work in your mind's basement. Only the really
important mental tasks reach the executive desk, where
your conscious mind works. When you are asked, "What
are you thinking?" your mental CEO answers, speaking
of worries, hopes, plans, and questions, mindless of
all the lower-floor laborers.
This big idea of contemporary psychological science---that
most of our everyday thinking, feeling, and acting operate
outside conscious awareness---"is a difficult one
for people to accept," report John Bargh and Tanya
Chartrand, psychologists at New York University. Our
consciousness is biased to think that its own intentions
and deliberate choices rule our lives (understandably,
since tip-of-the-iceberg consciousness is mostly aware
of its visible self). But consciousness overrates its
own control....
Its Powers and Perils (Yale U. Press, September
reliable is our intuition? How much should we depend
on gut-level instinct rather than rational analysis
when we play the stock market, choose a mate, hire
an employee, or assess our own abilities? In this
engaging and accessible book, David G. Myers shows
us that while intuition can provide us with useful---and
often amazing---insights, it can also dangerously
mislead us." ~Yale University
rich emerging field of scientific inquiry brilliantly
summarized." ~Scientific
American (Michael Shermer)
is a one-of-a-kind book by one of the best writers in
psychology. Exceptionally reasonable, totally up-to-date,
and responsible, the book has the potential to be a classic
in the field. I couldn't put it down." ~Robert J. Sternberg,
American Psychological Association president-elect.
is hot. But often it is perilously wrong. David Myers marshals
classic and contemporary cognitive science and masterfully
shows us why." ~Elizabeth Loftus, past president, American
Psychological Society
is a great book. It made me more aware of both the awesome
capacities of the human mind and the caveats for analytical
thinking." ~Don Clifton, chairman, Gallup International
Research and Education Center
readable and deliberately provocative..." ~Publishers