Summary by Walt Stover,
For thousands of years, people have used dreams as an intuitive
avenue to success in their lives. The practitioners of this
include many famous and gifted writers, artists, poets,
and scientific
inventors as well as ordinary people. The writer of this
book digest has
been highly rewarded by following his dream messages about
the stock
market. The famous French poet, St. Paul Box, would hang
a sign on his
bedroom door before retiring which read: "Poet at work."
John Steinbeck
noted: "It is common practice that a problem difficult
at night is
resolved in the morning after the committee of sleep has
worked on it."
In contemporary society we frequently use the cliché: "Let
me sleep on it."
book, The
committee of sleep, by Deidrea Barrett,
of Harvard University, contains a fascinating and detailed
account of the dreams that have inspired successful
people in all walks of life. In the field of art, William
Blake painted his own dream as "Young Night's Thought"
describing himself lying on the ground dreaming. Jasper
Johns painted for several years without finding
recognition and success. In 1954, he was inspired by
a dream to paint a large American flag. His series of
flag paintings then established him as a major artist.
Dreams played a major role in the Surrealist's art movement,
and Salvador Dali claimed that : "the greatest
potential inspiration lay in the dream." |
In the field of cinematography, many noted film makers
have incorporated dreams directly into their work. Swedish
director Igmar Bergman used his dream about a coffin exactly
as it occurred in "Wild Strawberries." Fedrico
Fellini's most memorable childhood dream of a magic magician
is reproduced as the finale of his acclaimed film "8
1/2." Other film makers rework dream material
before filming. Director John Sayles had three dreams over
a one week period that he combined to produce his comedy,
"The Brother From Another Planet."
Many writers have also been inspired by their dream
images. The most famous horror story of all time, "Frankenstein,"
was inspired by a dream of Mary Wollstonecraft Shelly in
1816. Edgar Allen Poe's favorite story was his "Lady
Ligea" which was based on a dream about the title
charter with large luminous eyes. Charlotte Bronte reports
intentionally incubating exotic dream experiences for use
in her writings, and Sir Walter Scott also intentionally
found help in his dreams. Some literature is also dictated
directly to the dreamer. One of the most famous and lengthy
of these is Samuel Taylor Coleridge's poem "Kubla Kahn."
Musicians have also found inspiration and success
with their dreams. Paul McCartney composed his hit song
"Yesterday" following a dream in 1965. Beethoven
reported hearing passages of music as he rode in a carriage,
and later used that material with only slight revisions.
Singer and song writer Billy Joel makes highly frequent
use of dream material. He typically hears the musical arrangements
but not the lyrics. Other musicians such as Igor Stravinski
report seeing visual images in dreams and then composing
music in the waking state to fit those images. His idea
for "Rite of Spring" came from a dream scene in
which a sacrificial virgin danced herself to death, and
he composed music to fit that scene and mood.
Dreams of famous scientific discoveries and
inventions abound. The German chemist Kekule worked tirelessly
to discover the elusive structure of the benzene molecule.
Exhausted, he dosed in front of a fire place one night.
In his dream, he saw several snakes appear, form themselves
into circles and bite their own tails. He awoke,
and realized that the benzene molecule must exist as a ring
structure in contrast to all other known organic compounds
that had linear chain structures. Elias Howe also worked
himself to exhaustion in 1884 in many futile attempts to
invent a practical sewing machine. Then in a dream he was
surrounded by native tribesmen with spears that were about
to execute him. The spears all had a highly unusual feature
which was a hole in the point. He awoke and realized that
a needle with a hole in the point would solve his problems,
and soon completed his invention of the sewing machine.
In 1936, the Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded to Otto
Lewis who made his breakthrough discovery regarding the
chemical transmission of nerve impulses from information
given in a dream.
Dreams of physical health are another important function
for the "Committee of Sleep." In early Greece,
people went to the temple of Asclepius to incubate a dream
for healing their physical ailments. In more modern times,
Yale physician Bernie Siegel documents a case of a
man who dreamed that he was tortured by having hot coals
placed beneath his chin. This led to a subsequent discovery
of cancer of the throat. Psychologist Medard Boss reported
a number of dreams that sensed illness before it appeared.
In one of these cases, a woman had four repeating dreams
in which members of her family turned to stone. She soon
developed severe catatonic schizophrenia and her entire
body was frozen rigid.
Dreaming solutions to life's problems is not the exclusive
domain of the rich and famous. The author of this book clearly
documents her own research and success with incubating dreams
in a classroom setting . Two thirds of the participants
had dreams that addressed their problem, and one third dreamed
about actual solutions. The author also provides an easy
seven step method for incubating your own dream solutions
to your specific issues in life.
1. Write down the target problem in a brief sentence and
place it by your bed
2. Review this problem just before going to bed
3. When in bed, visualize yourself dreaming about this problem
and writing down your dream on a note pad.
4. Remind yourself that you want to dream about this problem
while falling asleep.
5. Keep a pen and a note pad on the night table adjacent
to your bed.
6. arrange any objects associated with this problem on your
night table where you can easily see them.
7. Upon awakening, write down any dreams that have
occurred. If no dream is present, lie quietly in bed and
invite the dream to return if possible.
So now you can put the "Committee of Sleep"
to work, and see what wonderful solutions show up in your
own dreams.
recently published the story of his dreams and stock market
investments as "Dreams: A doorway to Abundance"
in Venture Inward, Nov/Dec, 2002. You can read his
account of his work with dreams and investments at:
The book, Committee
of Sleep, may be purchased from Amazon.com.
Just Click Here!